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International #680
Post your most funny memes
Your country
>/Latvia/ and /Lithuania/ /cum/s in /ausnz/
What do you think of United India (Akhand Bharat)?
1. your country
How do average girls in you country look?
/turkic/ thread
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Fuock yuo whito pigu
Would you? Just for curiosity's sake/so you could say you did
Alright Sup Forums let's settle this once and for all:
How do you deal with the soul crushing all consuming fact your country will never be as comfy as France?
Why do you love Japan so much?
Your cunt
Does your government sell out it's own people in your country?
Autists in rich countries
Kurva anyátok
Americans actually eat this shit for breakfast
Are Slavs white?
A country can't be an entire contin-
*rambling sphagetti pasta mama mia*
What are your thoughts on Greater Chile?
Meet a Vietnamese person
TFW 22 years old loser
When was the last time your country was great?
When you love Poland but Poland doesn't love you back
Talking with an American about politics
LMAO 2tru :^)
Which country is the gayest on Sup Forums?
I fucking HATE Americans...
Tfw i can't pronounce the german r
Would you want your country fighting for Taiwan if China invaded?
1. Your country
The oil will run out eventually
Italians, what is the meaning of this hand gesture when you're talking...
/fr/ - Le fil francophone Québécois
Spell "literature"
Islamic State
Do girls in your country wear flip flips year-round?
Hilo con aguante
1 You are cunt
France > UK. like if you agree
Tell me about your experiences with Afghan people
French """pronunciation"""
Why are girls from the yellow parts so fond of darker men?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
1. Flag
I fixed the planet
My sisters have green eyes
Such is life in modern Britain
I want to learn one of the following: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, or Finnish...
Why are spics so violent?
ITT we literally translate colloquial expressions from our countries, and other people guess what they mean
Are eurasians the future?
>tfw mutt
Is your country's president or prime minister tolerant of sexual deviants and other cultures?
When did Sweden go from THIS
Sverigetråden - Kaninupplagan
Just take all the precious jewels and pearls you can find and slam them on gold plates
Trusting Texas ever
TFW 22 years old loser
ITT: We say nice things about the United Kingdom
this confuses and angers the eurocuck
Post a pic of your town/city/megalopolis
What happens here?
Non-whites thread
Are Russians white?
What's the best place to live if all you want to do is be comfy?
Teach me about the difference between the north and south of your country
Please nuke this country
You know, I'm automatically attracted to beautiful, I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss...
From what country are the prettiest girls?
Memes aside, Spain isn't developed, western, first world, or whatever you want to call it
Does your country have bikeways? We are starting to have them but cars don't respect bikeways and just run through them...
Is it true that Europeans hate Americans? If so that makes me very sad...
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1760
Should Hong Kong be granted independence?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
Americans tip because they miss the tip of their dicks
Hilo latino /lat/
Would this have been a better EU?
Not being able to find the right words when having a conversation in a foreign language
/romance/ thread
What British cultural exports are popular in your country?
How do I get an Italian gf??
/ita/ - Il Filo
What language derived from Latin sounds better and what language sounds worse?
World War 3
/world of polska/
Has there ever been a successful Portugese Colony?
If I as a white American (blonde n green eyed) were to just show up to an EU member state like Sweden or Germany...
Sverigetråden - skämsupplagan
/fr/ - Le fil /fr/omager
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone surtout Québécois
Unironically being Christian in 2016
Would you step on Jesus like the Japanese?
Culture Pals - /cp/ General
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Hurrdurr Norwegians are oil nigges they don't deserve dem monies
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
Why is English language Internet THAT right wing, just a one big Sup Forums? No, seriously...
Give me at least ONE reason you don't have a qt Indian gf
Ireland is a useless abnormation
Croatian and Bosniak songs are about defending their lands and brotherhood
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
Hilo /esp/ versión mierdas de nuestras vidas y dibujos. Me aburro en clase y si me pedís cosas las dibujo. O no
Post Video Games created in your country
USA returning to isolationism
Kurva anyátok
Stop watching porn
Holy shit, do Pakistanis really look like this? Have I been lied to by the media that they look like Indians?!
You are walking on the street after it has been rainining
/florian geyer/ ehemals /deutsch/
Who here /Kofta/???
Do you think Donald Trump will really reject TPP
Americans make a meme
What do you guys think of Portuguese Pavement?
