
Discuss the awesome Canuck electronic artist Claire Boucher known as Grimes.

Suggested topics:
>How and when did you find out about her?
>Rank/rate her albums and post your favorite songs of hers.
>Did you see her live? Do you plan to?
>Who would you like to see her collab with?

Some cool stuff:
Flowcharts: imgur.com/0rPwOAO and imgur.com/a/uSFiq
Important: genius.com/Grimes-i-dont-want-to-have-to-compromise-my-morals-in-order-to-make-a-living-annotated
Rarities: reddit.com/r/Grimes/comments/4g84rl/grimes_downloads_various_rare_collaborations
Fan made documentary: vimeo.com/164942263

Try to keep it music related, and be nice to Grimes and to each other!

Other urls found in this thread:


harsh noise record when

2nd for delete


hopefully soon

your just not intelligent enough

Literally this

someone was looking for some background on the rise and fall of lab synthese/arbutus.

not sure which has the specific thing that person was looking for, but here are some major "pieces" (not too thinky thankfully). history 101 for grimesians.


grimes fans are probably the most serious posters on the whole boards

You mean Grimesters.

Thanks for links.

that implies that grimes fans does not exist here

that's becoming a meme

grimes fans are probably the most serious posters on the whole boards

>grimesfags are probably the most serious posters on this board. that's why they always get triggered so easily when people call grimes shit
I dislike the word grimefag, but this was true

Looking at these threads, I want to fap to Grimes right now

go away grimes you SUCK

>he wants to fap to Grimes
your just not intelligent enough

what the fuck man? thats not appropriate at all. keep that degeneracy out of this thread.

>implying you don't love Grimes

grimes is living meme

>fapping on Grimes
your just not intelligent enough and cut the dick off

there are two types of people. people who love grimes, and people who don't know they love grimes yet

How do you explain your pure waifu doing this ?

tbqh your just not intelligent enough

thats not really her

it was for the cover art of that harsh noise record

This was actually talked about in an interview posted above!

>The day after the party, pictures surface on the blog Hipster Runoff depicting Boucher licking the breasts of a notorious local poet-cum-party girl. They are removed once Boucher’s parents in Vancouver discover them and give her a lecture about self-control.

She just had some fun. She never claimed to be pure FYI.

She is pure maiden in my mind you plonker

actually if you read the articles i posted, she explains why she did that. educate yourself.

No, but you guys have her as a paragon of perfection and yet as you can see here she's drugged af and a slutfu.

seems like she's less serious than her fanbase on Sup Forums

So she brought shame to her parents? How ungrateful of her.

It is complicated and not one-dimensional thing.

She has her flaws. Only a delusional waifufag would claim she's a paragon of perfection when it comes to her life. But things change when it comes to her music...

I find her oddly fascinating. I want a Grimes TV show. Not, like, a reality show. But just a show where cameras follow her around while she's doing drugs and talking way too fast about stuff that record what she says. Sort of like a nature documentary but instead of being about tigers its about Grimes.

Her old apartment building's address is 5980 Avenue Du Parc. She hasn't lived there in half a decade, so I guess there's no issue with telling you nerds this.

I am delusional waifufag and i got offended by this. Only a fool would think that perfection of any kind exist.


your just not intelligent enough

>implying she's not perfect
your just not intelligent enough

>5980 Avenue Du Parc
kek that flat is for rent and there are pictures of it. I identified it from photo where grimes tries to unclog the toilet. Also looks pretty good, completely not depressing shithole that everyone was telling (lying) about.

I can't imagine my life without Grimes.
I feel like if she disappears then I will be immediately dead.

you're already dead, lil boy

You disgust me.

>that flat is for rent and there are pictures of it
>also looks pretty good, completely not depressing shithole
montreal isnt exactly detroit.

>getting mad because of meme
how old are you?

>I'm 10 and I just discovered internet

THANK YOU. I always wanted to ask that. So this is where she made Visions??

I do think there is a potential issue with it, in the sense that if it isn't well known to Montrealers already outside those who knew Grimes personally, then publicizing it- even at first just among her hardcore stans- can eventually cause that knowledge to leak to property owners and real estate agents and put upward pressure on the property values in the area and further kill the artistic community, which wouldn't benefit Grimes or her fans, and might further antagonize locals against her, as they already blame her success for gentrifying the scene. However, I assume you are not the only one around there who knows this.

your just not intelligent enough

You disgust me.


was like first thing i found on google

also reference pic. just enlarge flat photos.

your just too much retarded

You disgust me even more.

it was already a meme before it was a meme


>being this mad

You disgust me.

it's for that reason that I wouldn't post it to reddit.

for all it's flaws, we are safe from the prying eyes of the media in these threads.

your just not intelligent enough and too much retarded

Allahu Akbar

What in gods name am I looking at

You disgust me even more, retard.

your just not intelligent enough and too much retarded

your just not intelligent enough

well, yes and no. this is information that is inevitably going to spread by word of mouth. let's hope the current landlord do not know, so they won't jack up the rent before the next tenant. but i guess this process is inevitable.

may i ask, when did she live there? the entirety of 2006-2011? do you know her other addresses? the thing is that visions was recorded in her apartment in August 2011 so I guess it would be this one. devon also lived here I guess during some of that time?


Normal legs for people who actually do something in wilderness and doesn't live sheltered city lives.

delet this thread

she has great legs
to kick haters with

you are that actually believe/degenerate poster.

pls r8 my pattern recognition skills

you're wrong

These threads need to be banned.


it is meme hater

I'm not hater, I bought VIsions and Art Angels.

lets get it Mss. Grimes.

>may i ask, when did she live there? the entirety of 2006-2011?
Unknown. Just that she lived in Apartment 5 towards the end of her time in Montreal, and previous to that she lived in Apartment 8.

>if he memes then he's hater

You too. What was your contribution ITT? Someone ban this shitposter fucker.

delet this thread pls



Too late.

You disgust me.

You disgust me.

You disgust me.

delet grimes pls

You disgust me even more.

Let's end with the shitposting, OK? Let's start discussing Grimes like civilized people.

>Rank/rate her albums and post your favorite songs of hers.
Visions > Art Angels > Geidi Primes = Halfaxa > Darkbloom > Lethe

Oblivion, Sagrad, Rosa, Artangels, Be a Body, the list is open.

do those apartments look out onto parc or are the windows facing another direction, like what would her view have been. i know she blacked out the windows in the middle of the summer to record the album. she didn't leave the apartment for weeks. it was always something i pictured in a larger and more alienating building. to know that she did that in such a small building with beautiful trees right outside, it gives so much more resonance to the choice of sensory deprivation.

"and you can't and you can't see the weight in/way to the trees... and you can't and you can't see the weight of/way to the leaves... and you can't and you can't see the weight/way in the dark... and you can't and you can't see the weight in my heart."

You harsh noise maniac get the fuck out my thread. You posted over 50% of posts (complete trash).

You disgust me.

Hey, fuck you, I don't shitpost here.

>your thread

soft noise record when?

Are you sure? Then who posted this and the other memes?

It's my thread and I'm the boss. Problems?

Yes, I'm sure. I'm not the guy(s) who are shitposting here right now.
And "harsh noise record meme" is pretty old now.

>You disgust me.
You disgust me.