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International #672
Why is everyone so racist?
I hate myself
What is the most historical city in the world?
What do people in your country do on friday nights?
How would you feel, if flags got permanently removed from Sup Forums?
Is there a BETTER country on Earth today than Germany?
Dubs decide which yountry gets nuked
What is your drink of choice, Sup Forums?
Daily reminder that mexicans are white. if poles, russians, and serbs are considered white, then mexicans are white
TPP is declared "Dead" by Congress
/cum/ - Canada United States of america Mexico
Nobody likes the french because they are shitty people
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Post your eyes Sup Forums
Why are Japan and America best friends?
ITT: Cunts you could easily destroy in war
Do you live in one of these counties?
1. Yours truly
I lik spen do yu lik
Commiefornians in charge of a secession movement
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
What do you think of aztecs?
Can someone explain to me why he has such a fucking hard-on for slavic people and countries...
1. Your cunt
Marriage between human and animal is legal in Italy
Find a flaw
Tfw I'm a twink top and love bottom muscle daddies
Hilo latino /lat/
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - for svenskar och brödrafolk
1v1 no nukes
Child porn is legal in Russia
What do you guys think of people posting 2D girls to express themselves?
1. your cunt
Why would an immigrant choose Canada over the USA? What's the rationale?
Living in Argentina
If black people or Brazilian people visit my house and I serve bananas to them
Which one of these Mexican shitholes is most like a first-world country (aka like the United States)?
Made you think, huh...?
What kind of idiot would bully Norway??
I fucking hate this shithole. I'm surrounded by primitive baboons with an IQ of a shoebox...
Trump promised visa-free travel for Poles if he's elected - he said he will deal with this during the first weeks of...
I'm genuinely curious. What are the cultural differences between the Latin American countries...
Do all Europeans hold the fork in their left hand or is it just an American meme that they do?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Is this haircut the international sign that you're a peasant?
/deutsch/ - FREE US BLEASE Ausgabe
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How will Trump force Mexico to pay for the wall? That sounds literally impossible to achieve
173 cm
So ummm....hi?
Am I the only one mad that our First Lady is a slav that can barely speak English?
Should felons be required to divulge their history to potential employers...
Russian marrying Turk
Anyone else has multilingual "problems"?
Even if europe votes for right wing
Rate my street thread?
Kurva anyátok
Ok lets be realistic for a second
Cum to Finland during winter
/deutsch/land wieder großmachen
Ur coutry
Anyone ever get the feeling that English people are made much cheaper than other humans?
ITT: Love&peace thread. be polite and say something nice to each other. :^) Go!
Best and sexiest accent
This angers the EUtards
Say something nice to me in your language
How much does a Russian gf cost?
Start building spics
A FUCKING... AK-47 with a garden hoe and a book on top of a star? Who the fuck designed this?
How did they fuck this up?
/carib/ + /afr/ weeb edition
/balt + ausnz/
Question for burgers
ITT post a superior version of your country's flag
Fuck france
So this is finally happening?
You are having a threesome with a guy and girl
These will soon be russian clay
You wake up in Mars
/asean/- Worship during the Sabbath edition
Trump actually won
1. country
Map thread
/esp/ - hilo español
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Was he Russia's greatest celebrity?
Types in british
Is he the most powerful leader in the world right now?
What happened to France exporting GOOD culture?
Did you cunt ever have an eugenics program?
Why are Westerners so degenerate?
/fr/ - Le fil de la France éternelle
Rare flag here
/Fr/ - le fil des /fr/ancophones
How do you call this?
Would you a tunisian tranny ?
Can we have a serious discussion about Ukraine?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /ur_mum/
.>today is a National Independence Day of Poland
Which language sounds the gayest?
Daily reminder that G*rmans are the niggers of Europe
Would you make babies with a turkish girl ?
Will Trump ban loli haet pizza?
Why do you leave NATO, Americans? Why do you do this to us? Do you want to see Europe in flames...
Post yours
Why do Europeans love globalism and multiculturalism so much?
How to solve japan's population crisis
Are you impressed with Nigeria? It's all-black and booming
First country to get dubs gets Ivanka as ambassador
Go to America
Today some gay clubs will burn
Ruskiebros, tell us more comfy stories from 1990s Russia
Ur a kvnt
Wtf i'm gay now
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico Quick replies edition
What is life like in Bad Europe?
/v4/ + /balt/ + /liechtenstein/
Top 3 European Countries you hate the most
> meet the perfect blonde Aryan girl
Donald Trump launched a website, where you can share your ideas for making American great again
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
-17C in November
EU army when
ITT Countries that are pretty much the same
Is anybody scared about what's happening?
Anglos are the greatest race on earth
1. Your country
Would you a Paki girl?
Why the french are so good at electronic music? And at the same time, France hasn't famousgood rock-bands...
Argentina believes they can defeat the might of the British Army (pic related) in the Falklands war 2.0
Int, Trump is basically American Yeltsin:
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
America is leaving Europe to defend itself
Kurva anyátok
Mfw The EU will literally collapse due to Trump and Farage
US Russia appreciation thred
Why don't you have a girlfriend Sup Forums?
