english rose edition
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She isn't the only thing that rose this morning.
I promised myself I'd go to bed at 10 today
We're getting Farage as a PM when May calls another election, how does that make you feel?
has anyone got one here then?
>tfw 2 inches flaccid, 6 erect
Not sure desu
6 inches flaccid, 8 erect
thankfully not, in fact I'm informed on good authority it's quite large
feels amazeballs and i'm not even british
Aye forgot he was an MP lmao
Wonder what's going on in the mind of my cat when it looks at me.
Not sure what I am flaccid but I"m 7.6 erect
I'm 5.5 inches, but 7 inches erect
>tfw 2 inches flaccid, 6 erect
That means you're white.
will mummy may provide the midlands engine
*turn on TV*
>white people are bad
*change channel*
>white people are bad
*change channel*
>white people are bad
Ah yes, the television box
Sounds like bullshit but I believe it.
does that feel good for her
>logs into chan
>non whites are bad
ah yes
What hat do you pull this utter drivel out of?
If you can't handle the truth then you should probably hand in your TV licence.
no-one even knew 'Syria' existed up until 2 yrs ago haha
now their refugees are literally upturning the entire western world and the existence of the EU
kinda impressive 2bh whether or not intended
I can't know what goes through the mind of Cara
Right, I'll tell you an anecdote. In 1974 I was catching the London train from Crewe station. It was very crowded; I found myself in a last-minute rush for the one remaining seat beside a tall, good-looking man with collar-length hair, it was the seventies; buckaroo! I looked up and saw it was none other than Peter Purves, it was the height of his Blue Peter career. He said, "You jammy bastard" and quick as a flash, I replied, "Don't be blue, Peter!" Needless to say, I had the last laugh, now fuck off!
>there are people out there with large flaccid penises
surely that's just massively impractical?
what have they done to your country
want to get naked with a girl lads
everyone on /brit/ is 6'5 with an 8 inch dick
I literally do have an eight inch dick I swear
can confirm
I hope it felt good for her.
I'm 5'9 with a 6 inch knob that can get to 6.5 inches if I'm really excited
English rose :3
>close laptop in library to see clear spaff stains on the lid
end it
its why i wear skinny jeans desu
tfw 5'11 with a 7in willy
ah yes the old "promise I won't drink a 3rd night in a row but do anyways" strategy
lets see how this one plays out
I figure it did
would heem cara ngl
Not quite but almost, 6"2
recon donald duck might win this election 2bh
No he won't
Its a change election and he's the change candidate. Hillary's finished.
*punches John Green into a giant fan in the corner of the room shredding him to a million pieces*
*briefly wonders why there was such a fan there to begin with*
*goes about my business*
package #1: be 6'4'', 100% aryan genetics, 9" knob, but work low-skill dead end minimum wage jobs your whole life
package #2: be 5'6'', disgusting anglo genes, 4.5" knob, but work six figure jobs until you retire at the ripe age of 35
donald duck
did some muck
on the kitchen floor
mother duck
wiped it up
and donald did some more
the renaissance never happ-ZRRST
>An english rose lived quite sadly in her estate mansion in rural England
>Her family lived acordingly to the victorian ideals and her upbringing was very strict
>In that sense, the lonely english rose dreamed of a world of freedom and carefree that seemed so distant from her world
>One day, her mother informs her that she is bound to marry sir Georges
>Poor Mary spent her day weeping for Georges was a boorish brute prone to violence and domestic abuse
>At night while she was sobbing in her sleep a shadow swayed in the moonlight in front of her bed
>A dark handsome man in the most luxurious yet elegant clothes was staring at her with a warm passion
>She felt scared but amazed at the same time, he was like a mithycal creature like the ones she read in fantastic books
>"Cariño, te voy a dar el placer que Georges nunca te podera dar para que pudas vivir en paz por toda tu vida" - whispered the handsome man
>Mary was mesmerized and before she noticed it the man was kissing her neck, lowering to her breasts while his hands massaged the back of her ears
>It was like driving a chariot trough the clouds but at the same time it was so warm like the fields of olives
>Despite being a virgin she couldn't feel any pain, just a gigantic amount of pleasure
>She screamed in extasis when the orgasm filled her young body
>Then everything became black
>When she woke up, her mother came to pick her up for the wedding... Mary didn't knew if it was all a dream
>Suddenly, while she was putting her locket around her neck a small handkerchief with foreign ornaments feel down
>"May this suave and passionate handkerchief acompany troughout your life... There will always be a summer"
>"Yours truly:..."
>Fernando Martinez
>in reality
Imagine paying £1500pw to live in a bedsit with violent niggers and extremist pakis as neighbours.
But at least you have a Byron down the road.
Anglo literally means Danish/German you stupid fucking american fuckwit
im literally the same as this lid we just don't post in these gimmicks because we have nothing to be especially boastful of
Trump is sounding a bit scary now
>6 figures until 35
that would run out, confirmed for poorfag that doesn't understand the value of money
That's meeee in the corner
I'm obviously referring to the disgusting brand of white genetics you only find in anglo countries (easy weight gain, shit hair genes, ugly facial asthetics, etc.) you pedantic cunt
>there are actual females reading these threads and giggling at our witty banter
why is this allowed
>Anglo is a prefix indicating a relation to the Angles, England, the English people, or the English language
u wot m8
what's going on here?
oh right I see
Not just giggling ;)
Angles came from northern europe you weapon
it's true, am gril
don't hit on me silly boys ;)
So... the lower class of any race in the world?
Americans really are stupid
Anglo = Danish/German
>ah yes I am 100% German-Danish bred
trannies out
What's sgoin on here
How accurate is this?
Tyrone LaQuelle
saffies should fuck off
>Sup Forums right now
jou ma se poes
Ben "Guns Ablaze at Jews and Gays" Garrison
>there is literally no difference between English genes and Dutch-German genes
northern europeans came from africa
what are you saying? trump's support has never been higher. pic related is michigan from an hour ago. michigan is supposed to be a safe democrat state
really need to violently marry ana kasparian right fucking now lads haha
Call of Duty 4 remake is fucking great if you were wrondering lads
anglos are aryan m8
Remake? I thought it was just a remaster?
there is as you can see our ravers still resemble humans
Howling at this stupid yank cretin who judges race from Sup Forums memes
the Dutch are the most english people outside of england
hillary pulls those numbers in texas. you're delusional if you think that's special
nothing will ever make me click on that cesspool
>this is considered aryan in the uk
there's that word again haha
substantiate your claims
especially frisians
ur frisian