Big lips edition
Other urls found in this thread:
they are children
you're australian
you are children
NEED a jewish gf
this 2bh
White girls with thicc lips are top tier
Those are too big they're nigger-tier
real nonce hours
She looks Jewish
>looks jewish
this literally means nothing
>your post
this literally means nothing
what does it all mean
my girl got a big butt (got a big one)
and big lips she can liplock
ITT: we laugh at runts from Sup Forums
This one was quite a find
The context of this post was black panthers intimidating trump voters outside polling stations, this one runt had this to say:
>Redpill with Spirit Cooking, occultism/devilwhorship. Take out some dank weed and spark it during the conversation and lure them away from their post.
>Let them finish doobie while I explain how the white devils are real a/f and been using the
And posted the related image, an anime nonce thinking he can relate to uneducated African Americans by talking to them about 'spirit cooking', 'white Devils' and 'redpills'
I wonder do they ever actually read the drivel they post
NYC, Montreal, Melbourne in that order are your best chances for finding a jewish gf. That being said, they're the objectively terrible.
you can just link it lad
people with butt chins are subhuman
saw two fellows having a look at the british section of my supermarket
i promptly stepped in front of them and offered my vast knowledge of british culture & cuisine
"have any questions? might i recommend something gentlemen?", i asked them
"no thanks we're good" they said, i continued to tell them the ins and outs of british food, handing them a box of weetabix, some digestive, even a cheeky bottle of HP sauce
"please leave us alone" they said, turning and walking away. Naturally they felt intimidated
some people just can't handle the banter i guess
>Yo nigger, I'm not. I live in a free country with excellent everything and don't care about your sorry ass excuse of an election.
>O-o-o-h s-s-orry sir, I thought you was a white american cuck that fears me automatically. May I spit shine yo shoes?
>That's ok, nigger. I don't wear my poo on shoos indoors.
are you irish or italian i cant tell
Guarantee I could fuck your lass
need a fertile irish lass
The so-called gf
i want to live in new york but im not rich and there's no way i'll get rich so that won't happen
probably won't learn french
australia is full i've heard
im out of luck
you look like big troods
Ireland and Italy and Mexico need to change their flags they're too similar I can't tell who is who
Mate you look like a sad fucking fish
Why are your eyes so far apart? Why so sad? Did someone tell you that you look like an effeminate little gimpy shirtlifting cunt?
I'd smack that prettyboy face until it's not pretty
calm down malaysia
liberia and the usa need to change their flags and skin colours they're too similar i can't tell who is who
fuck off usmoi/malaysia/liberia
the jewish girls in montreal speak english
Ah yes, the famous British banter.
will bet my life savings that she will cancel on me again
hello is this a tree
yes this is the norfolk islands
non whites... are not welcome...
You sound like a huge pussy
Would deck you cold
dubs decides what my excuse for not going to work tomorrow is
ok looks like i shall be coming to montreal for optometry school after all
wow didn't realise Stranger Things was that long ago
>Grabs every yank in this thread by the throat
balls deep in the sister
>tfw narcissist uggo who wants a 10/10 gf and rejects anything below that
emergency penis removal surgery
freak wanking accident
Really nice head of hair on you lad, you'd be well suited to decking willies down your throat twinkle toes
>does she even like me pls respond ;_;
Somebody got dubs on Sup Forums and that made me not go
dog ate my bus pass/car
Classic bloody alt-righters xD
no gf
10 mile run. If you can push more do it
What's awful you fucking skreb
in the hospital after getting your willy stuck up your boyfriends bum
haha melon guy
You're wearing a towel and have no other choice of clothing, that's it, something happened to your clothes which you can't explain why to the point of you just wearing nothing but a towel which will look daft.
absolutely howling at this post
uh oh you done did it now
now some new IPs will say how drumpf has no chance of winning
Fucking hell lads
Housemate has disgusting warts on his elbow area
Creeps me the fuck out. Its brushed against me too before
in the hospital after your boyfriend gets his willy stuck up your bum?
bit cold out
I'm white
trump has already lost
>madame president
sure sounds good donut
you're going to america to kill donald trump
>too intelligent to work
Why are women so fucking foetid?
You identify as Alt-Right and trump's faltering in the polls is giving you panic attacks.
record corrected
busy watching child porn
dont have one
men work harder
women sweat less and have less oils generally
so they don't need to shower as much
found a really cool acorn on the way to work
Really makes you think.
>post gets dubs
>no one else gets dubs
really makes me think...
I poop during sex
Go to work
doing a pop
>he thinks a billionaire wants to return power to the people
Women skin is oily as fuck
Also even if you're a sedentary vegetable, you will begin to smell without washing for a day
What is a shower cap
You only need to shower 4 times Max a week. Anymore is just pampering
>finally started getting with girls on nights out, getting so close to gf
>friends all cut me off
>can't go out anymore
>now I have no gf and no friends
You LITERALLY cannot make this shit up
doing a pilgrimage to mecca (hajj)
broke your ribs trying to suck yourself off
Will Sup Forums explode once hillary wins?
I shower twice a week
was in space