Love it or hate it editon
2nd for no gf
4th for no gf
plymouth is actually an alright place
NEED a "that lad who..." edition next
What did I tell you last time you runt?
>watching those copper shows
>they drive the massively specced 3L beamers and audis
>chasing someone in a shitty 1.6L white van
>they lose them
"If Operation Sea Lion had happened Britain would have surrende-"
Alri lads just doing a stretch
Dads army went to shit after season 8
>buy myself a brand new fully specced Astra VXR
>dad backs it into his own car in first 2 weeks
>get it repaired
>600 quid
>live on street with very narrow roads
>fold mirrors in
>dustbin lorry twatted it yesterday
>took off mirror and lots of damage on drivers side door
I couldn't stand that, I used to get properly bitter about the fact that my housemate did enjoy going to the pub, but would always invite people over to ours for a fucking board game instead because he preferred weed. It was a novelty the first time, but it just kept happening.
I wanted to go out and meet people, chat up girls and stuff, but nah. Just had to play scrabble and dungeons and dragons or some shit while being told off for not taking it seriously at all.. I fucking hate stoners for that reason, they're boring cunts who keep cancelling plans and never leave the house while believing they're the coolest fucking people ever.
Why are all these motorbike camera guys on youtube always such confrontational cunts
Hahha brother just walked into my room naked
gotta look hard when the cameras rolling
who /comfy/ rn watching the fireworks
hmm this is the second twink iv'e seen this week who is a tripod
feels bad man
how can I be 'going to Hell' .... when I'm already there?
>large flaccid penis
haha he's not white
Anyone else like fiveheads?
Why do you feel bad lad
Sup Forums, WoW and hearthstone or whatever it's called
He's decent chat but he disapproves of smoking, drug use and alcohol which makes for a pretty shite Saturday night
Yea, one of my flatmates is a bit of a pain in the arse in that he's a bit tight. He'll only head to the pub once a week with his gf to listen to live music, and other than that he only really drinks carry outs. Any time the rest of us are heading to the pub he doesn't come because decent chat and a nice atmosphere aren't worth £3 a pint when you can get cans for 50p each
who /postinginboththreads/ here
Shitty album
>he doesn't come because decent chat and a nice atmosphere aren't worth £3 a pint when you can get cans for 50p each
That was my housemate all over. I love the pub because usually it's just a comfy atmosphere to hang out in but also has the slight chance that anything could happen.
*knocks the hustle*
making dinner lads
>Only those 6'3 or over need apply
Enjoy being lonely then ya munt
Women are shit at measurements
I don't get why literal 5'4 women want 6 ft lads when literally every guy will be taller than them anyway
I'm 6'4 but honestly wouldn't even respond to such a fake, shallow, vapid cunt.
I don't even bother with the profiles that says stuff like
>6ft and over only
I know plenty of great men that are under 6ft and it is fucking shit that they don't get a chance because some women are shallow cunts.
brit dead bc 2 threds
making dinner lads
youd think after all this time these bastard animals would have adapted to not give a shit about fireworks rather than being little gimpy twats and shitting themselves every single time
fucking bellends
Reminder that only pakis don't like Marmite.
nobody on omegle
>use all my ammo getting to the end of a mission
>nothing left to kill the boss
ahh yes
some little wankers stole my bin whilst I was out and lit it on fire a few streets down.
Can still here them pissing around about it so I valiantly called 101 and went inside.
little sods
nevermind chatting with some mixed race Canadian girl rn lads
Hillary Clinton will be the first President in the history of America to be under investigation by the FBI.
#MakingHistory #ImWithHer
Everyone below this line is a paki
racist brexiteers BTFO
baked the preggers gf a cake lads
Slowly realizing I'm superior to 99% of the people around me.
London independence when?
Actually what would happen to the rest of England if London decided to go independent?
where can I meet girls lads
doctor doctor i feel like a pair of curtains
>I am a libertarian
wtf i love hillary now
i drink beer me
I'm trans, deal with it
What's all this hoohah about the country having too many people? No where I go seems too crowded tbqh.
Daily reminder to the Remaniacs that there's nothing you can do to stop Brexit
hate it
don't like it very much
Tariff it to fuck
think a go on fifa might be in order
>$20,000 for memes
Love how Hilltards are like "lol i don't care that she deleted emails" but ignore the content of the emails themselves.
Yes I do.
I'm not a farmer and thus don't want them subsidised as much as they are.
It's so inefficient we pay farmers not to grow crops due to fear of oversupply.
Meanwhile Mbeki in Senegal who is willing to take pennies gets fuck all.
Need a new place for creepshots now that /r/candidfashionpolice is gone
*deals with it by kicking your fat bearded brown head off your manly shoulders*
Anyone want to coeme round and play on my new Playstation VR?
lads this sunset is amazing. it's got orange and purple
only problem is, it's over a fucking parking lot
Daily dose
read them, nothing to worry about desu
Need to get a ps4 so I can play some aahahah
>Scotland leaves UK
>London also leaves
>Both join up to EU
>Not even getting the meme right
Creasing XD
It's alright, not really good for toast or cereal but a decent salt substitute.
*stomps you*
10 dollars for a pint in Toronto
7 dollars for a pint in Guelph
>driving home earlier
>some paki cunt on his phone just walks out into the middle of the road without even looking up
>slam the brakes on hard and only just miss him
>he looks at me like it was my fault
wish i could have ran the twat over
>The Saudi government fund ISIS and the Saudi government fund Hillary
ah yes no problems
sure m8 whats your address
baby boomers ruined my generation
>literally every guy
pretty sure i could tell women that i am 6'2'' and they would believe me
i am 5'10''
>read them
All of them?
Will be down to 135lbs or even lower by the end of the year
new laser clinic seems promising
using skin lighting cream
>manly shoulders*
...yeah, that sucks
this depressed scots NEET has a gf and we don't
why me
You're meant to be aware of pedestrians
Seriously, move out. Bedbugs are no laughing matter
Yes and
Saw this in the ethnic food aisle in Morrisons today. Irish confirmed for Paki-tier.
meh, the bush family are best buddies with the bin ladens but that didn't seem to bother anyone. don't see why this is any different.
>>The Saudi government fund ISIS
If it made anything cheaper I wouldn't really care about unskilled migrants, not like I'm some tit without a GCSE to my name so I wouldn't be competing with them.
>tell women im 7 inches
>im actually 6.2
>girls have told me im a big guy
>in on a Saturday night in Central London and I can hear fireworks going off all over the place
>made braised lamb shank for myself
>sat in my gown drinking port
>boiler is broken and the house might have bedbugs
>Not feeling as comfy as I should be really.
not sure if no one wants to be my friend or if I'm not putting in the effort with people that do
>queen of england moves out
>government of england moves out
>it's officially classed as a foreign country