gaypop is shit

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said no one



you're gay, just admit it

Black Pink is my favorite group of all time.

I like that instagram girl mulgokizary

Just do yourselves a favor and don't type. Just post pics.




he just said it tho

whistle is kpop soty

try to prove me wrong

do y-you think those girls are sexually active?...

you'd like that wouldn't you gayboi?

>being so scared of a gaypop OP you make an early thread

can you imagine?

>she counted in Korean at the end and listed Asian liquors, so it wasn't a fully English song


i love choa

who wants to trade essays with me
i like almost all girl groups


Hush. You know it's true.
Don't spread lies about Sunny. She was an important addition to the group. But that pretty much is a confirmation that he loves Taeyeon more. Ugh
The MV was bad but honestly everything Got7 has done so far is not that impressive. The good thing is that they're actually improving and you can see it. Flight Log was very solid and if they keep up the pace they might have a chance to get real big. Giving the other members a chance to shine wouldn't hurt either
MOBB is happening, but when? I really want that desu but I can't wait. Also BI deserves a solo

I love the song, the era is alright but I prefer Fly as a whole. The "it's up to you" makes me cringe too lol it makes the song unbearable honestly

>he doesn't like gaypop

Nope. They're stuck in their dorm all day and they're deathly afraid of dating due to what happened to the 5th member of BP (who got kicked out of the company for dating), so if they do have any sexual activity, it's with each other.

I really don't care. I like Mina and I don't like shitposters. Post Mina and don't discuss anything since you hate that. See, we both win.

wtf jisoo is 100% pure like irene

Having CL grind on niggers while recycling Method Man lyrics, or Wonder Girls trying to be The Ronettes, or SNSD trying to be the Spice Girls, or Seven/Rain trying to be Usher is not going to ever produce results imo.

i will ghostwrite for zico, he doesnt have to pay me or give credit, just let me fuck his bitch

i love when they get defensive and type like they're writing an essay

this is better

that's awesome
they sound like good girls
i will now listen to their music

im not shook btw

what will?


How is a hot blooded young man like myself supposed to blast to Yulhee with all these tame pics getting posted?

whistle is the best kpop song ever made

This means my judgement is superior to non americans
Now apologize

americans are the scum of the earth tho?

if only they weren't whores

holy shit look at him go

i really think theyre my favorite group now not even memeing 2bh


I don't know, maybe they could call that Adele girl from the UK who seems to have done pretty well for herself.

>glasses without lenses in them

i hate this stupid meme so much

Any dubuposters in this thread?

Lisa is literally a man so yeah safe to say they're banging eachother


I just thought you guys should know that Madeo (2009) is a masterpiece. Such a fucking amazing korean movie

>scum of the earth
apologize now and I may allow your favorite group to do a show in your 3rd world country

is this kpop?

>he doesn't understand fashion
>he doesn't know how to express his thoughts without using the word 'meme'


remember when they played black pink at the olympics

Yeah I do know...his charms are numerous, it's a simple fact. Of course I like the idea too, I just gotta be skeptical. Also what a missed opportunity it would be because their release was 888 but that day and time has already passed...
I know GD is the favorite but even so I know YG has to approve of everything. Like do you remember all the notes Teddy and GD wrote about the songs on Coup? It was always about making sure "boss" liked it or changing it up how he wanted.
I think we're kind of being unrealistic though. If MADE can't even get finished what chance is there for these solos?


Yea but Adelle was a nobody doing croony bullshit songs until she hit it by chance with one. After that it's all been momentum, most of her songs are really mediocre.

They probably need an artist who is good, but not super successful yet. They'll have the humility to be some nobody featured on a bigger artist's song and chance that people will latch on.

>Minhee and Steller blught B&E with my 5 dollars
Never again.

