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Music #673
How do you deal with loneliness, /moo/?
What would you consider to be the greatest hymn ever written?
What would Ludwig van listen to if he were alive today?
Feels thread
What music do Mormons listen to?
Will hip hop ever get better than this?
Discovered by Frank Zappa, who just happened to see him playing in a lounge and begged him to join his band
Unsettling raps
Half The Man I Used To Be is their best song
ITT: Post a fictional character and others guess what bands/genres they would be into
Albums that stand out as complete shit compared to the rest of the discography
Post your top five albums guess personality
Any and all hip hop please i need to fill 32 gigs <3
Isn't it strange that there are very few good albums by women?
12 years later... what's the consensus?
College football season starts tomorrow so i thought it was a good time to finally get into this album
Kpop general
ITT: You Hear it you lose: no album cover edtion
3x3 4x4 5x5 collages
Who remembers when rap was actually good?
Francis Cobain losing daddys money
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
GOAT electronic
Who's ready for """JEFFERY"""
You're a fucking idiot if you think this is good
How can I get a account? I know it's invite only but I don't know anyone with one
Pick one
Who do you consider the greatest rapper?
Haha long boy
Hot damn...!
Chill Rock?
Bandcamp Bread
She all over my head I call her a hat
Mfw Wikipedia describes a Queen album as "progressive rock"
Post albums where the intro is the best song on the album
Is shibuya-kei too niche a genre for a thread?
ITT: Sex music
St. Vincent thread
What does Sup Forums feel about their queen :lauren Mayberry and her band CHVRCHES?
Unpopular/Controversial Opinion Thread
Sup Forumssical disappointments
When will music end?
Rock is dead
Sup Forums what are you listening to?
Why is music only fun to listen to when you're stoned?
Who /fyf/ this weekend? What's your schedule look like?
Do you still like Bones?
What am I in for?
Do you think male members of a band get to fuck the female members often?
/obg/ Old Blues General
Lets nazis post
Is it just me or is it impossible to take white rappers seriously?
Is it bad that I relate to the message of this album?
Objective Bottomless Pit Song Rankings
Is this actually good or just robotcore meme?
What's your favorite Folk artist and why?
I fucking love Ceremony... legitimately one of the greatest songs of all time i think
Are there any better hip hop lyricists than Doom?
What do you think of Florence + the Machine? Are they Sup Forums approved or are they too normiecore?
How did it last so long?
One of his best videos in a while
Rock is dead
Which twee song are you?
Non-guilty pleasures
Are they nazis or not? it's not like I care if they are but im curious
The great debate
ITT your girlfriend's favorite artist
This is gonna be cheesy, but a boy I have a crush on is seeing another girl
Have you spent an intimate evening with Anthony Fantano, Sup Forums?
ITT: we attempt to make the worst song of all time
/classical/ - Composer Facts Edition
Ayo Sup Forums, it's your turn on the aux. You better not play no trash music
What is the appeal of all this painfully average, monotone, radio pop/rock, blander than watching paint dry for 6 hours?
KPOP GENERAL | K-Pop General
Kpop general
What's their best song?
ITT: Associate an album with each year of high school. (Post your favorite, most played...
Pick one and only one
What did you listen to in high school? Be honest
What's your favourite Bjork song?
What's the most terrifying music you've ever heard?
Do you like female vocalists?
Drink Spread
Describe an artist/band with a SpongeBob picture
Kpop general
"The first Twenty One Pilots album only sold 10,000 copies, but everyone who bought it formed a band."
Japanese Music
St. Vincent thread
Kpop general
Any good plunderphonics that aren't The Avalanches?
What are your favorite Muslim musicians?
Is there anyone else who represents mu better than this guy?
How is she so talented?
You have to fight the last artist you listened to
Marinara and the Diamonds
Crab time bitch
Criminal and murderer musicians
Band name is "x the y"
/prod/ - Music Production General
So he's pretty much the best rapper in the world right now, right?
Pitchfork Hate Thread
Thoughts on Angel Olsen?
