Ywn live in a multicultural society

>ywn live in a multicultural society

Just move to Germany and you'll have all the black girls you could wish for

>ywa live in a multicultural society


you don't want to live in a ''multicultural'' society, you want to live in Africa, face it

>ywn live in a conflict and tension free society where you can leave your doors unlocked

if you dont pick the second from left (the darkest) you are a racist tttt

Not as good as portrayed tbqh

I want the chocolate qt

right looks like a man, disgusting

How does a black pussy smell like?

hnnnng her eyes are so pretty

i do
it sucks

sadly i do. it really isnt that bad in halifax but other cities have it way worse.

It has a very strong pungent odor that attracts Alpha males and subjugates beta males to their will.

Multiculturalism is overrated, friend.

are you serious? where the fuck do you live that hasnt turned to a shitskin infested crime-ridden hellhole? I cant even leave my bike outside since the somalians keep cutting the lock and leaving the bike some kilometer away when they are done

At least 2 look like a man.

me too :3

Shit sucks tbah (a=absolutely)

Move to Toronto. Lots of black girls for you Croats to fug as well.

FInnland isn't multiculti tho desu

God bless


>Theres fabric on the rifle in the second pic but not the first

Now just what tom foolery is going on here

>ywn live in a multicultural society

Milli Vanili were awesome tho.

tfw german bf

>all the black girls you could wish for
well. most blk women in germany are from west africa.

ewww tbqh

yey its so great woo...

>brb moving to Croatia to not live in a multi culti dystopia and to fuck your women


>swedish reading comprehension

>tfw don't live in a multicultural society
pretty comfy

Doesn't Toronoto actually have a lot less crime than other places?
>trusting white anglo scum

Toronto doesn't have much crime, and most of it is pretty much exclusively in one region anyways

but im from a province with ~1.5% visible minority so i honestly don't know those multicultural feels

Come to SA. Experience all the crime, fraud and innefiency courtesy of our "rainbow nation"

or maybe brazil for the same experience

Its overrated.

2, 3, 1


Holy fuck the third one hair is sex.

kill marry kill fuck

Everyone lives is segregated communities and there is racial tension and race riots every now and then.

>Your country was 99,9℅ homogenous 2 years ago, now its 95℅ only.
Russians please stop bullying Xoxols, we have got over 2kk of them already here and next ones want to come.