>no /flag/tism thread

What is this madness?

Extra flags
>github.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-Sup Forums

Regional flag templates

Flags template

Example map with ALL flags filled in

About Sup Forums flags

Other urls found in this thread:


>What's the deal with these flags floating in the northern Atlantic ocean?
I'm gonna go over them one-by-one.

This is the flag of an Anonymous Proxy, and it is impossible to get.

This is the flag of a Satellite Provider, and it may be possible to get if you access Sup Forums without an ISP.

This is the Unknown flag, and it happens most often when a post is moved here from a board which does not have flags.

Asia/Pacific region, it happens when Sup Forums is accessed through an ambiguous location in Asia or the Pacific ocean.

Same as Asia/Pacific, but for Europe.

This is the old flag of Antarctica, it has since changed to an all-white flag.

This was the flag of the country of Libya until 2011, it has since changed.

This is the flag of the Dutch Antilles, which has since split into Aruba, Curaçao, and the others.

This is the flag of Serbia & Montenegro, which has since split into, of course, Serbia and Montenegro.

These are the individuals flags of the constituent countries of the UK. They are probably there just in case a country leaves the UK.

This is the flag of Catalonia, a part of Spain. It is probably there for the same reason as the GB flags.

>F A M
This is the flag of the company that made all of the flag sprites.

Next question:
>How many of those flags can I get legitimately?
Only A2, XX, AP, and EU.

>How can I find flags?
Well you can search for them by yourself, which means you'll miss most of the good ones. But most serious flaghunters use this website which tracks the usage of flags.

>How can I find regional flags?
Once a week, the Austranon uses a script to post all of the regional flags that were used in the past week. Here is a link to this week's.

>How do I install the Extra Flags plugin?
First you need to install Tamper Monkey, and then just put the script in. It's a plugin to an extension.

>How do I use the Extra Flags plugin?
After you install it, reload a Sup Forums tab and you will be directed to a page asking you to allow the Extra Flags plugin. Allow it, and then go back to Sup Forums and reload again. It will automatically ask you where you live, but it will only know if you tell it. You can choose how deep into your location other people can see.

New here

what is even the point??

What is the point in anything? Why do you do anything you do?

For fun. Why would any non-autist be interested in looking at flag icons all day?

Why do you think? For fun.

this isnt the best answer, tbqh

i, too wondered Why

Unlike that Flordian I'll give a decent answer,
you know how your current flags show your country? These will show the specific areas.
So instead of guessing the shitposter South Italy, or having to say your US State, it's right there for people to see.

I don't get the whole narrowing it down to your fucking town shit but I avoided that part.

Because flags friendo :^)

Hello fellow Massachusetts user

This is literally Autism: The General

Alright guys, time to post our collections. This is mine, it's not great but it's mine.

I have every European flag, including the EU flag except for Gibraltar and Guernsey.

I've seen Mongolians more recently here.
They're kinda like Russians only they're clearly drunk while posting.
Heya, I'm the guy from last time.

>Heya, I'm the guy from last time
My memory is fuzzy, lad. I don't remember you, what did we talk about?

Also what are you doing up this late? :^)

making flags lads, anyone got any ideas for what should be done after the czech republic?

About how we're both from MA

Passed Firearm Safety Coarse, going for LTC soon.

Oh fug you're that guy. Glad you passed your course, lad.

I'd like to get a handgun but you have to be 21 :^(


Oh someone's younger than me on this board, surprised!
You can still go for your FID though.

>tfw you can get automatic rifles easier than handguns here
you only have to be 18 tho to get the gun license

Pretty sure I can't have a rifle on campus, though. It'd be killer to get a rifle in NC and go hunting over the summer.

>rifle on campus
Nope, one of the biggest no-no's unless it's unloaded at every moment it's on campus. In which case they will hate your guts and want to/try to expel you.

Normie life tastes so good

>ywn be a normie

german municipalities

they will almost never run out

Someone help me out

I already have Oman, Monaco and Marshall islands

found a stealth rare, for anyone thats interested.

