Li Xianglan walmart boxed set edition
RYM / Sonemic
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Whats up with this iloveyou guy
Whats up with this s/t guy
What's up with this s/t guy
Whats up with this iloveyou guy
send me recommendations
other than li xianglan
I know a guy who has a name similar to Li Xianglan
Zhou Xuan is pretty good
>listens to Li Xianglan once
Memes aside the first time I listened to Li Xianglan sing 心曲 I felt such a strong sense of nostalgia it was similar to this pic
It's not a meme. She's really that good
iloveyou is the worst user on RYM.
>plasters his yellow fever everywhere
>australian shitposter who thinks Sup Forums memes are funny
>mentions "cunny" and says "nigger" multiple times in his 4.5 star review of MPP
>smug about being a basement-dwelling weeaboo
>posts in kpop generals
>attacks everyone anonymously in RYM threads, never posts his profile
>uploads images he masturbates to as his profile pics, avoids getting banned because it's "art"
>attacks TCB nonstop without realizing he's just as embarrassing
>butthurt enough to make a "straight pride" list
>/r9k/ poster, uses the word "normie"
>self-esteem issues cause him to constantly lash out online
>hides behind a passive-aggressive shtick he copied from AntiWarhol
>rating scale is a pathetic cry for help
>is most likely an actual pedophile
>li xianglan was a polyglot; spoke chinese, japanese, russian, and english
>prolific actor in mutliple languages
>served in the Japanese parliament for 18 years
>has a voice that makes you transcend
tfw you realize Li Xianglan is an actual polymath
>butthurt enough to make a "straight pride" list
He's a self-hating closet homosexual which makes the list twice as pathetic
>you will never go back to 1940s China
>you will never sex Li Xianglan in her prime
Why live lads?
stop samefagging, lewis
Lewis exclusively likes 1920s white girls, not 1940s chinee girls
watashi wa shoujo desu ~~ ^_^
What's your favorite Beethoven piece and what's your favorite performance of it?
Mine is probably Grosse Fugue performed by the Alban Berg Quartet.
i've taken a bit of time out of my day to put together this list of current up-and-coming avant teens, feel free to comment/add:
5th symphony performed by Berlin Philharmonic conducted by Herbert von Karajan
ULTIMATE red flags:
>A film soundtrack rated 4 or more stars
>Any other OST rated 4 or more stars
>Random dollar bin afro-beat/regional music cassette in 5s
>any Sup Forumscore 5 stars
>2 or more modern classical records in 5s
>0 classical period ratings
>0 baroque music ratings
3 of them are confirmed and admitting Sup Forums posters, the other 2 are blatant fakeraters
>try actually discussing music in /rym/
>no response
Music for this feel lads?
Li Xianglan
Thanks mate
I love that these threads devolved into something so completely beyond the pale of regular /rym/ discussion
String Quartet No. 14 performed by the Alexander String Quartet
>chug two cups of coffee
>put on mozart's requiem by hogwood
Fuck you all for ruining the last good general on /moo/ you punks.
do you like hogwood or karajan's requiem more
these threads always sucked
I used to have fun.
1940's China was a complete shithole
i'm going to be really pissed if we won't be able to search by descriptors in sonemic
karajan's is ok but hogwood's is just something else man
marriner's is still the best i've heard though in regards to overall sound and pace
We must all descend down this dark spiral to hell for the idol. Make sure to rate all idols a 5 on my new site I'm making called rateyouridol.
can you talk to sean and tell him not to kick me from weebteam cuz i miss you guys
It's not Sean, it's Zob. He still hates you, and I can't convince him to let you in. I've tried.
Symphony No 3 or 6, performed by Erich Kleiber or David Zinman.
oh well in that case damn what a little bitch
is he still mad because of that ban evasion spree i did that one night LMAO
i honestly can't imagine holding e-grudges over people in general but it's good to know just how power-conscious he still is over me despite how unserious i was about it since the beginning.
tell him i hope his unique brand of autism is at least painful cuz that's disgusting
good morning, /rym/
Are you goys excited?
