
classic atmo edition


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Progfags, is this chart any good?


Can you rec a better entry point? I've never tried Prog

Disillusion - back to times of splendor

It's on the chart. You don't need a hundred different albums for the start, so I recommend this one.

Thanks friendo

post eric albums



>yfw the atmo is just right


Fuck yeah


Are there any power metal bands that sing about racecars?

Sounds like disneycore


No one here actually likes that shit, right?

>so lazy they couldn't think of a second idea for new album art

black metal best metal

yeah it's just a meme

a catchy sounding meme at that

how about that new car bomb and ulcerate

Car Bomb is one of those bands whos name is better than their music

As if any of their material sounds at all different anyway,

link ?

no link but it's out on spotify in australia so if you've got spotify and you're in australia you can listen to it there

Why is Blind Guardian so talented? Why don´t they receive any recognizition for their majestical music? Mainstream music is invaded by two highly irritating genres that will drive a sane person to the verge of suicide, pop and rap. Truly, what ability does it take to perform this music? For pop you just get some dumb bimbo with no intelligence whatsoever, find an alcoholic reject to write the lyrics, make a video which involves her shaking her ass to satisfy the sexual urges of some 14 year old pervert boys who watch MTV. FUCK! Some don´t even sing at all, they just lip-sync! *cough*Ashlee Simpson*cough* Do I need an explanation why rap sucks? Christ, all you need is a dude banging something to create a beat, another one who slurs out the name of the rapper during the song and then some other asshole who sings the emotionless lyrics which a monkey high on crack could have written better. Rap should forever stand for RETARDS ATTEMPING POETRY. Thats the talent you need to perform either one of these styles. It pisses me off so much that these "artists" are selling millions of cds while some very innovative bands are struggling to pay the rent for their homes. The ignorance of society is higher than ever, we are basically devolutionazing back into Neanderthals. Our world is overriden with these people who have no individual personality and just follow whatever is trendy at the moment. FUCK! We are no longer ourselves, we are simply walking billboards for corporations to sponsor their shitty products. We have lost our sense of identity. There are few people who authentically have developed their own selves. But of course, society treats them as garbage disposal for not conforming to their pathetic standards. But I guess thats life, the world is full of idiots and there is nothing we can do about it. Just sit here and watch ourselves rot away as more people give in to trends. Alright, enough ranting for today. I'll shut up now and continue listening to Blind Guardian.


Wow they actually an elf in the band

I don’t like metal anymore. I used to like metal until one of my friends pointed it out and they asked me “why do you like metal?” and I said because I can mosh to it, and that’s really not a good reason. And they had me look up the lyrics, and I looked up the lyrics and I noticed that just about every metal song is angry, and some of it’s violent, and pretty much all of it is insulting to Christians. Also you can tell that the metalheads really don’t have any talent in singing. In any other type of music people show their talent, but metal…you can growl like cookie monster. Big deal, who can’t? If you like metal, go you, but I don’t. I mean, ask yourself which one’s better. Let’s listen to Cannibal Corpse Hammer Smashed Face youtube.com/watch?v=gNhN6lT-y5U In case you couldn’t understand what the lyrics say, they say “Something, inside, meeeeee, it, is coming ouuuuuut, I, feel, like killing, yoooooooouuuu” …What the hell? Who listens to that? I mean, I know there’s people that listen to it so don’t get all offended, but I don’t like it. Personally I like Have Faith In Me much better youtube.com/watch?v=4WMmCtkhWi0 I like that song much better, the lyrics actually have meanings to it. It’s not all about killing and violence and death. So, that’s why I don’t like metal anymore.

i do


Just finished my GOAT metal albums chart lads, goml

How would /metal/ react to collaboration between Meshuggah and Twilight Force?
(With one track featuring Bjorn "Speed" Strid)

>I'm 15 and just dicovered metal beyond mallcore

lads that batushka album from last year is only a 7/10

its good but its not great know what I mean?

that alcest record aint metal though

top kek

r8 1/100th of my collection, mostly black and shit

I liked that funny part about RETARDS ATTEMPTING POETRY = RAP lol , but I don
t really agree w/ the rest.