When did you guys loss your virginity ?

I was 14

wrong link
"reunion" disguised as a french flag

>tfw havent lost virginity

>losing your virginity
i... it'll happen someday

Get some Chinese girl to fuck you.

A1, BV, and HM are impossible to get. A1 is unable to post and BV and HM are uninhabited islands.

>tfw no asian girls to fug in hundreds of kilometers
reeeeeeeee the one time living in a 90% white area is bad


What's the other 10% ?


>wanting to fuck an Asian girl

the nz census is weird because you can put down more than one thing, so my region (the Wairarapa) is 90% and 20% maori somehow, plus like 2-3% pacific islanders and the same number of ethnic 'New Zealanders' who are usually just white or maori

there are a couple asians/indians tbqh but only shop owners and shit. have seen about four blacks irl, don't know if they lived here or where passing through tho

NZ sounds weird :/

new zealand is the world's true superpower lad, that's why we fake these silly accents so nobody takes us seriously

You're just a poor mans Australia tho

pls set county and town pls


>tfw nz has less gdp than kentucky and almost no natural resources
>everything is expensive because it has to be imported
>outside of auckland (aka new beijing) everyone is poor af
>most gangs per capita of any country, big meth problem, rising crime, binge drinking and domestic abuse
nz is pretty shit tbqh senpai

user proxy isn't impossible we got it last month. If you're talking about PKs site he stated his user proxy tracker is broken.

user proxy shows Andorra flag and only redirects to a.gif not a1.gif. country code is a1 tho

At least you don't have the killer animal problem that Australia does, fuck Goannas.

I guess I was wrong then

NZ's native wildlife is almost all birds, with a few lizards (the only native mammal is a type of bat), some of them like moas or haast eagles could absolutely destroy a human but the Maori wiped them all out

it's cancer that kills everyone here, we're number 1 in the world (yay!), cancer, sucide or car accidents


our shitposts aren't good enough so now we are all dying senpai

just one (you) a day can send the cancer into remission for weeks, do yuor bit, fight cancer

I hate Oceania but OK, here's a (You)

its 3am what r (you) doing m9

This was the thread but you can't really tell it was user proxy


thanks lad, was going to have to knock down a city and pretend there was an earthquake to be relevant for a week

uni term is over now, haven't found a job for the summer yet so have nothing to do, don't need to get up early

>cant even beat Ireland
have a (You) you poor soul

>commits ritual suicide by jumping into mount doom

When my dads sperm entered my mothers vagina

you are the Rare Regional of the Week lad :^)

sleep schedules help a little bit

i think i will sleep now, if this post is singles

sheeeeeeeeeeet m9 y u do this

the law of the dubs is tapu, but i will break it, despite the great damage this will do to my mana

What's wrong with goannas? :(

i dont hate women but every time one talks i have an brain aneurysm

good for you lad. night night dont let the bedbugs fug yuo

i killed the spiders with my electric tennis racket a few hours ago
they won't fug me now, my virginity is save

They fucking suck >:(


ive never had it and i dont plan to, but sex isnt worth the crazy

Goannas are not for sex

anything is for sex if you really go for it lad

Not in Australia, or you get made dead.

Because they just do silly willy.
Why do you like them ?

A guy posts ITT that fucks horses, so this can't be that much worse

fug mane go to sleep :DDDD


ok :DDDDDD braise winston

ill be back later manes, need to build a deck

>captcha: select all patios

I am the hero of my time


I am the hero of my time




Tomorrow is /flag/s birthday :D


Oh shit, I completely forgot Hillary will be elected in 2 days.



girl or guy


does it matter ?

New fags cant triforce

New fags cant triforce

cn i hz skriptz plox senpaii

in ah mnt






sleep accomplished :DD

Communism will prevail

go back to sleep


but its 11 am senpai

No it's not, it's 5:00 PM