Marinara and the Diamonds

TFJ cult worship edition

Other urls found in this thread:

daily reminder

where is everyone?

> TFJ cult worship

What did he mean by this?

the family jewels

she was the fucking bomb in the tfj era and i would literally do anything to meet that women

I know but why would someone render cult to that album? lol

i like rina

just look at that women back then dude. She was looking great and its also a thing of her to have eras. With that meaning she had 3 eras in total.

1st one was The Family Jewels

2nd one was Electra Heart

and the last one was Froot

So the cult is about her in the 1st era and her looks etc back then. So i think it has nothing to do with rendering the album cult

who doesnt ?

pls dont let this thread die

i liked Marina before she turned into an unlikable dyke


I still like her

Sorry OP looks like people have finally forgotten about Mariner

Can you please spell Marina right next time so my filter works?


it makes me sad, like really sad. but the good thing about it is that i got her for myself

That's why we spelled it wrong in the first place

i now realised dumbass op fucking wrote "Marinara"

Will Sup Forums ever rediscover Marina? Or will she be forgotten to the sands of time?

friendly reminder that her best song is on Electra Heart which makes it the best album




> kinda

How ungrateful of her.

Glad she died desu

wait is this real hahahah

atleast Charli appreciates memes made for her, not like this old hag

post rare marinas

Do you guys think she browses Sup Forums?


Does she have any songs like froot?
Been addicted to it lately.
Dunno what it is about it, I doubt I'd be into the majority of her stuff.

Have you tried the rest of the album?

no :p

yes and she masturbates to our fap fantasies about her

MvS Marina was a qt