Fat 3rd-Worlder, what is it like?
You have thirty seconds to explain to me why Norway isn't the best place to live
Germany, Not America, Is Now The Leader Of The Free World
These are Brazilian middle schoolers
Why isn't your countries First Lady as hot as ours?
When a Muslim does something bad:
Hilo latino /lat/
Start building spics
Body language expert says his hand position suggests he has learned something he didn't know before
Richard Dawkins is saying NZ could be a "modern Athens" by offering citizenship to scientists who want to escape...
International chess thread
You can only post in this thread if you come from a country whose leaders supported Trump
Are you metal ill Sup Forums?
Who here is waiting for the great MEXICO-USA WAR?
Your cunt
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
Why is it so hard for americans to understand that healthcare and education should be rights, and not commodities?
Why does the the world thinks of us Albanians, like we're all criminals and part of the mafia?
Is he, dare I say, our guy?
Why is England so much more Aesthetic than the US?
Opinion about countries thread
Is this the perfect facial aesthetics?
Lets shw your country "hot" borders
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What nations women are generally considered to be a top tier catch in your country? In England Spanish women are...
You had a once in a lifetime opportunity to choose the first unironically uncorrupted, experienced...
1. Your cunny
45th President of the USA
"There are no perfect countri-"
Who would win in a fight? I know Putin is a martial artist, but Obama seems bigger...
White people around the world
Your country
Win popular vote
Does anyone else feel like a cuck from watching porn?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Mfw America is going isolationist
Fun fact
What does Sup Forums know about the American Revolution?
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Nearly white thread
Welcome- Indo- Pak Flame War Veterans, IslamoBongs , NRIs
All this land for one nation
The Portugese Empire is back, baby
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /png/
Facebook is down in lots of places
They've bastardized Toblerone
Sverigetråden - Debattupplagan
So, they're the new enemy?
What will happen when this cunt dies? What will the world do?
Why do you love Korea so much?
You wake up in Almásfüzitő, Hungary
Trump almost cried after he talked with Obama
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
Why are the Baltics in a constant state of pissing their pants because of muh Russia boogeyman...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Can someone explain to me why there's such a chaos due to snow in Stockholm at the moment?
British cuisine
Is the democratic process respected in your cunt?
What type of French regional accent does Marine Le Pen have...
Is Poland the Mexico of Europe?
So now that NATO is kill, what happens to Europe?
Why chinks are so rare in here?
Dates in your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
/fr/ - le fil /fr/ - le fil /fr/ - le fil /fr/
1. Your country
This is the skyline of Brazil's 8th largest city, with a population of 1.7 million people (3...
Kurva anyátok
So you're in the patagonia argentina and this guy slaps your gf's ass. What do you do?
My country is run my politicians chosen for me by hillbillies, closet racists, and emasculated white men
Hilo latino /lat/
Havent been here on ages
Rate this country I give it 6.5/10
/ita/ - il filo
1. You're cunt
I need to move to south america. What is the best southamerican country I should move to
Sverigetråden - HE SE Upplagan
Time to pay up
Russians, are you ready for this new friendship?
Intermarium defence alliance, when?
1: you're country
Any PoC here who voted for/supported Donald Trump?
What would you do to this cunt?
/mämmi/-DIO painos
Tried this on Sup Forums, but it's a shit board
1. you're cunt
Hyvää Päivää
ITT: Ask an African American anything
Massive exodus from Poland
Are redheads common in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sick of winning
How will America change? Will Americans become more aggressive towards Mexicans? What's happening right now?
(((European))) army
Trump made Cyrus cry
Why do we not have any culture?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Is france a white country?
Chinese worried about Trump's presidency
America, please explain to me what is happening? Why are these people going down rioting the streets...
What do you think of death penalty?
Can a 1.64-1.70 guy pick up girls in your country?
"Committing cultural suicide is a good thing"
/fr/ - le Francofil
1. Your country
This is the women who your daughters and sisters idolise
Trump says america withdraw army from japan
Should T*rkey be called West Turkmenistan?
New rocket engine
Vocaroo thread
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Do you want to be a friend with this korean boy?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What was your country's leader reaction to the Trump revolution?
Which is better, Eastern Europe or Latin America?
Why does this board give Mexico so much shit?
Are Russians mongolized Poles?
Why are italians so smart?
Finland will always hate you
Winter is here
Japanese girls say "I want to marry 9 years old Trump's son Barron and make his children."
Why are Nordics so femminie?
Cuck Test
Calling all paisans
To Lady GaGa
Does your country have a shitty nation with which it shares a border?
When does the Russian invasion of the Baltics starts...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Rate my street
Be non-drinker
Can somebody explain me this 'Russia wants to conquer the Baltics' meme? They could barely take Ukraine...
Turkish exchange student
Alright Euros, you heard Trump! Pay up!
Do you guys really think the wall is going to be built?
We need immigrants
What happens here?