Pleb artists who will soon develop into patricians
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
Sup Forums confessions
ITT: Post your favorite band's best album
Kpop general
ITT: we're 16, we identify as genderqueer communists and we just discovered RYM
Set up thread
This album is so much better than Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Post your favourite Sup Forums related husbandos thread
What does he listen to?
5x5 bread
Let me interrupt you meme posting for just one second what does Sup Forums think of lil lil yachty?
/sharethread/ memes are wrong
This shite is so good goddamn son
Prove me RIGHT NOW that the real Paul McCartney didn't die in a car accident and was replaced with a look-alike
/shugazi/ - Shoegaze (Dream Pop, Noise Pop, and Blackgaze) General
Kpop general
Robert Fripp appreciation thread
Girl tells me what her favorite album is
Post below yours decides the album you'll listen to next thread?
Until, that is, David said something to Lou that Lou reacted to by blowing up like a small but incredibly livid volcano...
Name a better young artist
Panty droppers
Itt: sad pictures of musicians
ITT: Overrated albums
Now now children, settle down
ITT: Musicians in bed
Are they "our guys"?
Pitchfork just gave blond a lower score than coloring book
ITT: albums that mu unanimously agree are 10/10
Kpop general
I want to get into Johann Sebastian Bach, where should I start?
Name even ONE band
Sup Forumstant Music thread
What were the saddest Sup Forums deaths?
Do you guys like Moby?
Kpop general
Looking for an Ableton Live torrent, newer the better obviously. Anyone got the hookup?
Go on user show us your dance moves!
So, this summer a major music event happened: the death of vaporwave
Women don't actually like music and don't have the brain power to understand art...
Can anyone recommend trippy electronic music ?
Kpop general
ITT: Post musicians of the opposite gender that you wouldn't fuck
What is your depression playlist, Sup Forums?
Post artists you could beat in a fight
Your favorite punk band
Collage thread
ITT: cool pictures of musicians together
Do "hipsters", at least the stereotype surrounding the word in the late 2000s/early 2010s, really exist anymore?
Can anyone recommend hip-hop that has women rapping in great detail about sex? I heard this 100s song earlier tonight
>song name = album name = artist name
Is clubbing good/worth it?
Kpop general
ITT: Hottest musicians
Sabaton is ok?
Noise Rock Thread!
Does user like MCR?
Kpop general
Birthday Thread
2016 AOTY Thread
God tier albums
What was Kanye's best haircut?
ITT: Meme music that became mainstream
ITT: artists where you're better off with their Greatest Hits
Soundcloud thread!
Bandcamp thread
Which song will you kill yourself to, Sup Forums?
Is there any band that sounds like Pre Chocolate Starfish Limp Bizkit?
ITT the best video game music
What is some essential Joanna Newsom?
RYM / sonemic thread - Shidaiqu edition
Hey Sup Forums, is there an artist/musician that can play guitar and sing?
Lo fi, hip hop or fuckin anything i dont care man i just wanna listen to music recommendations??
What kind of music do you recommend to qt grills?
These will be pop classics
Best qotsa album?
Frank ocean on suicide watch? pan of the year?
Does Sup Forums like ska punk?
Albums women will never understand
What music player should i get for my mac? can't get foobar because mac. thanks
Better Than Beatles Music
ITT: God tier soundtracks
This is sorta bad
Are there any albums somewhat-like Currents? Just really dreamy and melodic w lots of synths...
Help us name our band
Can somebody tell me the appeal of Radiohead, I just don't get it
St. Vincent thread
Top 100 thread
Was vaporwave nothing more than a meme in the end Sup Forums?
ITT: Shitty albums with interesting/good covers/art
Sexual CONSENT pop
It's better to burn out, than fade away
Pretentiousness kills creativity, which is why nobody on Sup Forums has ever made anything even remotely creative
I will listen to everything posted in this thread. Every single thing, I promise
Type "(random song title) 8-bit" on YouTube
Wtf I hate Nico now
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
That Poppy
What does Sup Forums think about Lauren Mayberry and CHVRCHES
Favourite=best guitarist thread
David Bowie General Thread
Why wasn't i told this exists
______ for people who hate _____
Are you excited?
