/grimes general/

Discuss the nicest Canuck in the music biz, Claire Boucher (aka Grimes).


-Thoughts on Medieval Warfare?
-She's only playing at festivals for the rest of her tour. Anyone catching any of these?
-Who would you like to see her collab with?

Leave your opinion on her music

Try to keep it music related, and be nice to Grimes! (and each other you sadistic fucks)


Other urls found in this thread:


first for grimes a shit

shes a qt

grimes music sucks why is there always a grimes general thread there should be a general for a different artist/band each day but nooo always shitty grimes. fuck this board

lol why did u post this

Grimes is terrible. I used to be a fan but I listened to Art Angels again recently and it was just sooooooo bad. I will admit she can be pretty cute tho.

first for grimes is a talentless hack with 0 good songs and who btw looks like shreks hairy nutsack with some shit on it



sepaRATe the art from the autist.

wtf I hate grimeth now.

you are just jealous that james gets to be her butler and has to power to schedule his own hour of sex at any time of the day or night - so long as it coincides with the start of a new season.

Do you guys think that she'll release something this year?
I really hope that she releases an EP or something, or at least one track, because Medieval Warfare was kinda disappointing.

i hope art angels deluxe comes out soon

I don't think she'll release a deluxe version of it...
But, talking about deluxe versions, I'm happy that we will have a deluxe version of EMOTION, Carly already announced it

We should have HANA threads

she is so gorgeous

no one listens to hana's music

be nicer to hana.

She's hot, but without Grimes, she's nothing.

>be nice to Grimes!
>and each other you sadistic fucks
HANA counts as each other
Be nice to HANA

hana is not for ignoring.

that wasn't part of the deal

hana a beautiful

Hana got the high score

What's your favorite HANA song? Mine is Clay

why did hanah took blood diamond surname if they are not even married yet?

Bloodpop's last name is Tucker.

Mike Diamond is Mike D you moron

god damn she must be stupid then


fucking triggered

fuck you user

hey look I'm edgy: the post

I'm a tolerant guy and it takes a lot to piss me off, much less offend me. That being said, I have never been more angry at a post on Sup Forums before in my life right now. Fuck you user. RIP MCA

i wanna hold hana's hand and walk through the zoo.


seriously consider leaving

what exactly is going on in this webm?

DAE listen to grimes @ 1.5x speed so you can fit her whole discog into your daily commute?


rape attempt

the event which led to the song :"oblivion"

source with sound asap!!!!!!!!

i need this so bad

I'm guessing it's one of the tour diaries

are they still up?

there's this

thanks, but still there is music overlay and no claire voice. I guess it is lost forever then.

I would love to read the whole police report for this with a nice glass of shiraz by my side.

they're on youtube there's a playlist

video is a brilliant ploy to get the rapey haters who think of her as an sjw pop bitch to watch an hour worth of grimes tour diaries from 2011 when she was very indie and experimental doing tiny shows in punk venues and no one on the street heard of her or recognized her even in nyc. then you will actually listen to her shit and bow down.

(very early 2011. everything changed in march and april.)

You can get different vibes too. Like our new conspiracy where Grimes was actually a bitch to seb and the gang.

Any Grimes fan here since 2010-2012?

p4k never even bothered to mention grimes until april 2011.

geidi primes dropped january 2010. halfaxa september 2010. in fairness she wasn't touring the US until 2011 and i think had only toured canada once, in 2010 with pop winds, which was devon's band with kyle "flow child," dude who taught her garageband in exchange for chickpeas.


i bet you listen to grimeth

scaruffi reviewed geidi primes in 2010 though, real hero and human bean

>grimes music sucks

>why is there always a grimes general thread
because she's relevant

>there should be a general for a different artist/band each day
it doesn't work like that. only the most popular artists get general threads. grimes is very popular here, deal with it.

