
Evening lads

C-can Austria join as honorary member?

Yes, make me tingle pls

Go back to

Tas d'enculés puants, animaux de la pire espèce, reculés intellectuels qui n'ont qu'une réponse acerbe au discours violent : l'acte violent. Vous n'êtes pas capable de ne suivre que 2/8 de la profondeur d'une phrase française élaborée, précise, complexe, censée, sensée, qui en définitive n'est que la prémice des saloperies que vous allez jacter, venant d'un langage bâtard et animal.
Le français est la langue des rois quand l'anglais est la langue des marchands.

roll call please

you'll be sound mate


hon hon... le baguette...


can you remove canada from this image?

deceptive yank cunts stay the fuck out of /brit/

just cummed

doing a poo

this is the wrong thread lads :s

New Zealand>>>>Australia>>>>UK>>>>America>>>>>Canada

200 micrograms of carfentanil up the shitter

fake thread


Stop calling America anglo you goddamn teaniggers we don't want to be Europe's subservient little cuckslaves like c*nadians and a*stralians do


60mg diacetylmorphine in the vein

we belong in /ita/

>Canada above NZ&UK
Heh no



Yeah. London, ON

I can probably agree with that

Both Londons are dirty and poor

Detroit>both London, ON and Londonistan

usa>australia>canada>new zealand>uk


We are whiter than both

i wish you were right, but you aren't

Whoa, a sensible Brazilian post, this is unprecedented

Ouioui monsieur, omelette du fromage

this looks like a nice thread



No, it doesn't


Really makes your noggin go joggin

In total we are you. Toronto or Vancouver are just as white as London or Auckland, I think even more.

>US above NZ and UK

kys 3rd world monkey and t*rkish diaspora

Australia>UK>NZ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>United States

US > Australia > UK > Canada > New Zealand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone else


t. frodo baggins

Funny how
turned into

Scotland>Wales>Northern Ireland>New Zealand>Australia>England>Canada>America>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>London

fuck drumpf
fuck white people
fuck men
fuck patriarchy
fuck christians
fuck the church
fuck heterosexuals
fuck cis scum
fuck hate
fuck haters
fuck hate speech
fuck "free speech"
fuck bigotry
fuck racism
fuck sexism
fuck colonialism
fuck harassment
fuck cyberbullying
fuck discrimination
fuck employment discrimination
fuck housing discrimination
fuck white neighborhoods
fuck privilege
fuck the 1%
fuck pence
fuck priebus
fuck republicans
fuck conservatives
fuck corporations
fuck big pharma
fuck big oil
fuck monsato
fuck haliburton
fuck profit
fuck capitalism
fuck the bourgeoisie
fuck exploitation
fuck slavery
fuck police shootings
fuck school shootings
fuck assault weapons
fuck guns
fuck hunting
fuck meat eaters
fuck destruction of natural resources
fuck global warming
fuck voter id
fuck walls
fuck fences
fuck borders
fuck ice
fuck nationalism
fuck america

good post


t. Sink pisser

I'll fuck you if you're a cute girl heheh

(the preceding was a joke).

t. tumblr special snowflake

Excellent post

How do I move to either New Zealand, Australia or Canada lads? Will one of you marry or adopt me?

Yanks need not apply.

This chick is being penetrated by a mechanically operated dildo from behind lads

>New Zealand
You don't, you move to Australia
You don't, you move to the US

H-hey Mr. Goldberg, c-can you tell the bank not to take my house?

makes me think if im honest

Post the one with Remi in it

>Israeli flag

at least the Dildo isn't black.

I can't speak for the others but I know that we're currently full. You will have to wait till some of our chinese overlords to die


how do you manage to not get banned?

Good man

Why would anyone even ban your merchant ally
That would be antisemitic


Scotland is my favourite country in the Anglo-sphere today.

What are nice sights to see and things to do when visiting Scotland?

Get in a bar fight.

Someone told me heroin is the in thing to do there, but this is second hand info could be horribly out of date.

Drive from Glasgow to John O'Groats.


makes u think

you mean 1/4 frog

made my noodle wanna doodle

>9000 milliseconds on my iphone

Fight me ya jobby

kmart carpark in kulgera lets go cunt


>9000 milliseconds on my samsung


Canada > UK > NZ > Australia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>USA

>9000 milliseconds on my PC

800000000 milliseconds on my PC

>sampling colours
Way to cheat you sheepfucker. But you dis a good job getting the US out, cos fuck that cunt.

You did shit all what the fuck did you do?

Look at france

Oi nah, fuck off hey

Ja setit' nu qui'sioux ve la porte'lomeau non'ce? Milo nieu' non pareil jocasto?

I wasn't actually typing in French. I was just typing up words that looked French to me :^)

I want my jetplanes back, Australia. You can't play with them anymore.


Looks like some sort of island French creole


I like how you kept France in

Take out new zealand too. Most people tend to forget they exist. I think they do sometimes too

Anglo Utah

Utah = Rightful clay of Her Majesty.

Or just merge them with 'Straya since they're pretty much indistinguishable and dependant on them anyways. Then merge Canada with us (minus Quebec, frogs can have) since Canadians are culturally indistinguishable from us and foreigners confuse them for us.

Hello Melbourne

in that case we should blot out 'stralya too. Maybe the UK as well since they're only part anlgo