What songs are possibilities for a deluxe, I mean, songs we know actually exist...
Already kinda released but could use an official release:
*Realiti (demo/video version)
*California (video version)
Unreleased early versions of AA she has talked about:
*Laughing and Not Being Normal (extended full length version, including discernable lyrics)
*Scream/Ya vas lyubil (possible early recorded versions with Russian lyrics, as performed live)
*Kill v Maim (early metal versions)
Possible new recordings she's made since AA:
*Venus Fly (new version featuring CL, who was originally intended to guest on it together with Janelle)
*Unknown "bubble metal" (this was probably Medieval Warfare but she may have done multiple songs in that style)
AA outtakes we haven't heard:
*Unknown (but she said, after going to LA in 2014 and beginning work on a new batch of songs, she created more songs than the ones that were released- maybe a second "lost album" or more likely, EP)
*Go (possible versions she may have worked on for AA- otherwise, just releasing the existing version on the deluxe would not be a bad idea either)
*Entropy (same)
Pre-AA songs ("lost album") developed in Squamish, some of which were briefly played live:
*Unknown songs