Bam Bam is objectively the worst member.
It's pretty true she went crawling to SM when her group flopped. I can't say I wouldn't do the same. It's who you know indeed. Taeyeon leaving Tiffany in the airport while asking Lee Soo Man for another solo concert will happen soon enough.
I don't know why JYP gave them such a terrible debut song and MV. miss A and Twice didn't have this problem. They've been working their way up and Flight Log is up there. I'm glad to see it happen. If they cam kill it with Turbulance they can lead
The next gen.
Honestly, only JB needs to shine.
MOBB is happening when Black Pink promotes Square 2 because YG. YG fans will be mad.


is anyone actually reading these essays?

i remember lisa winning the 800m

No, this is

take a showa

I feel so good

it's not fashion, it's dumb. at least get ones with non-prescription lenses in them

kang mina's a meme too

YO I frickin love Wendy ok?!

>underagefag thinks he knows stuff


>he doesn't wanna cum on jiae's bespectacled face, lenses or not

why are kfappers annoying

GD user is memeing about the Black Pink song being named 888. No one knows now.


it's all about making it in mexico now

I wanna be in blackpink's area...

[MV] Spica - Secret Time

they want attention
just like what you gave them

no but really, think of a new one.

This worked better when people were actively shitting on her

Yellow fever does that to a person.

>not available in your country
fix your shit

probably because you're a weeb that fell too deep in the hole and thinks kfapping is immoral

kfappers are the only sane people in these threads


gimme a minute i have to reboot to make the webm

Nice pic omg. I know, I am skeptical. I really don't expect anything I'm just going with the flow. As soon as I see Yeri with white hair I know I'll have peace for a short period of time.
And it's hard to say what happened, maybe they wanted to build a little fanbase before releasing the a song like that. Also they released a "safe" song like Boombayah and something different like Whistle. Maybe they want to do that next as well. I hope that's the case.
MADE. Well, they still have one year to put the solos together. To me MADE is already complete anyway

I said it was a rumor that fans were talking about lol. Though 808 would a good name

do it to chorong

Discussing kpop in a kpop thread is truly insane to you.

everyone says Girls Girls Girls was bad on purpose. the whole thing is pretty bad, styling, song, everything. it's a fun song in concert so maybe that was it's purpose? why though, JYP

>kfappers are the only sane people in these threads
just when you think you've read all the retarded stuff here

i'm 32, son

shut up i love that meme, never stop, wendyposter

try living in a non-shit country

i would destroy high notes in bed

I don't like you faggot

real Mina lovers don't hate gaypop. ignore that disgusting kfapper please he's not a real fan of Mina or IOI


SPICA didn't let me down omg

>see her in the hallway


kfapping isn't immoral, it's just sad.

imagine jerking off to kpop when you can just as easily get porn. what a shitty, warped existence you live in

the only relevant thing on that is crayon pop

i wish i could go back to having innocent thoughts like this

holy shit you're new

you seem honest about it, so I'll take this into consideration. I have been using it for some time now. Perhaps I just got comfortable with it after taking out the vulgarity.

If and when I do develop something new I don't think I'll debut it until its closer to their comeback though.

It's really an honor that your money went to Jessica's pockets you should be proud of yourself.
If we're being strictly objective Bam Bam is either 3, 4 or 5.
Tiffany having any solo activities won't happen anytime soon. Not that she needed anyway since she didn't do too well. I want to the see the next SNSD solo though. I'm excited for either Yuri or Seohyun since the Pantene Station was pretty good.
Cheer Up is much better than Like Ooh Ahh though. But yeah, Twice is getting a lot easier than Got7. Their big meme - Just Right - wasn't that memey.
They won't lead the next gen, I'm sorry but that's already BTS. Unless YG makes iKON big. I know it sounds like a stupid thing to say but they're literally intended to be the next Big Bang.
Are you sure? I want it now. They said August but I just know that it won't happening before September.

c-can you say "nigga" for me, please?

porn sucks tho

I just realized something

BP Jisoo is like an upgraded Irene: better singing, better dancing, better personality, better looks

I never thought I'd say this... but RV is FINITO

what age did you lose your viginity kpg?


I'm saying i don't care for twice, p101, oh, apink, babysoul, somi or fancams.