Wake up
Why you guys hate Chinese people so much?
ITT we thank Italians for Spaghetti
Post what you think your cunt is most known for
Yuor cunt
Perfect Europe
Is Scotland a shitpost country?
Hate the Culture, Love the Language
Fatties of Sup Forums
Blue - Europe
What is the comfiest country?
Why is Japan so unhappy despite the fact they are first world?
I've got a few questions for those anons who studied some of the less common languages. Why did you do it...
Name five countries
Why is it the best European country by far?
Hispanic people write when they laugh "jajajajaja"
Girl here, how are women treated in your country?
1. you cunt
/balt + ausnz/
Why do white people love milk so much?
What the fuck is their problem?
I saw a nigger today
Why are they so poor?
Dutch man chooses to get euthanised due to his alcohol addiction
T. Alberto Barbosa
Vikings Is back tonight my friends, VIKINGS IS BACK TONIGHT
Hilo soleado hilo anti-lluvias
Tfw if you find a gf you will know she had 20+ sexual partners and you 0
ITT we write an eulogy for the UK one word at a time
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Since the clapping, getting shot, and shart in mart memes have not reduced the number of silly or stupid American posts...
>latvia lithuania australia new zealand/
Tell me the famous person in japanese history you know or known in ur cunt
Describe a life in your country with a song name
I love you Spain
Nothing is worse than being unemployed
Why is Japan such a great country?
Who like raw onion?
/völkisch/, auch bekannt als /deutsch/
What makes people do criminal action?
Are there any pure German posters on Sup Forums? or maybe only Greeks and sandniggers with Germany flags
Have anyone tried to romance brown girls? How did you meet them and where?
How we can prevent the propagation of islam in South America?
What crimes has the Eternal Anglo committed against your nation?
Tfw be me
Going to Korea for a study year abroad, anything I should know or watch out for?
What's your thoughts on this image?
Native Americans look like THIS?
What is so special about turkish girls?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
A world without Slavs would be a better one
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do ethnic germans still exist?
How are women in your country?
"Poland will be the 10th country in the world to have nuclear weapons of their own"
German secret agent was in charge to monitor islamist in Germany
Poland gets qt female ukrainain refugees
Why don't Germans want to have children anymore?
Would you support the removal of all Polish from your country and why/why not?
This frightens the european
All You Want For Christmas Is ____?
Porn is illegal in the UK
This referendum you're having the 4th december, about the constitution. Can you explain it too me? Wiki is shit
All those nordics and canadians pretending they have something to do with North
TFW 22 years old loser
Which country is the worst at handling banter?
Finland is the best in the world
You are forced to live in one of those countries, which one do you choose, Africa or China ? Suicide isn't an option
Does Europe have anything similar to the drug cartels
Sup Forums Demographic
/v4/ + friends best girl edition
This is an American website - SPEAK AMERICAN
Rate your native language from 1 to 10
Hey Americans
/ita/ il filo
Does your prime minister or president sit like a cuck?
> Mom, Dad; this is my new girlfriend
Why are Arabic men so ugly?
Today I'd like to discuss Indonesia and get to know what it is a bit better
Seriously, go fuck yourselves. i'm so goddamn sick of all you faggots giving us shit all the time...
You will never be Finnish
Which Iranian/Iranic ethnic group is the 'most' aryan? Which one is the 'least' aryan?
Knocked up my chinese girlfriend
Why the FUCK isn't there any Australian Aboriginal porn...
Is the UK still relevant?
He's not living in Europe
Do niggers really fuck white women or is it a meme?
Currently on Japanese writing class. Boring as hell, maybe more
Are Slavs white?
A policeman in America
Spain 2032
Goodmorning Sup Forums
Is this still accurate?
All across the western world alt-right movements are gaining popularity
Kurva anyátok
Mexico hate thread
/asean/ - Malesbian is DOOMED edicion
Your local church isn't going to burn itself
Hello African American here
Who win?
Is there a more beautiful sight than this? A white mother nurturing a black baby into a strong...
Can we all take a break from the banter and admit that Mexico has the best cuisine in the world?
What happens here?
Is there a non-racist explanation for this?
You wake up in the Steppes of Kazakhstan
Post embarrassing things from your country
Your cunt
What happens here?