Do it
This is actually a wonderful album
What the fuck was his problem?
What is the musical equivlent of this dude?
I get that we don't like this album because of its overwhelming popularity, but can someone explain how this isn't...
/daily/ - "ban /daily/ posters" edition
5x5 7 days - favourite island edition
Jazz Discussion
What are some other green album covers?
Smoking crack for the first time at midnight. Give me some bangin tunes for the occasion
Do you like Meg Myers, user?
When normal people ask what music you like are you honest about it or do you give a normie answer?
I wanna see how patrician Sup Forums is
Music to fuck to
Looking for Comparable Albums
If you found out your favorite musician was a gamer or involved in video games in anyway, would you still be their fan?
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
Bass solo
Going to do shrooms for the first time this Friday. Rate my album choices for my drug experience
ITT: Post an album and your favorite song off the album
Is MPP still considered Sup Forums-core?
Does Sup Forums like post-punk?
Going to see Death in June live soon, am I going to get stabbed by neo-nazis?
Pitchfork will give this a 10. Mark my words
This is everything i have ever wanted
Why isn't this your AOTY?
BP is the worst Death Grips album, NOTM is the best. Prove me wrong
ITT;Long Musicians
Kpop general
Tfw your waifu makes fuck awful music
Are there any truly dead genres?
What kind of weed was he smoking to be so depressed all the time?
What are your favorite video game soundtracks?
Nevermind defined the youth culture of the early to mid 90s while American Idiot defined the youth culture of the early...
ITT: Sup Forums in 1964
The greatest rock band of all time
Friendly reminder that Pitchfork gave this a 7.0
ITT: Guitar interplay-core
ITT: 13-year-old-core that actually holds up
Kpop general
/BCG/ Bandcamp General
Bandcamp General
Techno general
He walks into the living room & almost touches your girl's blouse. what do you do?
Who is the MC Ride of Death Grips?
Best Right-Wing Musicians
The Beatles
ITT: AOTY 2015
Why do Americans have such awful taste in music?
What songs/albums/artists remind you of Autumn?
What does Sup Forums think of eminem?
ITT: Shoegaze albums that are better than Loveless
Hey Sup Forums I just recently got into vaporwave...
Why is classical music so overwhelmingly white?
We say 4 musuicans, and others add the fifth
Kpop general
ITT: Albums that only have one good track
ITT: Albums you are addicted to right now
Beauty in Modern Music
So Sup Forums whats your local scene like?
What does Sup Forums think of muse?
Mfw someone says my music taste sucks irl
Damn this is boring, is this a grower or should I just stop listening if I don't enjoy it now?
How can Andre 3000 afford to be retired...
3x3 recently listened
What does he listen to?
Why is this album being posted about so much recently?
/Blonde/ General
Kpop general
What does Sup Forums think of The Fall?
Girls of Sup Forums music tastes
Pop music for people who don't want to admit they like pop music
Now the hype has settled down, what does Sup Forums really think?
He listens to metal
That one album everyone hates but you like
Name my band Sup Forums
What do you think of this album?
Kpop general
Worth the wait?
Musicians attacking fans
What's the most fedora instrument? I'm going with the Hurdy Gurdy
T. Patrician
Tfw your favourite band is full of cucks
So is /shugazi/ not a thing anymore? I feel out of the loop
ITT: Alt album covers you use
Listen /moo/. I've never posted on this board because I'm too intellectual for it
Wtf i hate music now
Punk as Fuck!
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
How much media coverage will he get when he dies?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on pic related?
Best albums of 2016 Thread
Kpop general
/prod/ - Music Production General
To pray is to accept defeat
Why is the saxophone the best instrument, Sup Forums?
Chart thread
What mp3 player do you use, Sup Forums?
This nigga sucks dick
ITT: Post God Tier rappers that will never fall off
Post favourite album and what other boards you frequent
Is 2016 the best year in music so far?