>but nooo always shitty grimes.
stop being an envious prick

>fuck this board
fuck you

>Grimes is terrible. I used to be a fan
you weren't a fan in the first place, you just liked few songs/aesthetics. if you don't get her pop elements of her music you're not a fan. period.

i always feel like pitchfork hates her deep down. there are a couple of writers there who genuinely love her, and they have so many people contributing that when voting for lists happens, she does well because she is known to all, and respected by almost all, but an 8.5 is the highest she's ever gotten from them.

and oblivion, song of the decade? okay. i mean grimes would be the first to say no it isn't. it is barely in the top half of songs on visions. not even reviewing her more experimental masterpiece halfaxa until six years after its release?? (despite p4k certainly existing at the time of its 2010 release, and wider 2011 reissue). imagine that p4k had given both ok computer and kid a an 8.5, didn't bother reviewing radiohead's most experimental work amnesiac until six years after its release. and then randomly made a half-decade-best list no one even wanted or needed and said oh hey creep is the best song of 1990-1994. would that make radiohead overrated?

pitchfork gave those last two grimes records the lowest score they possibly could. the media have not really been down with her since they realized she was truly independent. they like acts who bow to journalists, flatter, and let the journalist politicize and control their narrative. that's why they like mediocrity, especially when it comes to indie. a salieri like grizzly bear, beach house, vampire weekend, tame impala, bon iver, is in need of p4k to invent something interesting about their art, and construct a cool narrative. it gives the writers something to do, makes them feel important. an album like art angels on the other hand, is critic proof, it is impossible to try to say anything that would contain that narrative destroying album to a nice think piece.

hater writers who try to take her down now end up admitting defeat and deconstructing their own credibility (see, or don't, grimes and the art of internal misogyny).

p4k chooses instead backhanded compliments. 8.5 negs. call her "human tumblr."

Art Angels deluxe edition? There's hope.

Come on, you're too conspirationist. P4K like her enough to give her wide coverage, song of the year for Oblivion and nice ratings. Maybe some writers hate her and that's all.

>and oblivion, song of the decade? okay. i mean grimes would be the first to say no it isn't. it is barely in the top half of songs on visions.
Seriously, be content that a Grimes song was the song of 2012. Oblivion being the main single of course it received the most attention. And you're forgetting about its dark lyrics.

>not even reviewing her more experimental masterpiece halfaxa until six years after its release?? (despite p4k certainly existing at the time of its 2010 release, and wider 2011 reissue).
She was a nobody then. Why P4K would bother with that when there are shitloads of other albums to review? They already reviewed Geidi Primes. Only after Visions she became an established artist. And a recent reissue of Halfaxa was reviewed by them this year: pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/21775-halfaxa/

What songs are possibilities for a deluxe, I mean, songs we know actually exist...

Already kinda released but could use an official release:

*Realiti (demo/video version)

*California (video version)

Unreleased early versions of AA she has talked about:

*Laughing and Not Being Normal (extended full length version, including discernable lyrics)

*Scream/Ya vas lyubil (possible early recorded versions with Russian lyrics, as performed live)

*Kill v Maim (early metal versions)

Possible new recordings she's made since AA:

*Venus Fly (new version featuring CL, who was originally intended to guest on it together with Janelle)

*Unknown "bubble metal" (this was probably Medieval Warfare but she may have done multiple songs in that style)

AA outtakes we haven't heard:

*Unknown (but she said, after going to LA in 2014 and beginning work on a new batch of songs, she created more songs than the ones that were released- maybe a second "lost album" or more likely, EP)

*Go (possible versions she may have worked on for AA- otherwise, just releasing the existing version on the deluxe would not be a bad idea either)

*Entropy (same)

Pre-AA songs ("lost album") developed in Squamish, some of which were briefly played live:



*Unknown songs

AA review is really shit though. There is not a single negative point outed and is full of ass kissing and praisse while it is still rated 8,5.

8.5 is a big rating.

I love Art Angels. Tbch I've never seen a bigger disconnect between critics and this board. Art Angels was super-praised en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_Angels#Critical_reception but here it's regarded as a shit album or as a mere pop album. Great that I don't take this ridiculous board seriously.

>female feminist diy artist goes pop and is highly praised by poptimist critics

Why would any be surprised by that?

For you.

>implying all critics are poptimists
>implying the album is less good because it's pop
>implying that you get pop music

AA is great but Visions was her magnum opus.

>implying all critics are poptimists
They mostly are.
>implying the album is less good because it's pop
I didn't imply that.
>implying that you get pop music
No, I just like good pop music, not shit that knocks off 90s/00s pop.

I agree with this. I love Visions a bit more than AA.

