1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Are you a wageslave?

i guess my country is only slave of the winter


also, no current year stats?

who /10hourworkday/ here

>all that overtime pay
>no energy or free time to spend it

No I'm worse, I'm a NEETcuck

Id rather work 50 hours a week. At least id have a purpose and some money

beleive me, you life style will only get worse with a 50 hour

poor people work hard, we work smart

I'm a NEET, dumb wagecucks.

My previous job was 50-60 hours a week, a shithole abusive workplace. The only redeeming factor was the pay. Fortunately now I have a 40 hour job that also pays well.

I had 100 hour work weeks when I was in finance

thank fuck I left that field

Believe me no it wouldn't

There's nothing worse than being a neet.
literally only downsides, here's my life:

>Parents yell everyday telling me to get a job
>Have to eat shit food parents buy because lolnomoney
>No friends
>No girlfriend - obviously kissless because no girls like neets
>Wake up at 2pm everyday
>16 hours of freetime but too lazy to do anything with it
>Can't afford anything besides using a computer
>out of shape

It sucks. Worst of all there's no light at the end of thetunnel. I could stay a neet for the next 10 years and. Id have progressed nowhere in life

>I'm a NEET, dumb wagecucks.

I used to post smug pepes too but I'm starting to realize maybe I was using it to mask my neet-induced depression

Think that might be similar to you?

You lived at your job?

Did you get rich?

I'm depressed, but I'd be even more depressed if I was a wagecuck.

Do you really think so or do you just tell yourself that to justify not doing anything?

Iktfb I lied to myself like that for years but I'm starting to realize I was just doing it as a defense mechanism. I've applied to a bunch of places this last week.

pretty much

I earned a lot of money but I stopped after a few years and now have a much comfier and lower-paying job

>tfw my degree pretty much requires me to get a hard working job
should have chosen some political bullshit mayor instead to justify my lazyness

>tfw Hospital job requires a 12 hour work day for 4 days a week and I'm required to be on call for the rest of the week.

But hey, the benefits are great and it pays well so I'm not complaining.

I want to become a wagecuck

1. belgium
2. yes, working as an auditor :x