I want to learn to play an instrument. Preferably one that isn't (insanely) hard like violin and piano...

I want to learn to play an instrument. Preferably one that isn't (insanely) hard like violin and piano. And something other than:

triangle, xylophone, ukulele, guitar, bass, or bass. The kazoo and harmonica are too simple and kinda lacks some charm.

Could you give me some tips? I want to be able to become intermediate in like 4 years.

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Consider the banjo or mandolin perhaps?

Depends on what kind of music you want to play and what sounds you find pleasing.

People usually say saxophone is pretty easy. But violin and piano aren't difficult either from my experience, I played both as a little kid and picked them up pretty quickly. I'd stay away from the flute and brass instruments though, they're pretty fucking hard (trumpet player of 9 years here) Honestly, the amount of difficulty in an instrument depends on what you put into it, the basics of most instruments are pretty simple and they all have a steep learning curve.

Piano is incredibly easy, OP. And it makes learning theory a breeze.

Don't go for a woodwind or any fretless string instrument. Those are a pain in the ass.

I'll try to explain myself.

Thanks for the tips/ heads up's, anons. Saxophone is pretty charming, might look into that, definitely. And piano, I have heard some quote saying it's the easiest to start with but the hardest to master. Now of course I'm not aiming at become some form of master, just decent enough to "please the ears of others" you know. Piano is a bit of a pain since it's very heavy and hard to move around, and I'm getting the feeling that the sax might be of interest to learn.

Some context I can give is that I'm 19...what seems to be a very old age to start learning one's first instrument...


Sorry for the poor grammar guys, it's late.

Too loud! And just not my thing in general.

The Recorder

Guessing that when it comes to purchasing your instrument, you can probably pay a lot less for a serviceable piano than for a saxophone

Piano isn't hard. As far as music theory goes, piano is the easiest. Contrary to popular belief, guitar (open chord wankery doesn't count, that can be learned in two hours) is harder than piano. Among common instruments, I'd say violin and trumpet are the hardest, followed by sax and guitar.

I've got a master degree on Tambourine, I strongly recommend you that.

I know you said not bass, but you should play bass. It's on the same level as guitar but different enough to be rare and isn't pleb tier.

People will always want to jam with you, you'll learn some music theory just by playing and listening to basslines. Basses are fairly cheap, too.

Hayden pls leave

You can always get a keyboard instead of an upright. And 19 isn't too old I don't think.

>on the same level as guitar

Just looked at sax prices and was a bit surprised at how expensive they were. We do own a piano, but I've had this notion that it's super hard for some reason. Perhaps I should it give piano some thought as well though.

Definitely go piano. It's easy to pick up and you could buy a cheap keyboard for travel purposes

If I can manage to play it everyday for 30min - 1 hour and progressing soundly, do you think I'd be able to go one tier higher than "beginner" (i.e being able to impress somewhat)?

In two months you'll be able to play any top 40s song

Try to clap with your hands...

Seriously what kind of music would you play ?

You could try to play flute maybe, if you think harminoca too easy, and you dislike string instruments... also EDM could be an issue for you too.

And piano is not hard.

Meant for

Alright friends, I'm getting a Yamaha. My interest is piqued!

A Yamaha what? Motorcycle? Guitar?

Link it


This one seems nice, affordable too.

Played first trumpet and french horn for years growing up, it wasn't THAT difficult. French horn was definitely harder than trumpet. Although a lot of people just sound like shit tonally because they can't figure out how to get a solid tone or stop making every note go "blat."

>I'm getting a [brand that makes pretty much everything]

Should have been more specific, apologies.

Looks good, Yamaha is great for the money

But what is a good electric piano ? I see on the feature it can play 160 preset style from rock to jazz and it has 6 octaves, so why not

But now you need to learn the musical theory, good luck :)

Yamaha YPG -535 was my first keyboard. A cheap keyboard is all a beginner needs