There are more lebs in Brazil than in Lebanon itself
Eat at mexican restaurant
1. your cunt
Do you consider this white?
Hilo latino /lat/
What's with black people and lactose intolerance?
B-but.... user!! We can't have sex!! I'm a boy!! It wouldn't be normal!!
Our country oficially legalized abortion today
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are they, dare I say it, our guys?
His country needs a law to prevent their citizens from burning it's flag
Say something negative about the country above you
Indians and Aborigines
Tfw lack sufficient intelligence to make meaningful contributions to discussions pertaining to international affairs
Post your toilet
Newfoundland is like the drunken, unemployed brother-in-law of the Canadian federation. He sleeps on our couch...
Sverigetråden - Sötbrevarupplagan
/cum/ - Canada United States of america Mexico
Is Mexico more or less native influenced than the rest of Latin America?
Why do Europeans smoke so much? This is the most annoying part of being an American in Europe...
1. Your country
Is this picture the greatest display of international friendship ever captured by a camera in the history of mankind?
/lat/ Hilo Latino
Wake up
Who /nosleep/ here?
Are Finnish women tall?
Was 1997 the year the British Empire finally fell?
Your country
Holy shit I'm an aussie tourist and I went to the market to buy some food and I noticed these citizens...
Fuck greece
Where did all go so wrong?
How common are these names in their countries?
Tfw Sup Forums ruined rare flags
I'm not gay but why are European guys so hot?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Daily reminder
TFW 22 years old loser
/nachtschicht/ - tagsüber wieder /deutsch/
Football team dies
Food Thread
Were ancient Greeks predominantly blue haired and blonde eyed?
Anyone from Luxembourg on here?
Say it with me
So tell me, if Russia is uncucked why all Orthodox churches look just like mosques? Just look at the pic related...
Regions thread: Dutch edition
Why are we so god damn superior? Why rest of the world looks up on us?
Why do americans make so much money?
Are you afraid of airplanes, Sup Forums?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1759
What are the cultural ties between todays Norway and the Brittish isles?
ITT post pretty nature scenery pictures from your country
How would your cunt react to the unification of the Nordic countries?
White people in the world right now
Post your people's ethnic clothing
/fr/ - Le fil de la France et de la francophonie
Is this the Mexico of Europe?
Create your perfect europe
Baltics, australia and new zealand
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono [Luto]
In the UK most houses are attached to other people's houses, is this common in your country?
What does Sup Forums think of Albania/Kosovo?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
If your country's Constitution or laws protect the right to burn the flag your nation is a cuck
Does your country have a state broadcaster?
1. Your country
Culture Pals- /CP/ General
Tell me about Iraq
Polish-Lithuanian friendship thread
/world of polska/
Brown eyes are underrated on this board
/ita/ - Il filo
Only in America
1. Country
Why don't Europeans drink coffee?
Which one of these brown Latin hellholes would you live in?
Come to Guatemala now
Hilo latino /lat/
How do people like to drink this?
You will never be Brazilian
Learn Portuguese or Spanish?
Kurva anyátok
/éire/ - /airlan/
What's her name, Sup Forums?
One nation under God, indivisible
What does Sup Forums know about Algeria?
Why does Turkey wants to join the EU?
When will the EU grant Northern Portugal independence from Moorish scum ?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
1. your cunt
Do I look the average 60℅ man?
Lebanon appreciation thread
Do you own a copy of the Holy Word of God, Sup Forums ?
So if Lithuanians are the whitest, why is their average IQ only 94 ??
Is Portugal the Russia of Europe?
Where are you from
Britain, why don't you love me anymore
Walk into you're room
Europe is Slavic
Would you date a turkish girl?
Is learning russian very difficult?
You wake up in New York
Visit dublin
Why is the western world so dependent on the U.S for everything, culture, direction, heck even research
Department of State just agreed to sell Poland 70 JASSM-ER missiles with range up to 1200 km for 200 mln dollar...
Why people around the world won't move to southern France?
What martial art should I learn?
Teach me about traditional nordic culture
How much is the iPhone 7 base model in your country in USD? $785.63 here
Sverigetråden - Raskrigupplagan
Tell me about your country's legendary monsters
Sup again, Sup Forums ~
/fr/ - Le fil francophone - Édition spéciale Fillon
What is life like as a gay man or woman in Russia?