>implying all critics are poptimists
>They mostly are.
You're talking out of your ass? How could you be so sure?

>implying the album is less good because it's pop
>I didn't imply that.
You did. That's the undertone of your message. You also used the word "feminist" previously. Was that necessary when we're talking about her music?

>implying that you get pop music
>No, I just like good pop music, not shit that knocks off 90s/00s pop.
>implying that 90s/00s didn't have good pop

she went alt rock with aa. visions was already pop. and she was more poptimist in visions era interviews.

feminism is not just one thing. grimes and beyonce have a certain more progressive idea of feminism, which is intersectional and not antimale.

pitchfork and the clickbait feminist media are still dominated by mostly gen x feminists with a certain view of feminism that matches your stereotype. grimes never identified with that type of feminism. she never actually identified with feminism at all, until she got written about in certain ways (by female as well as male critics) that encouraged people to see her as a childlike sex toy, and act accordingly.

despite being a non misandrist feminist she also supports the idea of art that is allowed to express ideas that are not feminist. lana del rey does not identify as feminist, and until very recently (until after grimes repped her constantly) lana was almost universally hated by feminists, she was their #1 hate object.

poptimism and feminism are not the same at all, even if many males tend to hate both. they may be your enemies, but that doesn't make them natural allies.

grimes forced feminists to accept her poptimism- but they did not like it. see (or, again, don't): stereogum.com/962491/deconstructing-grimes/franchises/deconstructing/

most feminists had an anti pop ideology before taylor swift went full pop (and actually ruined pop in 2014) at which point, white feminists jumped on the pop train. most white feminists didn't like beyonce very much until 2013 (yes, white women liked her- but not feminist activist types until then). grimes was ahead of others in saying beyonce was what feminism and music should be. beyonce herself did not identify as feminist publicly (and was not universally embraced by music critics- including female ones) until a year after grimes wrote this.

>taylor swift went full pop (and actually ruined pop in 2014)
How? 1989 was one of the best albums of that year ffs

>taylor swift went full pop (and actually ruined pop in 2014)
How? 1989 was one of the best albums of that year ffs

No one believes all the evasive manoeuvring, "she is not a real hipster because she wants to sex bieber" would a hipster do that? yes. it's a catch-all term like feminist, no one cares how distinct you want to be.

pop was oppositional and fun before taylor did that album, which is neither of those things. it's a totalitarian album, which can only be justified by musical genius. taylor is not. while it's not terrible musically, it's almost completely mediocre, and the lyrics are an atrocity considering taylor once imagined herself as the new joni mitchell (she even demanded to play her in a movie but joni thankfully refused). if you compare it with tegan and sara's heartthrob, from the previous year, taylor (and her producers) just ripped off the exact same aesthetic and removed any soul. tegan and sara's pop music is very good, but it's not trying to be THE model of pop, and there are many other types of pop sounds that are even better than theirs, even if Tegan and Sara are really good artists. just for example, Prince's pop songs are better than Tegan and Sara- and completely different- and pop that references a Prince style should also exist. There is no R&B in the pop of Tegan and Sara, they come from a rock background, so their idea of pop is a great fit for them, but if Tegan and Sara style pop was instituted as the official sound of all pop, that's a bad idea, and that's what Taylor and her producers did in 2014, declaring that Taylor's imitation of Tegan and Sara would now become the official style of pop. the worst part is they also replaced the lyrical perspective of Tegan and Sara (who are awesome, REAL people, regardless if you like their music or not) with Taylor's more self absorbed lyrics. taylor's red is a pretty good album. and since she still publicly said she was country at the time, red was not imitated by everyone in pop even though it's more of a pop album than country. the problem with 1989 (which is my opinion obvs) is 1989 redefined pop more than ever as a soulless lust for financial domination, absent any ideas or even fun.

thankfully that was only for a short period of time, music began to recover and 2015-16 pop is the best ever.

so how about misogynist as a catch all term. do you proudly identify as that?

saying there's only one type of feminism is absurd. it's like someone saying because you are on the right, you are the same as dylan rooff. don't make political generalizations of your (imagined?) opponents. any intelligent person uses the divide and conquer method.

you wanted to politicize grimes and bring politics in the thread, i'm saying don't do that until you actually know what the fuck you're talking about. you don't have any knowledge of the politics of pop criticism.

