Try to find a better and more fucked up peninsula than the Balkans

Try to find a better and more fucked up peninsula than the Balkans.
pro tip: you can't

Come on, we're not in the 90's anymore.
The most fucked up peninsula is Western Europe now.

yea right, the best countries of europe are the considered the worst, nice meme


balkans are great nigger, not our fault that you and the servers are apes

maybe it's just a thing about peninsulae being befuckled?

well what did you expect? Albanians and Turks have this habit of turning into shit everything you touch.

Except Croatia you're all nice.

denmark is ok

Albanians are the natives of the Balkans you fucker, it's Serbia's fault we're so fucked up.

middle east

t. never went to Paris, London, or Malmo

Western Europe is either going to be Africa, or fall into a Racial War.

>Albanians are the natives of the Balkans

it's true

this place even with all the niggers is still better than plebeastan

maybe just larger and (probably more importantly) more ethnically diverse peninsulae?

The balkans is only shit because of albos

If albos were gone everything would be perfect. Maybe bosniaks too

your country's capital is Albanian you fucker and real Macedonians don't exist anymore so shut up



>balkans are great

go /thread



however blakans are the second biggest penisula in the europe with

a perfect weather and geography , great history and culture (latin+greek) , nice nature and location (between central europe east europe , wester asisa and middle east , and if only commies and turks never existed....

>Nice location between continents
That location is the reason this region was the cumbucket and conquest target for every empire and people's who passed through (including the Bulgars themselves)
It's shit location

only places you'll find shqips in Skopje is in ghettos north of Vardar which are like time froze in Ottoman occupation

The reason why east roman empire was great is that they got balkans and constantinople.

Quite good place for trading also blakans have 6 seas and is protected by enough mountains and danube , and it was conquered only once (of course great powers left us to rot).

But in general it was our fault that is shitty today.


natives as the turks.

great english cigany