Sup Forumsmour
Objectively the greatest album of all time
Reminder that Eminem is the best rapper of all time, only rapper that I like lol blacks get fucked in their own genre
Last one is well dead:
Kpop general
Band photos that really miss misrepresent the musicians/music
3x3 one week
Does Avril Lavigne have the worst taste in men ever?
Listened to this with low as shit expectations because of Sup Forums
Kpop general
ITT: Artists that have never released an album below an 8/10
ITT: Patrician Artists
An earthquake killed 40 people in my country
RYM // Sonemic
ITT rank the Beatles albums
What's that band you're listening to right now?
I love the shit out of Pixies, what other bands should I check out Sup Forums?
Post a better industrial album
Jeffrey Lewis
Mariner and the Diamonds
You have 10 seconds to pronounce her last name on Vocaroo
Good french music
He pronounces Sup Forums as "em you" instead of "moo"
What are some albums similar to self titled by violent femmes
Two worst albums of the year. Discuss
Any other albums like this I should know of?
How many ~unique~ albums have you listened to in 2016, f a m?
End of verse ends with "tonight"
Poppy's age
Album cover that always manages to piss you off
Why does Sup Forums hate him?
Itt: guilty pleasures of music
ITT: Masterpieces that Sup Forums hates
ITT: Post an album and your top 5 from that album
Redpill me on conducting. Is it hard...
Did I just get trolled?
Albums you feel Sup Forums would ridicule you for enjoying
Why the fuck did they abandon melody and non-obtuse beats? their early-mid 90s stuff was so good :/
5x5 rec rate assume
Browsing the comments section of new Metallica release
You say John Cage, I say TAYLOR SWIFT
Kpop gen
Most you've spent on a single concert/festival?
Music for this car
Good Dadrock
Hi moo
Improve an album
Music that feel when it's been over a year and you still stalk all of her social media websites every single day...
I've hit a point where I'm starting to doubt drinking makes me feel better but I have no idea what else to do
This is literally sonic the hedgehog slowed down to half speed
Tfw tainting long lineages of white european ancestry
Why was this even made?
Is Grief the most depressing track?
Itt: albums to fuck to
Collage: any size
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
Anyone else besides me that has been fortunate enough to not go through a ska phase?
Bedroom Mixers
How you holding up, Sup Forums?
If you had to erase 1 album from your favorite artist's discography, what album would you choose?
Street nigga baby, i'm in love with the gravel
This was a modern psych-rock masterpiece. What went wrong with Currents?
Find a flaw
KPOP General
Buy groceries and feed yourself, even on the road
Chemistry exam tomorrow
Pitchfork will give this a 10. Mark my words
Post the music you would unironically put on a big party
Tfw you were literally born in the wrong generation
Anyone else excited for angel olsen's new album?
Bandcamp Thread
Sup Forumsmor thread
What does Sup Forums think about CHVRCHES and Lauren Mayberry?
Name my band Sup Forums
Post a picture, anons recommend you music to go with the picture
5x5 week
MY MODIFIED TLOP TRACKLIST makes the album way better
Why are there no good right-wing musicians?
What do you do if you mainly like Led Zeppelin and similar rock but can't find any modern music to fill that hole?
Do you people actually have a problem with the song "Creep" or are you just bandwagoning because Thom is pissy about it?
Pennis and Also Dicke and Balls: The Album
Dare you to post a better mixtape from this year
I just started a new job and was wondering what music plays at yours because I was kinda impressed with mine
Why do people pretend that she is ugly?
Why do people like her so much
Describe your privates with an album title
Holy shit. Don't have to finish this album to know it's their best
This madman killed himself so that he could be with bjork forever
/bleep/ - tunes edition
Modest Mouse thread
Boris thread
Post an image that conveys a mood or feeling, and other anons post music for that mood
He listens to video game soundtracks
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
This is my favorite review of an album ever:
Name an artist with moves as good as these
Musicians IQ's
Post Your Top 5 Songs On Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness
ITT: We mention every terrible thing Mike Love has done
Song has coughing, spitting, or throat-clearing noises
Why the hell do people like Illinois more?
