
Apologize desu

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No. It sucked shit. I'm so fucking tired of seeing mediocre female pop/waifuism posted all over this board.

For what? I've said before I don't like the album, I haven't changed my opinion, and I'm not sorry for having my opinion.

im sorry that i thought grimes wouldnt sell out so hard

Grimes makes me want to vomit

I won't apologize for calling her shit because she is shit

reeee her new album isn't dark and edgy like me

it's too pop and normieeee. FUCKING NORMIES

Sorry I ever wasted time listening to you 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back

That's not why I dislike it. I dislike it because it's mixed like shit (to the point where it's unlistenable) and the songs are really shallow.

>it's mixed like shit
that never stuck out to me, how so?
>the songs are really shallow.
nah, every one of them has quite a bit of layers going on. unless you're talking about lyrics

>how so?
It all just sounds muddy. The Realiti demo sounds much better than the album version, which sounds muddy and kindof gross like the rest.
>unless you're talking about lyrics
I am. There are loads of layers, but like I said they are mixed badly. Everything feels like it's clashing. If it doesn't bother you then that's fine but it bothers me. Some people have said before they like the way it's mixed so I don't know.

I just finished Grimes discography and holy shit that was underwhelming as hell.

her first two albums are definitely shite

It's been established that she's not an experienced or professional producer, things are being put into practice while also being learned. A paid producer will mix everything he works with the same way, without any specific approach to compliment the actual music. This album sounds like shit because it's appeal or aesthetic isn't completely obvious.

I bet that in 20 years this album and other pop albums that Sup Forums derides will probably be Sup Forumscore.

Yep. This is what it was like when KID A came out.

ITT: super plebs discussing a patrician album and a patrician artist. You disgust me.

except thom yorke wasnt anyone's husbando

I hated her older stuff but absolutely love this album. I'm actually listening to it right now. Its got some incredible layered production and its catchy as fuck.

grimes should be fed into a cement mixer and turned into a sidewalk

and claire boucher the sidewalk designer emerges from a manhole and walks down the sidewalk to her throne

Sorry you're not dead yet, claire boucher.

Free willy-the artist #thrimethththth

>grimes inciting such strong reactions, love or hate
She's just a thin girl with a synth

To be fair, you are too.

>being this sexist
She's a mature artist.

she wouldn't approve your words

>she's just a goblin with a mustache and zero talent

fixed it for u my niece

She's a concoxting demon, claire boucher, the artists, the frusciantes, are the worst part of demonrace. Luckily, they're all fucked now.

Objectively wrong, kid.

well heh.. I guess she could have some talent as a scarecrow maybe

Deep down in your dark soul you know she's great. You just refuse to admit it.

'deep down in your dark soul'. You should write for porno, kiddo. Good luck with that dark soul thine.

daily reminder that only 10-15 post in the grimes general
reminder that they make these threads because nobody gives a fuck about her

she'd be great as a salesperson for mustache wax
but aas a musician?? pfft haha no way jose
literally casio presets with faux pas kawaii vocals
not to mention she could write a hook to save her mustache

>denying the truth
Keep pretending.

>ad hominem attack at her when you have nothing to say
This has more hooks than your favorite artist entire discography: youtube.com/watch?v=N9XKLqGqwLA

38 > 10-15. Daily reminder that the antigrimesfans are dumb.

Speak for yourself lmao

Jonny Greenwood was, and Ed is still my husbando.

She needs to apologize, look at what she did to poor REALiTi!

What she did with it? She improved it by adding some production and a better ending?

She better never released the demo. This way these ungrateful people would appreciate the album version.

but the demo version of Realiti is a perfect balance between Art Angels and Visions

(i think) there wouldnt be a new version if it wasnt already popular

you have a paradox

That scrapped album could be a conclusion to her dream pop line, but she decided to go straigh to dance pop after Visions. Not that I dislike Art Angels, but imo it would be better if she made something like Realiti demo before it.

But the demo version as it is, it doesn't fit Art Angels which is more rockier and aggressive. Originally Realiti was from that scrapped album that included also the song David. She didn't even want to include it on AA...

another grimes fan who has reading problems?
when did I say that it fits Art Angels?
in fact i agree with this

>Truthing the denial
pretend keeping

Same, her only great album was the one ripped from myspace.

>being this contrarian

I hated this on release but then I listened to it about three days ago and now I love it never had an opinion change so quick for no reason.

so I'm sorry

Scrapped album would be the missing link between the two. People would listen to AA very differently if there was some context of where it came from, how it turned out that way. But Sup Forums would just shit-fling over which one is better/patrician etc.

Havent heard it yet
Is good or its a meme?


use filters, Lad.

You didn't say but you implied:
>but the demo version of Realiti is a perfect balance between Art Angels and Visions

And that means it wouldn't fit on neither albums. Hence my post:
>But the demo version as it is, it doesn't fit Art Angels which is more rockier and aggressive.

Both. It's actually good and also a meme (popular).

>saying that I implied that it fits Art Angels
>>demo version of Realiti is a perfect balance between Art Angels and Visions (basically what I said)
>And that means it wouldn't fit on neither albums.
are you ok?

"meme album" means that albums is shit, not that it's popular

I'm ok. You're not ok though. If that song is a perfect balance between both albums it means it doesn't fit in any of them. Basic logic ffs.

Meme means viral. Look at the definition of this term.

I didn't say that it fits, I only said that it's a perfect balance between both albums, stop trolling me.

When are we going to make a /waifu/ board so we can clear out Sup Forums and Sup Forums of all the pedophilic and podophilic cretins and have some actual fucking discussion for once? Even the memes and shitposting are somewhat tolerable compared to this fucking waifufag circlejerk. You lonely NEETs and hikikomoris do nothing all day but jerk off to your disgusting looking surrogate girlfriends who actually have very little fucking talent other than dancing around on stage like autistic freaks and pretending that their pretty. I'M SICK OF THIS FUCKING SHIT, fuck Grimes, fuck st vincent, fuck bjork (at least her fans have the right idea and kill themselves), and ESPECIALLY fuck kpop, why will you pathetic losers never shut the fuck up about your incredibly shallow, fake, and plastic fap material? You all fucking disgust me.

>mad dumbass
Stay mad.

You're right that they're fake plastic fap material. You're right that it doesn't matter if i think they're pretty. I just cared.

I am sorry you'll never make a good album Grimes

better than Pom Pom


Don't be sorry. She already did 4 (or 5 if you count her EP).

grimesfags have a pattern
make a statement grimes is good
gets btfo
and just retreats to calling the person idiot and dummy over and over

they need mental help tbqh

*holds up spork*

>lonely white knight waifu fag
Stay lonely, Kyle

this. only grimesfags are worse than kpop. at least kpoppers are self aware.


Montie is right for once