A whole bunch on (You)s. Maybe 1989 was a cynical album with a sound inspired by the superior Heartthrob (pop perfection imo), but it sounded good to me. If it sounds good, why should I care who and how did it?

>Prince's pop songs are better than Tegan and Sara
That's what most people believe. Imo, T&S are better songwriters than Prince. They just have an ear for perfect melodies. Prince sounds too hard trying, too exhausting, T&S are efortless.

And by the way, this whole synthpop revival is not something started by T&S. Other artists before them contributed to it: Les Rhythmes Digitales, Ladytron, Miss Kittin, Mesh, Goldfrapp, Roisin Murphy, Robyn, Royksopp, The Knife, Crystal Castles, Annie (the Norwegian one), M83, Cut Copy, La Roux, Little Boots, Glass Candy, Chromatics and many others.

I love Grimes

Regardless of what you think about Grimes, on her threads you can find:
- good discussion (occasionally really good)
- pics
- memes and pastas
- obvious shitposts and trolling
- hate speech
- youtube links.

They all tend to have a shitload of replies and flamed arguments. They're diverse and entertaining. People that love her or love to hate her, they all enjoy posting non-stop about one of the best artists of the decade.

She is my one and only waifu.
I love her so much.

An expert. You must be projecting with that misogynist claim. And by that I mean you are simply misanthropic.

You can label others what ever you like, just as I did. It only affects your reputation if you are inaccurate about things people care about.

If you care about avoiding hipster tumblrists avoid grimes. I'm not trying to divide and conquer, I'm trying to figure out why grimes is simultaneously alluring and repulsive.

Go and Entropy are not AA outtakes, the songs (any version of these) were never intended for the album
Also she promised some music with harp

>ywn come across medieval grimes alone on a forest path in the middle ages then just have your way with her and go catch a rabbit for dinner

I know you're going to rationalise this away saying I'm a troll or whatever, but I genuinely find you Grimes fans disgusting and it's damaged my ability to enjoy her music so thanks.

which ones? there are as many different kinds of grimes fans as there are genres in grimes songs

Waifufags mostly. But I haven't seen a post about Grimes on this board that didn't make me cringe yet.

stop overusing the word cringe, you ruined it already

Yes. These were separate/one off songs. Same for Medieval Warfare.

Then stay away from this thread. You know what you got, deal with it or find something more productive to do. Hating an entire fanbase because of some bad apples it's a very childish thing to do.

Just telling you how the posts make me feel. It's not a metaphor, when I saw for instance I had a physical stress response, otherwise known as a cringe.

It's too late, I'll never be asked to hear a Grimes song without thinking of you lot again.

waifufag genocide when?


grimes doesn't even use tumblr more than a few times per year anymore, and all she posts are links to music videos she likes. she said tumblr is too political all the time for her tastes, and anything she says becomes a news story. she prefers instagram.

it's funny for you to make attacks on tumblr from here. are you somehow not aware of the stereotype about Sup Forums? in left/right terms, reddit is seen as the right wing hipster equivalent of tumblr left wing hipsters (it's just a stereotype- grimes sub and many subs are apolitical or left leaning, and many tumblrs lean right or aren't political). but Sup Forums is seen as way off in the hitler version of the right. so if you are generalizing tumblr that way without using it yourself and seeing the different types who use it, be prepared to be generalized as an user in return. if you say you post on Sup Forums any normies will make assumptions about your ideology. and tumblr stereotype ideology (pretty strongly left) is much better than Sup Forums stereotype ideology (extreme far right).

Stockholm Syndrome? Stay away from these threads from now on if you're that influenced, problem solved. There's a lot of retarded stuff posted in these threads, most of it by trolls and false fans.

I could listen all day long to Grimes without thinking about her fanbase at all.

execution by Grimes herself?

I'm happy for you, but I wanted to let you people know that you have repelled me from her music, and you probably have that effect on others too.

Fans on the internet ruin all artists, and especially Sup Forums because it has a unique specialization in waifus. Most of those posts here aren't even made by fans. If you see grimes live you will feel good about her real fans. It's a great fan community, maybe the greatest.

normal person wouldn't be repelled by things like these
you have a problem tbch

She isn't strong enough to decapitate someone with a sword in one swing, so the executions would be horribly painful