What music do you put on a playlist for your Indie gf?
Is this just Three 6 mafia for white boys?
What does Sup Forums think of the Beach Boys?
I listening to a single Green Day song and hol-ey fuck I want to die, why does anyone like this freakshow?
ITT: Game Time! Pleb, Patrician, or Apprentice
Why are Americans always so edgy and angry all the time?
Albums from this year that were hyped then immediately forgotten about
I wanna get into death grips, how?
Help me learn Wagner
Kpop general
What is Sup Forums's honest opinion about pop punk? Love it? Hate it? Tell me how you feel
3x3 Thread
How can frank get anymore based?
Have you ever been bullied for your music Sup Forums?
What's your favourite track on this, and why?
The author of an upcoming unauthorized biography of Lou Reed, Notes From The Velvet Underground...
Is there any computer programe that is somthing like a sampler where i can use the keyboard as the pads?
Tfw you get over a hundred free records
ITT: post your top 5 Bowie songs
This will be the most critically acclaimed album of the year
What is your brother's favorite band, Sup Forums?
Albums for shitty breakup
Whats the most unique album you've ever heard?
11/10 albums
ITT: We Make Album Covers
Is this the world's most elaborate suicide note?
Rate albums on Sup Forums charts
What the fuck
Any alt covers for this album
That Gucci Mane album was lit as fuck tho
Muse is basically Radiohead if they continued their OK Computer sound
What do the gay men of Sup Forums listen to? thread
Kpop General
Kpop general
I'm sorry Sup Forums but why do we hate this alpha male so called Joshua Tillman or most popularly known as Father John...
Hahaha! she listens to ______
Alright Sup Forums, let's settle this. Who's winning 2016 so far: white people or black people?
If a white guy made this album all these music sites would say its just another indie white people problems album
I'm on shrooms at the beach dUude lmao
New Avalanches record after 16 years
Kpop general
How do i pirate albums ?
What's your AOTY2016, Sup Forums?
If you're homophobic then you are homophobic
Travi$ Scott
Frankie Ocean btfo
What I listened to/What I expected/What I got
Srsly why the FUCK does anyone pay to go to a mainstream show these days?
Kpop general
Favourite album
What's the best song he ever wrote?
Why is streaming music preferable to some people...
London > Manchester > Bristol > Oxford > Edinburgh > Liverpool > Brighton > Sheffield > Hull
Who is the David Lynch of music?
To all the girls in the world
Kpop general
That shot makes my peeper tingle a little
ITT: we post images and people will recommend what albums is best heard at that situation
I wasn't here when the album came out, can we please talk about it
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
5x5 or whatever thread
"lol user, how high were they when they made this?"
Post the first album you listened to the whole way through
/sharethread/ powerchords edition
Are they the modern day Outkast?
/pop/ general
How do you go from this
Kpop general
WTF I love Fox news now
Who are your favorite Gay/Lesbian/homosexual Artists?
Music to listen while playing DOOM?
Band name starts with "The"
Come dance with me user!
Reminder to vote for Death Grips to play in the 2020 Olympics
Do you like acid jazz?
My friend is actually going to be studying electronic music when he starts college this fall. Please Sup Forums...
Kpop general
ITT: 10/10 moments on an album
Sup Forums btfo
He gave blond an 8. Thoughts?
Bandcamp thread
I really hate this website and need to stop posting here so here's a black cock for you
What the fuck is Poptimism????
Why is 95â„… of electronic music, harmonically speaking, so uninteresting compared to rock and even pop music?
Alt covers that are way worse than the original
I don't know why I cry
Mariner and the Diamonds
Are there any Tool fans on Sup Forums?
Why are Australian festival lineups so pissweak
Ok, now this is the official Sup Forums personalities chart...
Post an album and the best song on it
Itt: last song you listened to, favorite ice cream flavor
Was this the finished infograph?
