Be 28 year old Italian

>be 28 year old Italian
>step on Legos when stepping out of bed
>mom calls you sick from school


AYY user-A




>be 28 year old Italian
>have sex with some girl in your room
>mom steps in room asking if you need anything

>be 28 year old Italian
>come home from school
>mom beats you for getting a bad grade

I've always wondered who makes this type of photos and more importantly why.

This doesn't even parody a real life phenomenon like OP at least tried to

But how can you not a understanda, subtle americana ironia mimicking de way we talk de eenglish

how is my italian:
scusi, pappere buppi?

yes i admit i was rampantly shitposting

Happened yesterday

>his """""""""""mom""""""""""" doesn't let him skip school when he steps on a lego

>Be Dutch...think to be even remotely civilised and superior


Mucho bene! This a very spicy post!

wow! epic maymay! xD le family guy! le epic funny memes! xDDDD!!111!!!!

kill yourself you dumb fucking underage retard

kys newfie

>be 28 year old italian
>stable job for 4 years
>living with gf in my flat

Mom's dead btw

This is why I will forever hate germanics

>damage a shitty fountain

oh wow is that the end of the world?

and then you woke up

>it's a "leaf faggot makes a horrific and dreadful post" episode

Nah, been here for a while. Enough to transition from complete neet to an (almost) funzionale Humana being

Well, hope you don't mind if I'll bring some friends and we come up there and shit in one your dear King palaces...The one is Hague is fine for you?

That shows your level...go back to your hut, it's better

Fucking autocorrect

ma dai, era una fontanella del cazzo
hanno fatto bene

doppie doppie confermano

Okay, time to settle this matter one for all.
Between your mom and your wife, who you would love most?

Me? Of course it's my ma, if my wife slander or mistreat my ma, i will kick her out of the hourse.
You could always find another wife but only one mom in your whole life.

Considering how divorce is now normal, I'd say the age of wives is over. Women are awful romantic partners.

So, mother > wife.

Sorry to say but confirm you and Women are too self-centered, always expect and never give...
Mother > wife for me as well

How do you even know about newfoundland you retarded vigirn nigger-sucking faggot?

>be 28 year old Italian
>it starts raining during your newspaperboy job
>mom finishes the rest of your newspapers and makes you hot chocolate

Stock photography, friendo.

neither 2bqhwy

>be 28 year old Italian
>study for 6+ years
>earn 800€/month full time

I like this thread.

Are gay guys better or do they just act like women? If they are two men then I'm pretty jelly and await the invention of gay pills.

>barely hs education

I didn't ask for this feel

Ma sei solo un coglione

>be 45 year old Italian
>retire with 2500€/month
>spend your days complaining about muh pensions and young people being lazy

Sei tirolese ve?

Samw goes for all southern yuropoors. With Greeks you only have to replace the age with 40

This Is just mean

My father retired after 40 years of work with 1800€/month.
He worked 10 to 12 hours a day, and He was the maintenance chief for a Big industry.

Lots of elders have 500€ check here

witnessed many living memes like this
I pray they spend everything they have in medical aid and badanti

my mom would do that

It sounds like you're jealous

there was more culture in that fountain than in the entirety of Netherlands

Sounds to me like there is a ragie wagie on the loose angry about having massive debt at 22, so he takes it out on the master race that lives debt-free in a house they actually own.

I sure hope you enjoy that "independence" making money for your boss, wagie. Better work hard tomorrow, that loan needs repaying quick before they take "your" house away.

>massive debt

t. Gord Romano

>be 28 year old Italian
>be a cruise ship captain
>attempt a dangerous maneuver to impress mom
>crash into a rock
>abandon 4000 passengers and go home because it was getting dark and mom called and said dinner's ready

me on the left

kys toothpaste

anal sex

>be 8 year old Italian
>step on Legos when stepping out of bed
>dad seriously talking with you about meanig of life and your place in it

>be 8 year old Italian
>have sex

>be 8 year old Italian
>come home
>from school

>be Italian in 2008+8 year
>newspaperboy job is still exist in your jobmarket

>be 8 year old Italian
>study for 6+ years
>die virgin,people spread rumors you were gay

>be 8 year old Italian
>playing in cruise ship captain in bath
>attempt a dangerous maneuver to impress mom
>crash into a rock
>abandon 4000 passengers
>grove up and intent to join navy
>superstitious aunt remind you that case from your childhood and recommend to choose something else
>you agree with her

i'm doing right?


>russian ruining everything


things that make you go hmmm

did we break that?

The havenarbeiders from >Rotterdam did

you're not funny

>be 30 year old italian
>mom is strung out on the same drugs as you

tfw thread is too long

can I have a recap?

>you're not a 28 year old italian
>you don't have an italian gf
is there even any semblance of a point to keep living?

wtf. retard