the only relevant thing on that is crayon pop

i wish i could go back to having innocent thoughts like this

holy shit you're new

you seem honest about it, so I'll take this into consideration. I have been using it for some time now. Perhaps I just got comfortable with it after taking out the vulgarity.

If and when I do develop something new I don't think I'll debut it until its closer to their comeback though.

It's really an honor that your money went to Jessica's pockets you should be proud of yourself.
If we're being strictly objective Bam Bam is either 3, 4 or 5.
Tiffany having any solo activities won't happen anytime soon. Not that she needed anyway since she didn't do too well. I want to the see the next SNSD solo though. I'm excited for either Yuri or Seohyun since the Pantene Station was pretty good.
Cheer Up is much better than Like Ooh Ahh though. But yeah, Twice is getting a lot easier than Got7. Their big meme - Just Right - wasn't that memey.
They won't lead the next gen, I'm sorry but that's already BTS. Unless YG makes iKON big. I know it sounds like a stupid thing to say but they're literally intended to be the next Big Bang.
Are you sure? I want it now. They said August but I just know that it won't happening before September.

c-can you say "nigga" for me, please?

porn sucks tho

I just realized something

BP Jisoo is like an upgraded Irene: better singing, better dancing, better personality, better looks

I never thought I'd say this... but RV is FINITO

what age did you lose your viginity kpg?


I'm saying i don't care for twice, p101, oh, apink, babysoul, somi or fancams.