RYM / Sonemic
Death Grips plays the 2020 Olympics
ITT: Post your favorite album and have others guess things about your personality
Post your favourite experimental rock album
ITT: Artist's best album
The Great Debate
What do the women of Sup Forums listen to?
YouTubers only thread
/daily/ - Banned Edition
What one is better Sup Forums
ITT Band's best song isn't even on one of their original albums. I'll start: Sappy
Pitchfork will give this a 10. Mark my words
Frank Ocean Blond
Yung lean, opinions?
God tier screamers (hold the "your mom" jokes)
Holy shit
Punk and (Leftist) Politics
Serious thread Sup Forums. What do you guys think of Disturbed's cover of The Sound of Silence?
Grateful Thread
We post the best soundtracks
Now that the dust has settled, are you ready to admit that pic-related is the greatest single of 2016?
Best: The Golden Eel
Which one of you fucking faggots wrote this?
Is punk dead?
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
Name ONE album
So if he actually finished all 50 states, which would be the most popular...
Does anyone on Sup Forums really think all Sup Forumscore is amazing?
Redpill me on Pearl Jam, Sup Forums
ITT: Your MBTI and favorite album
What are your thoughts on Fugazi?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1982
Death Grips to support Nine Inch Nails and Soundgarden on joint tour
What the fuck is this shit
Dear person making all the /Grimes general/ threads, please fucking stop
11/10 music moments
Fav. Female Vocalists
What music does the alt-right listen to?
What does Sup Forums think of this album?
ITT: Bands Sup Forums never talk about
I'm about to do PCP for the first time, Sup Forums. Music for this feel?
Hey user, I have an extra ticket for TOP tonight, want to come?
TFW you will never have sex to the hit song "My Girls" by Animal Collective
This is a list of Frank Ocean's favorite songs
Your favorite album to sing along to
I got some niggas in this bitch who got some niggas in this bitch
Pick an artist and post your 5 favorite songs by them. I'll start with
What bands do cute girls with patrician taste listen to?
His review on Blonde is exporting right now. What is he going to give it, /pol?
Two equally worst fanbases ever exist in the same time period
RYM / Sonemic general
Albums you could listen to forever
Times Scaruffi was right
/grimes general/
Fuck. Their national anthem is like a gorgeous interlude on a baroque pop album. What can't Japan do?
5x5 week
Nice not so obvious indie rock song to send to a girl?
Why isn't Die Antwoord your favorite band?
How does a band like twenty one pilots even come to be...
Why aren't you making music right now?
Is this actually good or is it just a meme?
Which person in this series has the most patrician taste?
Record Store Stories
I really like Nirvana. Tell me why I'm wrong
Bf of 9 years cheated on me because I was being a little bitch, throw some sad jams at me Sup Forums
I'm so patrician, that I've gone beyond patrician
Why is it that Sup Forums has terrible taste in music...
Tfw: that jerk steals your crush for a second time
Hey, Sup Forums. Newfag is asking do you have any David Bowie recommendations?
Now that the dust has settled
What are some of your favorite music videos?
Kpop general
Post the WORST album you've ever listened to
Post a picture, then other anons suggest an album that has like sound/mood to the pic
Is their another band that gets more undeserved hate than TOP?
What are your thoughts on buddy holly?
If you like this dogshit, go back to black Twitter
White Dudes in Hip Hop
The review is out
You guys do this, right?
Kpop general
I need your help mu now more than ever
Electronica is just a subgenre of rock as much as punk or metal are. Via the proxy of modern R&B
How do I get the strings closer to the actual neck Sup Forums ?
Literally *holds up spork*: the person
I don't get it, is Sup Forums really as underage as they say now...
How do you guys feel about this album?
Good music to commit a mass shooting to?
Kpop general
I want to learn to play an instrument. Preferably one that isn't (insanely) hard like violin and piano...
