ITT: Alt album covers you use

This for the White Album


Sorry for asking user, but mind doing The Who's Lifehouse?

>changing the White Album cover
Literally blasphemy, kys

why the fuck would you use an alternate album cover

The not White album?




anyone happen to have the alternate cover for david bowies reality album that actually has him on the cover and not that ugly cartoon of him?

No but I made this one ages which I think is better

>Using alt covers


thanks. gonna use it now

>John managing to sneak yoko on the cover

Evanescence - Callen

lmao just used the smudge tool in photoshop, weak




I bought a copy of Yesterday and Today at a garage sale w/no cover. Then I found somebody selling reprints of the original cover.

bar to line

What's the joke

It's not about the process, it's about the result

Anyone mind making Pink Floyd's the wall done in the style of Storm throguouson

Just made this in Photoshop. Not really anything like him but I thought it was pretty cool regardless

Not bad, but I feel like it just needs a focus on Pink a bit

I actually prefer the American cover even though it's not great.

The Man Who Sold the World has a terrible cover.

Is this better?


How about doing a gatefold with an adult pink leaning against his wall

Something like this


I think it would be better for The Final Cut

this cover actually matches the music perfectly
just a couple of neighborly goofballs goofin around

Just for this one track in particular

the font used for the tracks is awful

