Is Turkey white...

Is Turkey white? Even the darkest girl in this picture (probably a Kurd anyways) could pass as a southern European with a tan.

>as a southern European with a tan.
Therefore not white.

Sick meme bro.

The rest of the girls are most probably Ukrainians from FEMEN.



I've met about a dozen Turks and all seemed white to me. One of them is kind of dark, but I just assumed she was Cuban or Italian American.

>all this disgusting tits
Women is a joke

Is Cenk Ugur white?

nothing changed except the waves of migrating kurds




Pay debnts


We are not wh*te

About as white as Greeks are

Cockroaches are not white

Why the fuck can women only "protest" by showing their titties? What even is the purpose?

pay them

Greeks are more white/Caucasian than turks and russians.

fuck holland


female mammals defined by their mammary glands.



Turks arent fucking White, there are o' Plenty Here, and they can All Go fuck themselves, real scum.


Don't care if cockroaches are white, but we all know they aren't europeans. And never will be.

Turkey is more European than Finland.

I wonder who's behind this post...