Massive exodus from Poland

My 4 friends moved to Germany and Netherlands after Trump won election. Expect 5-10 mln Poles in your countries soon. Nobody is going to stay in Poland except pensioners and homeless. Previously Poles were migrating for money, now they migrate in fear of Russia. There is shitloads of deserted houses in my region, i live in 200k city.

Other urls found in this thread:,10.html,Poland’s-ruling-party-hails-Trump-victory-opposition-worried

Good, no need to exterminate population after conquering.

>after Trump won election.
the election is an excuse, there's no reason to believe that Russia will do shit to Poland

if anything, you're all overreacting


This is how we separate wheat from the chaff

Anyone even considering emigrating should be deported to africa and stripped of citizenship

80% of people whom i see on streets are pensioners, alcoholics and imbeciles who are even too stupid to emigrate. Looks like we already separated valuable part of society who moved abroad from human trash that stayed in the country. I am amazed how this country didn't go bankrupt yet with 1/3 of population living abroad. Nobody sane believes in official number of 3 mln emigrants, real number is at least 3-4x bigger

they're traitors indeed, they citizenship should be revoked

this can easily be explained by one simple fact - you are a pathetic basement dweller.

Only valuable part is loyal part. Rest is human trash. In their case education is merely a decoration. They're like a turd wrapped in candy paper.

>Only valuable part is loyal part.

Pensioners and bums who search for beer cans are this "valuable and loyal part"?

this is the thing that pisses me off

These fuckers left our country, yet still claim to be polish

can't they just fuck off for once, and never bother us again?

They have higher moral standards than these "young and educated" that would sell their own mothers if they could. Once shit hits the fan, they flee because they're only in anything or money.


send qts

sorry, you will get "young and educated" part of our nation such as this man

Spośród emigrantów 65 proc. znajduje się obecnie w wieku mobilnym (18-44 lata), a aż 83 proc. w produkcyjnym (18-64 mężczyźni i 18-59 kobiety). Najliczniejszą grupą są osoby w wieku 25-29 lat,,10.html

>can't they just fuck off for once, and never bother us again?
they'll probably come back when they feel safer and nothing happens, but the fact that
at the slightest warning signal they choose to flee, makes them cowards and traitors, their citizen should be revoked and they shouldn't be allowed to re-enter, if they aren't when their country needs them, then better don't be at all

Nice news for me. That's all, tomorrow I go to the Polish embassy to make a visa.

Send Aralka and we wont invade.

Spośród emigrantów 100% jest jebanymi degeneratami którzy sprzedali by własną dupę murzynowi za 5 euro. I bardzo dobrze że wyjeżdżają. Trzeba tylko odwołać im obywatelstwa, tak żeby nie wrócili.

Thats a sshame. I agree with you then
send qts

what the fuck happened to her
last time she was singing in japan

Ludzie chcą mieć normalne życie bez strachu i normalne pieniądze i standard życia. To jest degeneracja? Degeneraci własnie w Polsce zostają: smierdzacy stary emeryci dygoczący na ulicach, żule, biedaki, które są za głupie żeby odnaleźć się za granicą - tylko taki sort degeneratów zostaje w Polsce głównie. Najbardziej obrotni i inteligentni emigrują.

to żbsz

polacy żyją znacznie lepiej niż większość ludzi na ziemi. Jeżeli nie potrafią tego docenić to niech spierdalają. Jeżeli nie są gotowi bronić tego co mają, to w końcu stracą wszystko. A ci ludzie "obrotni" jedyne co obracają to własną dupe żeby jakiś ciapaty wyruchał ich za 2 euro.

Slav genes took over.

>polacy żyją znacznie lepiej niż większość ludzi na ziemi.

Nawet uchodźcy z Syrii i Iraku uciekli z powrotem z Polski do ich krajów, bo uznali, że nawet tam żyje się lepiej niż tu. Ostatnio pisali o tym w gazetach.

ludzie którzy mieli tysiące dolarów na opłacenie przemytników raczej nie cierpieli biedy w syrii

Its called remittances, the reason why poland is prospering even when most of your work force is in abroad. Its essentially earning money here and sending it back home. Its a keynesians worst nightmar

>the reason why poland is prospering


I think that in most places on this planet life is better than in poland.. only from here people escape in millions.. we already lost 2x more people due to emigration than during ww2

>send qts

tfw you know that you move abroad soon too beacuse of this reason

Trump's going to send all the illegal "visa overstayers" back to Poland.

Prepare to be rounded up, polacks.

Even Bjezinski will go back to Poland?

>Trump's going to send all the illegal "visa overstayers" back to Poland.

Real talk: do people actually think Putin will invade Poland? Even assuming he has the manpower, and assuming NATO didn't counterattack, he would be embargoed back to the stone age. Russia would be reduced to a WW2-tier economy.

These Poles are just looking for a reason to emigrate imo. Btw Polish qt's are welcome to stay at my place. I promise to protect you from Drumpf :3

Trump is going to remove visa requirement from Poland, we will take advantage of this and migrate to USA in millions again like in 80s-90s. Trump like Poles so he will make exception for us and won't kick us out afterwards. There is already over 10 mln of Polish Americans, expect another 10.


>these wet dreams

Why are Poles so cringy with their paranoia and "we wuz wictimz?"


I thought it was all memes but at this point I'm inclined to unironically believe that you lots are full fledged hysterical retards.

Could you pls eastern yuros gtfo out of the EU already?