Good morning rym! Just woke up, smoked a bowl, drank a cup of coffee, and now I'm putting on some Li Xianglan
>not studying hiragana and katakana first thing in the morning
shaking my head
>yfw only ploymaths will get this meme
Feels good to be part of the ploymath master race
how much bud do you have
>"""""ploymaths""""" who know less than 1000 kanji
I live in a legal state and there's a dispensary a 10 minute walk from my apartment so I just buy it whenever I need more
I know almost all the hiragana do I qualify
>learning an absurdly complex dead language just to stroke your e-penis
Anyone else listen to that new David Bowie yet?
can anyone recommend some obscure regional music cassettes that will expand my taste. I don't mind it being a little edgy, I just want to hear something new
t. insecure Sup Forumsdrone
stay mad lad...
>advanced level esoteric memery
>people posting under the influence of various substances
>patrician scene conversations
What is not to love here.
i havent been able to enter glitchwave for like 2 months now did i get banned or is it not avaliable any more
>Developing trust in your own taste is certainly something that takes time. I remember when I was 16 that I would listen to certain "classics" endlessly despite getting next to nothing from the experience. Ten years down the line I know better than to waste my time if a record hasn't revealed anything of merit in the first listen or two.
how easy is it to get a medical weed card if you live in a legal state, how old are you and what's your affliction?
It's recreation legal here, don't need a medical card
What state do you live in (assuming you're american)
>>hides behind a passive-aggressive shtick he copied from AntiWarhol
this is the only incorrect part
he didnt copy it from AW, AW is a loser with no personality
it's "ploymath"
get it right, embryo
Richard is just some guy who likes obscure music a lot, he doesn't get it why people are putting him on a pedestal like some god of the avant garde
People like you need to be shot
Your mind is a fucking joke
what's the point of these threads
He means AntiWarhol's passive-aggressive schtick from 2009, when he would bully various embryos
You serious?
To discuss music with relation to the music-cataloging website
who are your favorite rym users who people in these threads want you to think that they post here when they actually don't?
i like these the most
b nice be dumb njoy yr life
Zhou Xuan is so much better. This meme sucks.
t. (insert antiwarhol ascii here)
should i listen to this, lads?
Its fine bruh
>tfw average rating way below 4.0 now
i miss the good old dayes, before the memebryos got to her.
Redbull me pham
>someone actually made a list of Sine_Nomine's high ratings
Holy FUCK. This might just be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on RYM.
No one if retarded to that
>not knowing a classic avant-teen who got dunked on and cuck'd by antiwarhol providing comedy gold
get out memebryo
I almost feel sorry for this cuck. Forever relegated to live in Rich's shadow, while everyone sees him for the transparent rube he really is.
>Great account that will be missed
>literally the only noteworthy thing he's ever done is get memed on by Rich
Hello JonathanAltd.
What? Please speak english
hahaha holy shit
he's actually proud of getting btfo by anti
how can one man be this cucked?
Now that Rich doesnt meme anymore, anyone who was significantly made his bitch and verbally abused by him is a classic. And hes not just a cuck to anti, he's THE biggest cuck to anti other than perhaps exitsense
Sine_nomine has had his account scheduled for deletion for over a month already. It's obviously a gimmick for attention
it's been deleted
>Now that Rich doesnt meme anymore
>what is VargCasio
I thought it takes about two months for an account to be deleted anyways
He was legitimately at a breaking point and got flustered with that. No classic copypaste tactics were involved.
>list has 9 favorites already
Holy fuck how gullible are people? He was the most obvious fakerater there was.
recs would be great appreciated, senpai
bossadellic was a fakerater too. if you actually followed his account since it was new, the Abelian-level 360 in taste and number of ratings made it pretty blatant. along with the multiple mass deletions and mass rating sprees that are indicative of a fakerater
Yeah but b0ss actually took the time to add most of the releases he rated, and they were usually from blogspots where you can download the music. So he at least had some plausibility to his ratings
Sine_nomine on the other hand never added a single release and just rated classical music based in the album cover
bossadellic was friendly and had an actual personality tho
Added and recced