Name me an album more game changing and revolutionary from this decade than pic related. Go ahead. I'll wait
ITT: Post your favorite album and have others guess things about your personality
/daily/ - "The Boys Are Back in Town" Edition
/comp/ - Composition General
What's the most pretentious millennial hipster song you know of? Bonus points for it having a music video
Ok, I guess that's it. Sup Forums right now is in a state where it finally became unbearable...
What are some good rap albums that dont overuse the words "shit" "fuck" "nigger" or "pussy" and dont have prevalent...
This shit again
/prod/ - Music Production General
Great albums/shit artwork
He's a better singer than Frank Ocean
In this itt: bands' objective best albums
Post these + your favorite album
Kpop general
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
What are your AOTY's so far this decade Sup Forums?
ITT: plebcore
RYM / Sonemic general
Is /bleep/ the worst general on Sup Forums?
This was so fucking boring. "avant garde rnb" my ass
Would Taylor Swift have a successful career if she looked like that?
ITT: Things you didn't notice about album covers before
Electronic dance music is more varied than rock
Is this the most cancerous record label of all time?
Why does experimental music also tend to be dissonant and uncomfortable...
ITT albums you've listened to in their entirety at least 10 times per week, every week, since it's release
Now that the dust has settles, can we agree the first CHVRCHES album was good?
ITT: Alt album covers you use
How sad will you be if this man died and it was barely reported...
Kpop general
The Beatles - Everest
Reckoner is OBJECTIVELY the best song ever made
Post musical pet peeves
At the beach :))
You say Hardcore Punk, I say Hardcore Breakbeat
Magic Shrooms
Favorite genre of music
There are "musicians" on this board RIGHT NOW who can't read music
Sup Sup Forums, long time lurker, and a famous rapper here high as fuck, ask me anything, Dubs reveal my identity...
Ooh I love my ugly boy
Bandcamp. Review each other edition
ITT: Songs that are frequently misunderstood
Recent Purchases Thread
Name TWO bands
Post your most unpopular opinion ITT
Kpop general
RIP Toots
What the fuck is his problem?
So why do you guys keep making fun of neo-Sup Forums? They have much better taste than Sup Forums did back in 2008-2010
Disco >>>> punk
Go to concert
These are the best four American Songwriters. Discuss
/rhetorical question/
Rym (soon to be sonemic)
Kid who killed a couple and ate their faces
Kpop general
Name a better game soundtrack
Remember das racist?
Hey Sup Forums, had a rough day and found out my oldest dog may not make it through the night...
How is music that incites violence legal?
So why is this considered an absolute masterpiece in the music canon again?
Whats missing?
Has anyone on this board ever actually been told they had good taste in music by normies?
/classical/ - Meme Edition
Kpop general
Can someone tell me what's on the cutting edge without me having to browse here for long?
Hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up mask* my name is Daniel but u can call me MF D00M!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very...
Life's short and there are lots of albums to listen to. What's your play speeds bros?
/metal/ general
Can we make a chart where we come up with an album to represent every MBTI?
What does Sup Forums think of Math Rock?
Post a picture, anons recommend you music to go with the picture
Tfw John Maus appeared on the alt-right quarter hour comedy variety show
Worst albums of the 2010s
Why was she kicked out of the band again?
ITT: Songs that you like depending on who you're with
Do you listen to artists whose appearances are totally anonymous and unknown?
What'd you think Sup Forums?
/grimes general/
ITT: 10/10 albums ONLY
ITT: albums nu-males will never understand
Not trying to be contrarian, legitimately curious what is so good about this man...
Death Grips are so deep. It takes me awhile to decode their albums but once I do I am amazed. These guys are prophets...
What is your favorite song of the 1970s, Sup Forums?
/prod/ music production
Cringe thread
Desu i don't 'get it,' senpai
What's your favorite track on this, Sup Forums?
If you could/had to kiss your favorite currently active musician whose work you enjoyed a lot on the lips based purely...
What happened?
Song starts with feedback
Freaking out over music reviews
This is Joanna Newsom's best album
Fuck you, I like it
Who will fill their shoes Sup Forums?
Someone recommend me good "stoner metal"
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...