Quick question about English grammar:
Tfw mom will kick me out soon if I don't get a job
"so user, where are you taking me?"
This is what the average Polish male looks like
Japan will soon have to start looking after themselves now that trumps won
America's new First Lady is literally a giaour girl from Balkanlar
Is there any downside to dating a Spanish slut?
How do we make France great against?
Would it be easier for me to come find a 10/10 chocolate wife from America now that Trump is taking over?
Why is Mexico so dirt poor?
Mexico; have you prepared yourself to build the great wall of America?
A cartoon frog put a man into the white house
/cum/ Canda, USA, Mexico general
American cars > German cars this is an undisputable fact
Kurva anyátok
/fr/ - le francofil
1. you're cunt 2. your honest opinion on Chile and Chileans
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Solo pregunte si planeaba irse del país algún día
Now that Trump won can murica and russia be bros again?
Defcon 1
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Is this what the average colombian looks like?
Germany can you explain this please?
What would you answer?
Mexican senate has officially rejected the initiative to legalize gay marriage
How has your country reacted to Trump becoming President Elect of The United States if America?
White boiis BTFO!!!!!!!!
What language should I learn in order to get out of monolingualism and why
1. Your cunt
What's your favorite Spanish speaking shithole?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Mfw Mexico will finally be cast away from NAFTA and join us in a supreme Latin American Alliance
Withdraw US from the Korea? Really? S.Korea do not counter China and Russia
Mfw brexit
Could they pass as locals in your country?
If Mexicans were only protestant I'd be ok with it
How the world sees America now
How hard is it for an American to get a residence permit in Finland if they have experience in programming and a decent...
Why do Americans put butter in their coffee?
Tfw just turned 30
I feel really bad for anyone bordering Russia or within two countries of Russia
There's this timid Chinese guy in my masters
Trudeau is with Trump!
How fuck would they be if California became an independent nation?
Do you love Japan?
/nachtschicht/ ehem. /deutsch/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/v4/ + /balt/ + /liechtenstein/
What is your worst neighboring country?
Oh look, the immigration site is working again
Can someone explain, why Minesota wasn't red?
How do we increase the Russian population of the United States?
Your cunt
Moving to Romania
Hows life in bad Europe?
Shared European defence, when?
I would like to marry a Russian girl
A lady that has an eastern European accent will be the next first lady
/mämmi/ Vassareille naureskelu painos
Hello African American here
/deutsch/ bald /nachtschicht/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
He sometimes is speaking his native language, forgets a word, and can only thin of he English version
Trump isnt even president yet and he is already making America great again...
1. you're cunt
What is your opinion on Slovenia?
1. you're cunt
/fr/ - le fil frônçais
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Is there a Norway bro out there kind enough to answer my questions about moving there?
Find a fucking flaw
/ug/ - Uncucked General
/ita/ - il filo
This country is finished
/deutsch/ /miehmsprech/
/poc/ - People of Color general
Guess ethnicity
Where does this board's weird autistic obsession with whiteness come from?
What would you do if you had a 500 soldiers army under your command in your country?
This is pretty accurate
Try to find a better and more fucked up peninsula than the Balkans
Vocaroo thread
Winter time pics from your city
Clintons and their kebab installing policy are no more
Grandparents left cozy temperate villages in Europe
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Mfw Russian and the US are gonna be BFFs soon :3
How do you call this in where you live??
Are people happy in your country?
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
How far does Sup Forums agree?
How can non-latin women ever compete ?
1. Your country!
What foreing accents are the sexiest in your language?
WTF I hate Asian Americans now
Your country
We will witness the collapse of America in our lifetime
People from these continents should never, ever try to talk about European culture...
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Show your country
American democracy
Israelis send literal boys to do missions
Haha you can't call us Amerifats or Americucks anymore cuz we're cool now. Stay mad foreigners
This angers the EUtard
Why do slavic women age like shit?
/fr/ - le Francofil(édition Québécoise)
Was it all part of his plan to expand the Russian influence?
Now that Trump is president how to Europeans feel about America pulling out of NATO?
/mämmi/-meemi magia painos
Post your ancestor.jpg
Where do I find girls like this and how do I marry them?
Sverigetråden - Trumpupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Are Finns white?
Mfw Americans willingly destroyed their global hegemony
My friends convinced me to go to India to spend Christmas and New Year with them. What should I expect from the trip?
You can only post in this thread if you live in a country ruled by a dictatorship/coup
What the fuck is happening???
How does it feel leafs that all the SJWs will now move to Canada?
I like Russia :3
How is Mexico going to pay for the wall when it's currency is in free fall?
What is Trump gonna do to your cunt?
Sup Forums why do finnish people look like this?
Support for a European army just keeps gaining momentum
Hey Sup Forums, moving to the US, which state/city should I choose?
Americans have unironically chosen this memester as their God-Emperor
/ita/ - il filo
27% of Japanese people are over the age of 65
Tfw we get invaded by Russia and there's no one to help us because Trump helped dismantled NATO
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...