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thank god i can finally post this gem

is this a tortilla?
(post more hot body or pinky)

Based OP

I have something you can obsess with, honey.


this is a churro filled with ice cream

lovelyz jisoo

It's an ice cream cone

>those threads still exist

wow, how? it's like 2-3 original webms

thats a fair criticism

There are some songs where I think they could be stripped down a little more.

but that'd be no reason for someone to call mamamoo cancer.

does luda qualify as smol?

ching ching~



>tfw no twiceboy gf

>Koreans pronouncing "churro"

So cute.

They're not cancer at all, their varieties are still hilarious. It's just one gal.

notice some people talking about mamamoo in the last thread, just want to mention I heard this song yesterday and I absolutely loved it, can't believe I didn't know about it

anyways, does anyone else love the song? I really love it

xuan yi looks so expensive...

ching ching motherfucker

its a meme ice cream product that blew up in korea.

just a J shaped cone pipe filled with ice cream.

its p fucking lewd to when you see some1 try to eat one.

She's very smol

eric nam has been touching solar a lot and solar doesnt seem to mind

what have they done

that was their last good song for me
both pink funky and melting were pretty ass

Eric Nam is a faggot

post churros

hell yeah I do.

>that mv ratio tho


last good mamamoo song was mr chocolate or something
Best song ever

Why can't Koreans just make a video in 16:9 for once?

am I the only one who thought that looked like the head of a penis?

last good mamamoo was lg shill

I don't blame her, he could probably do better

oh shit, i never heard this before. i like it, thanks!


jeeez louise

tfw no ioitoddler gf

There is nothing wrong with Mamamoo


Seu madruga, posso comer um churros?

blood for the space gods

If I were Nam I'd touch Solar a lot too.

And if I were Solar I'd let Nam touch me a lot too.

I see no harm.

sana here

did spica flop? I don't see anyone talking about their song

wtf I love Mamamoo posters now

How long until CLC disbands

i love you seohyun . .

pls make love me

is luda our new smol?

the last good mamaoo song was mr. ambiguous

do you copy?
emergency maneuvers!!!

Spica is too nugu to even chart on any chart

blackpink is gay

Article: AOA Choa reveals, "Seolhyun doesn't dress as fashionably as you'd think"

Source: Newsen via Daum

1. [+1,023, -70] She sure has killer fashion when she goes to his house

2. [+852, -90] Well she only wears a top to Zico's... does she not have money for pants? I wonder what she does at his house too...

3. [+618, -82] Judging from Dispatch's pictures, she seems to dress herself quite well ㅋㅋ

4. [+342, -37] She just straight up doesn't wear pants. I'm sure she's made enough money, buy her some pants to wear.

5. [+319, -30] Seolhyun's image is so crap now because of those pictures ㅠㅠ

6. [+288, -22] What about her fashion running into her boyfriend's house ㅋ

7. [+274, -18] Choa-ya, buy her some books and pants then

8. [+133, -16] Choa was the reason AOA even became popular with the public but Seolhyun and Jimin ruined it all

9. [+94, -5] I don't think she doesn't dress well, she just dresses how she thinks men would like ㅋ

10. [+49, -0] She barely wears anything judging by Dispatch's pictures ㅋㅋ doesn't seem to care about fashion at all ㅋㅋ

who's the katy perry of kpop

not soon, CLC and Laboum are pretty much the new generation's Dal Shabet and Rainbow. Always trucking along but getting ignored.

always the foreigners going overboard with the gay vibes

SNSD - Party

who's that girl on the right? I don't know shit about black pink btw

but damn, that girl is pretty

mr moonbyul...




how do I get to know more about Mamamoo? where do I start bros?

> I wonder what she does at his house too...

they fuck because they like each other, something that netizens will never experience

not this shit again

what's omg?

Ricky Rose



they have a youtube channel and a short series called mamamoo tv, spans a few comeback eras

i wish jenny kims smiling face was better
i love that resting bitch face though
she wouldve squeaked into my harem if she smiled better

how many pre-2014 girl groups still have fans in korea

thank you

binnie is my wife

the kpop messiah

hmmm they are in an odd spot where it seems like the public is steadily noticing them more even to the point of getting second place in a music show so I'd say right now they're the equivalent of GsD pre Expectation

i want her to grind on me she's so smol

I liek their music. But it was their Weekly Idols appearances that really sold me on them


ignore post, I didn't read it carefully

ok we just gotta make sure omg never put dumplings on the floor

Imagine a girl liking you so much she lets you stick your penis inside.

OMG isn't too far from their big break to become a top girl group

All it will take is one release that will shoot them to stardom

i don't have to imagine with ur waifu

>drops group name in every song



>>hmmm they are in an odd spot where it seems like the public is steadily noticing them more even to the point of getting second place in a music show so I'd say right now they're the equivalent of GsD pre Expectation


I can't trust Yooa and Mimi to be humble in the face of adversity, they look like they would be quite bitchy

you know you're in too deep when you understand this reference. also our girls would never do that




thanks for these links man

Flower Kei holding an assault rifle

>not knowing where GsD was pre-Expectation

nobody knew them



Oh My Girl is certainly gonna be a top girl group soon, they have been pushing themselves hard to get there and its starting to work