
Dohnald, I'm POTUS - edition

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cum lol


Tacos are p good desu

Hillary clinton is a literal cuck

Tack Sverige, jag gillar din mat ocksa.

dat cap

who up

after hearing benghazi and emails so much i voted hillary

ivanka is the cuck though
>trump literally cheated on her constantly
>had to go photo shoot to make up for it

nvm ivanka is his daughter i cant tell slavshits apart

I just sharted in my pants.

Am I American now?

do you think you're brown enough?

Sup, /cum/. I bought a copy of "Grimm's Fairy Tales" as a prize for Halloween's Best Costume, and I need to write a dedicatory. Is this accurate:

"Dear XXX,

May your journey into English be as magical and fantastic as this book.


anyone got that sauce?


lol it's just a prank

good mornig /cum/!

This. I unironically have a ton of respect for her. Bitch had the biggest fuckup of the decade and then went to a public court and bullshitted so good for twelve straight hours she that walked out of free.

That's the kind of innovation and self preservation that made America so great.

top o the morning Texas

I can't wait to bully Sup Forumsddit when Trump loses, this site will literally crash from the sheer force of the entirety of the internet coming here to laugh at Trumplets

>tfw you learn another culture's language and customs so you can more effectively bully its posters

You just posted this in another thread, I think you're actually butthurt about Trump and the election. I warn you: buttmad will be your fatal flaw

t. bet his entire $180 SSDI check on Trump winning the election

Mistress H

Woof. I am not worthy.

Actually I put money on Hillary. I'm just giving you a prophetic warning because you seem legitimately upset about something, heed it or not.....

what does 18/11 mean? as in pre 18/11 and 9/11

He rapes women, is in the early stages of Alzheimers, has gone bankrupt multiple times, has been linked to child sex rings and has accepted donations from NAMBLA. It's literally impossible for him to win.

retarded Euroshitters who switch the format of month/day to day/month instead

It's supposed to be 11/18, meaning the 11th of november

you are not listening to my warning

your fate is sealed

>has been linked to child sex rings a

but I heard this in an interview about security. the guy said "those things were all allowed pre 9/11 and pre 18/11" (apparently 18/11 was earlier than 9/11)
I wondered what happened there (terrorist attack, assassination...)

Have you read Wikileaks lately? he's been linked to Epstein and his gang of pedos. The man is literally a reincarnation of Hitler with a lust for young girls and a bad spray tan.

No I haven't. I just thought it was a Hillary beat down desu.


Fuck off Finnigger.

>Finnish """"people""""
>worthy of an apology

I honestly don't give a fuck if she pays herself a billion dollars per year. We have hedge fund managers who themselves more. $400k is a fucking joke.

I'm worried about the other $4 trillion. I'm worried about the stock market. I'm worried about the debt.

If it's legitimately Grimms, and not a whitewashed bastardization, there's going to be very little fantastic or magical about it. Parents are going to kill kids, people are going to cut off their own limbs and people are going to eat sand until their organs give out.



Oy vey!

Good morning, /cum/

Good morning!

i drink coffee in the morning


I can't even see the kitty, bad meme

>3 more days until trump loses
cant wait

ohayou baja-chan

Im up early cause ain't enough light in the day time

Doesn't she look like Mistress T ? Imagine the shit she's done to Bill.

fuck you

Please toast moar like these

They are delicious

When Putin cyberattacks the US on tuesday will we be justified in taking down their grid? We know they're going to do it, so what should our response be?

Or should we just declare Syrya a no fly zone and blow their shit out of the sky?

trump is not gon to be president

>trump is not gon to be president

Not for long, anyway. He has pending criminal indictments that can land him in prison. Srsly.

Why is Russia/China so good at hacking us and we can't do shit about it?
Tell me computer wizards.

t. Vicente fox

Go back to finding pokemons one salamanca old man, Trump will win

Post rare clintons nows the time to buy low

Ignore the Clinton child sex ring, it was only a few 15 year olds.

on a side note: Mark dice is the latest gossip about Clinton.

"Hey Donald. Is that you over there? Epstein's parties are a riot, aren't they? Come here little gurl..."

Thank god we're not voting for Bill.


really makes you think

What do you call this thing, when you get drunk, you pass out for a while and continue drinking?

In Finnish is called välikuolema (interval death?)

I don't know if we don't have much of a word for that.

Mostly just have "waking up drunk" but that doesn't imply you'll start drinking again.

There is no such word because we are not alcoholics by nature

if we have*

oh, ok.

This story is kind of 2 day old news but its nice to see the Media finally catching up, it also kind of drwafs the whole Lolita express thing tied to bill.

>3 more days

Fuck off CTR

>if u don like my candidate u r CTR
yeah nah

Back to >>>>>>/pol
Take your election loss butthurt with you

Your magic has no power here.

Oooops, para ti
para que quieres saber eso?

Fuck off autists, he just assumes most Americans support Trump here and he's trying to be nice. You don't have to sperg because he dislikes an old crotchety cunt

What food is this, I would like to try it

trump is older than hillary

Love is fucked

You are eloquent Brazil.
I would enjoy the gift of that book from you sir.
I would cherish such a thing.

>70 vs 69
Don't you just feel so represented right now?

dumplings? like fried pot stickers

1 year younger is still younger

>para que quieres saber la fonte del porno

And he's been campaigning what is it, 4 times as much? I hate both but she's 4 times as slimey.

Breaking this trip cycle now.

yeah, but shes literally younger
there is no argument

>GREENVILLE, Miss.—Police said they were interviewing a “person of interest” Wednesday evening in connection with a fire that heavily damaged an 111-year-old African-American church on which someone spray-painted “Vote Trump.”

>Police Chief Delando Wilson, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, said the person hasn’t been charged with any crime. Chief Wilson declined to describe the person’s race or gender but said he doesn’t believe anyone else was involved in the incident Tuesday evening.


>Chief Wilson declined to describe the person’s race or gender

wonder why


probably white like the cop shooter


wheres mexico

Trump is a fascist


hes a cuck

>work in an hour

just end it all now, buds


I don't give a shit who wins because nothing will change at my low level of living. Things will remain shit regardless. Maybe one of these jackasses will pull us into a real war though which will give me chance to die in foreign fields but when was last time this nation fought a just fight?
Are you seriously whining right now that you're going to eventually be picking up a paycheck? What an asshole.

>complaining about income

the clintons are both cucks

bill fucked and raped

hillary fucked one of their friends and had his kid, chelsea isn't bill's daughter

i can't wait until trump wins and the clintons disappear