Looking for an Ableton Live torrent, newer the better obviously. Anyone got the hookup?
Looking for an Ableton Live torrent, newer the better obviously. Anyone got the hookup?
Find it your self fucker, it's not that hard… seriously what the hell is up with this board?
literally just fucking type ableton live on piratebay or any torrent site or even google for fuck sakes
how new are you
your lazy attitude will produce nothing but boring and bland and derivative music. You don't deserve that program.
fucking kys
thanks for the bumps, dumbasses. Hope I didn't disrupt the ant horde too much
what the fuck do you make? post your link
>the hookup
ya boi gon hook you up real good with this fresh mems chek it out son
this way you dont need the abletons, know what i mean breh? this is the thing that made the abletons exist ya boi, take it, i give this one for free to you
I want cool fucking effects and delays motherfucker give me ableton
The first result on piratebay is legit and works well
the bait is weak, try again some other time
I bought intro for $100. Feels like a waste of money
I downloaded that one and I can't get it running, idk what I did wrong. The Patch ISO or whatever wouldn't work.
>posts chord sheet when asking for $800 production software
>anything else is bait
well then you probably won't be able to get a different torrent to work either. figure it out.
lmao I sent this to Ableton. Will likely be tracking your IP so if you download you're fucked.
idk but i just moved from macbook to pc, and now i have nothing, all my vst's, daw, samples, drums, everything gone.
feel like ive made a huge mistake.
typical mactard lmao
lol @ your life
those are two different people, you're handicapped