Post attractive politicians from your country
Post attractive politicians from your country
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lider do Bloco de Esquerda(extrema-esquerda)
I am a fag
Someone leaked her sex tape two months ago kek
Sadly I can't find the video online anymore
ffs look harder
Believe me I have tried but I can't find it anywhere
Not gay but this guy is pretty descent looking desu senpai
Looks like Cosmo the speedrunner
He kind of looks like that bearded mexican poster
absolute qt tbqhwy lads
Not at all, the Mexican guy looks like a paki, this guy looks like a proper Mediterraneans bear
nice shop. she is pretty, though
porque dios no me hizo polaco?
We've had a few
She looks like Ivanka Trump.
oh fuck, she does
There is this cadidate for president last year that some people said was hot (I don't share that thought, she is old). She is married with an U.S. congressman.
Here she is with some random woman at her left.
This is a joke right? Please tell me this bait.
actually that pic with the arms and all looks to dull
qter pic here
I love his jawline