1. Country
What happen here?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: True bros in vidya
/balt/ & /ausnz/
Go for it!
How does receiving a (You) feel like?
Legal? A right?
What's your country's equivalent of San Marino?
When will muslims take over France and instaure Shariah law ? Just saw this shit in a train station in Paris
This is 5/10 in russia
What happens here? Are they different to Russians in the west of the country? Do they care what happens in Europe...
His 'country' doesn't border an ocean
ITT: Sup Forums in 1967
Why do westerners hate rice?
Culture and landscape of other countries
This is the person Americans elected
Final exams barely 3 weeks away
1. Your country
Race has nothing to do with intelligence
Don't you feel something strange. Sup Forums?
Why does Japan still like us after we nuked them?
What do they call McDonald's in your countey, everyone else in Australia calls it "Macca's" but I still say "McDonald's"
Look up a russian cosplayer
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Why are British such terrible allies?
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
I like polls and this one is interesting
World's Largest Economies in 2016
Hey cunts, take THIIIIIIIS
He lives on an island
Why is this part of the world so poor?
On the left is a Slavoid male and on the right is a Negroid male
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I'm a Japanese school girl!!
How do you cope with not living in Europe?
Why are Americans celebrate Castro's death? He was good leader
/balt/ + /ausnz/
600 years of Muslim occupation
I'm an Aussie shitposter I'm just a tradie and a complete spud when it comes to computers so I was wondering I'm...
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Why are Europeans so feminine?
Which one is the most cucked ?
Why don't muslim refurees quit being musllim?
Is it really true americans don't like licorice? what the fuck is wrong with them?
1)your cunt
ITT we post things we can't argue about
Goodmorning Sup Forums
I fucking hate this communist nanny state joke of a country
Things that annoy brazilians
If Northern Mexicans are mostly of white european descent, why do most of them look like this?!
Are feminine traps things in your cunt?
How many nations have you banged people from?
/v4/ + friends
Russian thread
What is the right wing equivalent of this icon?
Do you have "cultural festivals" near your city?
What would you do if one day you woke up as a beautiful Asian girl?
Post commieblocks
Is Turkey white...
Kurva anyátok
A Brazilian plane was shot down in Venezuela or Colombia
This small country btfo the entire british empire and gained independence
Hello gringos, How are you?
LMAO how will whiteys ever recover??
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone surtout Québécois
How can white "men" even compete?
Whereabouts in USA has the most attractive women?
I am so poor that the only nice thing I can afford is internet
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are Scandinavians so edgy?
What do you think of this map?
1.ya cunt
What happens here? All I know about Panama is the canal
Do you have shelf-toilets in your country?
Language preference
America, please invade Honduras
Wtf is wrong with Japan?
Why is Russia so based? Beautiful white women, no obese landwhales - just happiness, beautiful scenery...
This is france
Is it illegal in India to talk about the secession of a state ?
Your country
Ukrainian comfiness
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
ITT: dubs decide which country will have the next civil war
This guy is 1.70 and he's sexy
No Christmas holiday
Post the top 5 worst behaved tourists in your cunt
Sup Sup Forums ~
Do you support independent Catalonia?
Tfw you'll never get to experience a white american christmas dinner with friends and family
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why do people absolutely hate Australians? What do they do wrong?
Muslim attacks europe
Hilo buena onda
1. Cunt
Brazil will be part of the Paris Club, whose objective is to help countries in economic crises
Is it easy to talk to girls in your country? It's extremely difficult here
Why are Spain and Argentina two best countries in the world?
Any nazis here
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
The U.S...
Hanging out with a bunch of liberal cucks at University
/ita/ il filo
1. Your country
Meta Sup Forums
Do spanish people know that brits put chorizo in paella
What country has the best music?
1. You are a country or not
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1758
Muslim Somali refugee attacks U.S. campus
Do you use nationalities as despectives names in your country?
This thread is only for those who have lived in more than one country. Share your experiences
Be french
Why does everyone bully Canada?
This is normal weight in US
Look at this
Kurva anyátok
Mexicans and argies hate each other
How do average girls look like in your country? Are they qt?
Post your favourite castle from your country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ITT: create your own tragedy map
Are you a TRUE white man according to Varg?
Excellent language with scientific writing system
/ita/ il filo
TFW 22 years old loser
Post video games your country had made
Homeless people
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...