Are men in your country masculine or feminine?

Are men in your country masculine or feminine?

100% masculine, of course.

The average Joe would probably be considered a rugged type by the standards of other nations.


very feminine and cute and with no bodyhair at all thanks to mongols

masculine where i am from

people can only tell im male when from really close

*the mongols
I don't care though

French men are feminine as fuck, the language is the most feminine flamboyant language in the world just to start.
oo la la non circamsee I seer en dareee ho hon

>5' 8
>130 lbs
>Shave my face
>Look in the mirror
>I would fuck me if I had longer hair, not even wearing makeup
I've made a habit of contorting my facial expression at all times so I'm always sorta low eyebrowed scowling like pic related. I also wont shave my legs even though I shave everywhere else. Wear leather jackets for no reason etc.

Have you learned nothing?
Must I BEAT some sense into you?

200% Masculine

it's a fun game, lad

feminine af


I've met a lot of gays here in SoCal.

Feminine, come and get my boipucci

We very machos yes

mucho macho machistador mmmmmmm

Yes mucho mucho

Nice moobs

masculine. I feel the pressure to behave masculine

uh well, slavs aren't very cute...

Those are muscles
Not that you would know anything about that