1. All of Poland moves to the USA
2. Republicans win all elections with the millions of white catholic voters
3. Germany annexes the now deserted area.

I'm ok with this, please go ahead.

A čo považuješ za normálny životný štandard? Máte sa lepšie než väčšina ľudí na zemeguli.

Actually most places on Earth are far worse. Half the human population lives below 2 usd a day, in a village like 1950s Poland or in a slum with raw sewage flowing by. The fact your countryman mass emigrate actually prove this - ever met migrants from REALLY poor countries, like Central Africa? No, they have no chance to emigrate, they live in mud huts, barely know any other conditions exist and suffer periodic famine.

I am OK with this. Americans should give us part of the USA and we would make second Poland out of it. Finally, we would be the happiest and safest nation in the world, far away from Russia and Germany and close to our American allies.

This is a Polish speciality, we are nowhere this scared of Russia.

>Trump like Poles
Grab poles by the pussy!

American here

Willing to hide you in my basement if you give me boi pussy



>every taxi driver is Polish
>some have been here for 20+ years

Are you in an eternal state of mass exodus?

>Are you in an eternal state of mass exodus?

Russia and Germany are constanly destroying our country, so life here is so hard that we must emigrate. But now the risk of Russian attack is higher than ever, so we must escape faster than usual

Russia and Germany are doing the same to us what you are doing to the Irish

>poles are such cucks that they not only get invaded and made into other countries bitches but were genocided and the way there country reacts is instead of fighting back they run away

low energy

It's 100% true. My friend who works at Ryanair told me that Poles started booking flights to the UK and Germany en masse after Trump got elected.

>so life here is so hard that we must emigrate
not sure, I bet life in Russia is even harder and they don't leave the country in mass, people just leave to get more money, which is disgusting

More often swedes leave sweden now days thou

>they don't leave the country in mass

Because they are not EU member. We also were closed in this shithole before 2004 like in a prison, because we needed visas to move to other countries. Now we don't need any visas, and thanks to EU membership we have all rights of citizens of Westerneuropean countries: right to pension, right to benefits and so on.

>USSR conveniently collapsed
>Poland is now free
>Germany lets you to be the biggest leach in the EU
>Russia is happy to buy a lot of stuff from you
>one of the fastest developing economies in Europe
>"whaaa it's all Russia's and Germany's fault we don't live in Poland"

>right to pension, right to benefits
that's it, money, they leave like cowards wihout losing their privileges.


what's wrong with Newsweek?, it isn't reliable?

Bring some polish girls to Mexico, senpai.

>Real talk: do people actually think Putin will invade Poland?
Real talk: do Americans actually think Trump will win?
>he would be embargoed back to the stone age
Who the fuck cares about some gay embargoes when you're literally conquering Europe?

Foolish Poles, have you learned nothing? You don't run from your problems, you ATTACK THEM, HEAD ON!


This patriotic pole sure is pretty cringeworthy.

Poland should be located in Florida


>Ostatnio pisali o tym w gazetach.

They send remittances. Also if Poland fails to provide an incentive to stay that's the fault of the state not the people.


POLES ARE WITH US,Poland’s-ruling-party-hails-Trump-victory-opposition-worried

Poles are welcome here

we have lots of jobs

We want to escape to USA. Sweden will be conquered by Russia too

Poles can come.

Bring your wings.

Oh no

I have to emigrate too

Austria will be conquered by Russia too.

We will just challenge them to another drinking contest, that's how we kept them from conquering us after WW2.

True story.

>They send remittances.
I don't care, some things are more important that money.
>Also if Poland fails to provide an incentive to stay that's the fault of the state not the people.
Maybe according to some twisted liberal ideology. I prefer to live in a country full of people who think that "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori".

im polish american you can stay with me and ill teach you how to be american if i can fuck your sister (has to be over 18)

if this sounds good please reach me w/ the bat signal

Nothing is going to happen btw.
The best strategic moment would be when Trump officially takes over, they'd have to go full Blitzkrieg mode and roll their tanks into Berlin.

I doubt that is going to happen.

>tfw parents took me here as a kid

I want to go back.

Sa tu jakies anony z Gdanska?

Its what happens when you suck america's balls too much.

Russia could manufacture everything themselves, or just buy everything from the guys that make everything for everyone, China.

Migrate all the qt Polish girls you want
I don't mind

Well, if I weren't a NEET living on welfare, and if this were the 70s with shit economy, why wouldn't I migrate after a better paycheck to wherever?

Dumb false flagging shill
Maybe a proxy too
Most Poles were behind Trump
We are literally his fucking guys

>le Poland first to fight! ;)
>ZOMG Russia will conquer us for sure let's abandon our homes!


What a disgusting language

fuck off fatass


no wonder our diaspora voted for him

Please come to Canada Polish people.

Wałęsa helped make America great again.

>mfw I look at easten europeans' behavior in last 3 years
It's entertaining.

it's entertaining to watch sosachers pretending to be more savvy than they are in reality

Polscy emigranci to najczesciej slabo wyksztalceni z malych miejscowosci, ktorzy nie maja ani chęci ani umiejętności by poradzić sobie na wymagającym rynku pracy. Uciekają więc w celu znalezienia mało ambitnej formy zarobku i zachodnich zasiłków.

Dobrze wykształcony specjalista-emigrant to mit.

t.Polish intellectual.

You're making some big man assumptions, considering your country is bleeding people, as well.