Genuinely, absolutely no irony: 99% of the time metal has fucking awful lyrics, and no Deathspell Omega fan can persuade me otherwise

Slowly getting back into metal after a few years' hiatus, anything decent came out after 2013? Recs?

These two are basically the only recent releases I liked



>jewel case CDs
meme loving fuck/10

well I have players for both and some of them aren't even online on youtube or spootifoo :/

...what is wrong with that? Do people here not buy shit at festival distros? Is there a meme I'm unaware of?

>not having 1st press Japanese vinyls

CD and cassette is for wannabes. Only true patricians collect vinyl.

Digipaks are fucking garbage.

Which subgenre has the chillest fans and why is it doom?

is the "vinyl sounds better" meme still alive?

This is beyond pathetic, both as a true statement and as memery. Step it up.

Grindcore, too - at least in my local scene.

No dude its different. The first one was a red dragon and this one is a PURPLE dragon.

I hate seeing images like this, guys that play angry heavy music and then stand and take pictures with fans pulling cheesy smiles. It completely shatters my image of them. I'm still not over seeing MC Ride smiling on the Tower of Terror with Zach and Andy.

How can a scientific fact be a meme my man

well I've got that boris heavy hits from jaapn vol. 3
this many records and I still don't have a table, and I'm not going crossley

I'll take that as a yes

>MC Ride
literally who?

>le crosley is bad maymay
And you complain about other memes being alive?

who the hell said I care about memes, that was that other dude, fuck that dude

The front man of Death Grips, a experimental hip hop trio from California.

>caring about vocals and lyrics this much
metal is good because of the instrumentation and the musical aspects you pleb. who gives a fuck about vocals? they're only a minor element of the music

Is this the least self-aware general in the whole site?

what makes you think that?

lmao my thoughts exactly

Posts like this getting replies like this Or the general staleness of memes - which, I know, sounds like a pretty idiotic point but you have to consider the fact that memes are the basest form of emergent content creation, an essential byproduct of culture; these threads are glaring exaples of self-referential culture locked into immobility, reutilizing the same conceptual tidbits in *slightly* different wordings - and apparently, everybody likes it this way.


Take your words and fuck off.

Keep crying or try to discuss fuckers


>it's 2016
>still no death or black metal album about rapefugees invasion of Europe

What are bands waiting for? Bashing christianity is boring, there are other enemies.

Can you imagine how bad that would be

I don't know what would be worse, a Scandi edgelord whinging about Mohammedans in 9th grade English or someone screeching "CUUUUCK"

The Great Debate


I like death more than I like black. But only OSDM. Newer stuff is usually 2brutal4me. I'm more of a doom and trad guy really.

there's svolder in canada but yeah we need stuff like that in europe as well

That is one of the most cringeworthy pictures I've seen in a while

>deviantart watermark
explains it

nice blog post

adequate blog post

nice tweet

Reminder that yesterdays fedora is todays MAGA hat.


the biggest impact metal has ever had on the real world was increasing support for Parental Advisory stickers and being implicated in teen suicides

all anti-refugee metal would do is validate people who already hate Muslims, it wouldn't convert anyone let alone change anything about whatever the situation is right now.

metal has the worst lyrics of any genre of music, do you really want people whose main literary influence is Tolkien weighing in on the situation in Rotherham

simply to trigger SJW retards / other regressives

desu refugees are kinda like orcish hordes

This post is so petty I can't find a soul gem small enough to capture it


>please fuck my face

I assume I hit a sensitive spot

So to alienate the parts of their fan base that you, personally, do not like
Wow great idea
P sure the "regressives" in this situation are the people who think that Europe was better 1500 years ago, but okay


>not using petty soul gems to decorate limeware platter in your Telvanni tower
Come on my level

jesus christ you're embarrassing

Kill yourself tumblerina

that death metal girl is a qt

black metal > death metal though

>liking metal
>disliking classical times

Shitty bait. Have a (you) but you don't really deserve it.

regressives are those who refuse to acknowledge the huge problems that mass immigration causes and has caused, all in the name of misdirected "tolerance" and non sequitur "y u racist" remarks

>Has Spastic Ink + Blotted Science
Works for me!

No debate, Death Metal.

>because I said so ;^)

>doesn't mention Watchtower
C'mon lad