How's trump viewed in your country?

How's trump viewed in your country?

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"literally hitler"


fukken kek

Like Hitler coz he is against refugees and so on bla bla bla, I hate my country

Damn that's fucking based if it's real

Melanija is the mother of the nation, and Donnie boy is our collective father-in-law.

how is this video viewed in your country?

One person I know dislikes Trump. He tends to believe what the media says. So maybe the media told him Trump was bad.

A friend thinks Hillary might be a psychopath and that Trump is better.

Almost everyone I talked with hates him. When I ask them what good things Hillary will do they fall silent.

The butthurt over Trump reaches astounding high levels.

One of the two most influential newsrags in Colombia keeps on shilling for Hellary (hoping to influence their readers to convince any relative in the States able to vote to cast their vote for Hillary, I guess, because I don't see any other reason to do so) while expressing their asspain over Trump. The possibility of a victory for Trump scares them to no end.

If someone can read taco, here's one example:

this. They shit on Hillary too though

That looks dangerous for the children and animals.


i don't get it
what's the point ?

3rd column means neither of them

What a lie. Trump isn't Hitler in Brazil. He is just a business man.

The new hitler

The new hitler that will be elected

No path to 270. He might as well go home.

Looks like your brainwashing worked

nobody cares

they put trump signs up and the stand/base of the sign is is a wooden plank with nails in it. People try to run the signs over and when they do they get a flat tyre like in OPs pic.

I think they put those spikes there because cars ran over the cartels so next time they do their tires will explode


look at the bottom right panel. the signs have nails so anyone running them over will have a nice time with ruined tires.

Eccentric rich man

Wait, do people just casually ride over signs they don't like?

We're talking about Americans here

kek it seems so


/lat/ autocorrect, everyone

Is it posters? Signs? Me no spic english

Lord savior, second coming of Arkan the tiger

>caring what happens in your toilet of a country

No thanks


that's a neat looking turd.

Signs. What do you call them in Spanish?

You should talk achmed. America is the greatest nation in the world. We have more power and influence than you ever will, we own you. You're not even worthy of shining my shoes.

Stay tsundere

Carteles lel

You know that most of Europe looks at you as barely civilised, ill-educated subhumans ? But please, continue with your delusion.

Aha, there's a reason pakis 'fit in' better in your country.

person of indian nativity here.
absolute incarnation of evil

t. abdul

Trump is preffered. I hope he wins because in a USA vs. Russia war Romania is the first to suffer.

I'm no Trump fan, but they really deserved that for trying to terrorize someone for expressing their views.
Those unamerican fucks...

No, that's illegal and pretty fucked up.

this tbqh

also he'll bring about the end of the world

some people step through the bulllshit, but hate both candidates.

Because we're mostly kind, accepting people?

people steal election signs, so why not run over them like an asshole?

>people steal election signs
That's also illegal.

Yea this is America

No because you're retarded

just because something is illegal doesn't mean people won't still do it fuck face

t. Newfags

Pretty much everyone i know except my dad and one friend dont like him

I - Neutral
Father - proTrump and really love him
Mother - neutral
Grandmother - hate Trump and republican party. The most evil person according to her is Ronald Reagan. She hates him

>people break the law
What's your point, then?
I don't think I care for your attitude.

Quite poorly.