We need immigrants

We need immigrants.


Yes, Moomins are on the way.

With Trump, the world doesn't need immigrants anymore, but we gladly accept any you and the rest of the world send to us :3


fuck off

I'd rather live in Singapore

What about that working hours and corporate culture

oh wait, at least you guys are trying to be better at that. Ours just can't be changed

Muumi immigrants?

I'm sure we can work out a deal

We have some extra ones, about time to enrich your culture


From China, South Korea and SEA. Westerns can fuck off.


Muumi or Moomin ?


Take Chinese and Korean. Genetically same to you.

Does Japan have good gibsmedat programs? That will affect my decision because I ain't going to get a job and literally work myself to death like all the Kojis and Takeshis out there.

You don't wanna live there.
>t. slavecuck of Mr Chang 15/7 a week

We already have them.

Ayy, I thought that was Baby from Guardian's Crusade.

>Does Japan have good gibsmedat programs?
No. It probably has one of the worst ones in the world.
Let me sum up their gibbedat program:
Do you have any family members that have a job and/or a lot of money? I hope you do, because guilting them into giving you money is the only way to get any if you don't want to work.
>That will affect my decision because I ain't going to get a job and literally work myself to death like all the Kojis and Takeshis out there.
To be fair you can probably get away with not working overtime. They'd probably be okay with you leaving "early" since you come from a different culture where unpaid overtime isn't expected of you.

immigrants come and go