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>Popular among the ignorant and low income
Really winning hearts and minds with this image

Except Trump was more pooular amongst the more educated whites males.

Same desu

I thought they were all for the working class and proletariat?

What's wrong with being low income these days

But this is a shit post so:


If you're poor, its because you're dumb (and probably also racist and transphobic)

I'd still take a jack ass over a war criminal


[laughs about getting a rapist off]
["off the reservation remarks about super predators]
>Vicious and vindictive
[makes threats of nuclear war against cyber attacks]
>They love other dictators
Only the ones that pay me
>Narcassistic and selfish
[it was my turn]
>Popular among ignorant and low income
One out of two ain't bad.
>overreact to critism
[launches CTR]

Why are you insulting blacks so much?

What about Trump? He dodged the draft.

Dumbass v War criminal.
Draft dodging does not equate.

wtf i thought democrats were for the working class

Aren't you being a little racist now? Blacks are more low income than other races.

>draft dodger vs someone who caused the Syrian Civil War
Really makes me think

So Idi Amin was racist?

Still can't believe we put a failed businessman in charge of running the country



That fucking racist supported trump. Self-hating blacks smfh

Don't forget, she also ruined Libya

>failed businessman
Ignorance is a choice.

Prefer a "failed" business man
To a failure of a politician, and a war criminal.

They used to be before the working class became a bunch of racist, transphobic, homophobic, otherkinphobic, misogynist, neurotypical supremacist idiots.

>Failed businessman

>Worth billions of dollars

really makes u think... what's a successful businessman then?

how the fuck is he failed?

>this one group is all one thing.
Its obvious you're being ironic, but that makes idiots think they're in good company.

>how the fuck is he failed?

So you from Quebec or just illiterate?

>failed businessman

Why don't you just explain instead of instantly resorting to personal attacks?

This election was the ultimate election of muh feelings.

Democrats hated teh racist mysoginist pig.
Conservatives hated teh criminal sycophant witch.
There was barely any discussion of policy, maybe shock politics, but in the end it was just who did things more offensive than the other. Who had the worse scandals etc.

Fucking disgusting. Fuck America.

When a word has quotes around it, it used to highlight that it is false.
Theres you're hint, want to try reading the post again.
Heres the other hint
I was calling the other guy a fucking idiot.

you are one angry little beaner, my friend

Yeah not as great as good ol canadian politics.

Voting because someone literally isn't Stephen Harper (see campaigns about "strategic voting") or because of Trudeau's stance on marijuana.

>how is he failed
Le corporate bankruptcy maymay

How is he successful by any means? Do you have any idea how many times he went bankrupt?

Making a lot of assumptions there ireland.

He sure was.

Isn't There a difference between declaring personal bankruptcy and a legitimate business strategy where your venture doesn't go as planned?

Huh rly makes me think

I hope nobody even dignifies this with a serious response, desu

I know that you're Sup Forums, but corporate bankruptcy =/= personal bankruptcy

Prejudiced, not racist.

There are many types of bankruptcy, I don't see how you would call any of them anything other than failure though.

That's what I was saying

Don't worry about it, I think Canadian in this thread is just illiterate.

People are conflating corporate and personal bankruptcy. Apples and oranges

>I don't see how you would call any of them anything other than failure though.

Well I think when you're a billionaire who has literally HUNDREDS of business ventures, some of them SOMETIMES fail. And holding onto a failed idea is retarded.

Bullshit, everyone can be racist

Not if you understand the definition of racism.

But muh prejudice + power

Why can't Trump voters actually engage in debate about the election?

Meme. Meme. Insult. Meme.

You only won because unpopulated redneck states gave you the win. And that is not democracy.

>we're a democratic republic. deal with it.

Ok. so at what level of empty shitstain flyover state representation in a post-agrarian society will we tolerate before we declare a civil war? Because DEMOCRACY bitches?

You will fucking LOSE! and we will nationalize your fucking farms. So fuck your shit.

BTW. Most of the armaments are held near the coasts. Fuck you.

>racism requires power over others

Literally why? She was one of the shittiest candidates that the dems could have pulled.
I would have voted Democrat again if they put anybody who even gave off the impression of caring about people, and didn't talk to Americans like they were children.

>t. SoCal

>muh dictionary definition
Sup Forums, every time.

>and that is not a democracy
No one ever claimed that the United States is a democracy. It isn't.

So suggest a better system.
Popular vote isn't a good system, and will drive a divide in the country.

>Why can't Trump voters actually engage in debate about the election?
gee I dunno
I also can't imagine why you lost


Fuck YOU idiot. I'm in Iowa.

Deal with it, (You) faggot.


Show me one racist quote by Trump during his campaign and I will literally shoot myself in the face with a 12 gauge

>muh changing the definition of something because I can't form a real argument
Tumblr, every time

Why can't Hillary voters actually engage in debate about the election?

Racist. Sexist. Failed businessman. Neonazi. KKK endorsement. Wants to deport illegal immigrants (how evil).

I'm an Iowan, and I voted for Trump just to counteract your vote.

Well I think when you're a billionaire with some successful businesses, you don't really need anons on a finno-ugric memeposting blogg defending the failed ones.

Great idea. Just keep calling the white working class stupid and ignorant trash and see how well that works out. They'll trow themselves to Republicans every time. California and New York don't win elections you know.

I don't think anyone is defending his failed ventures, rather than just explaining to financially illiterate mongoloids the difference between personal bankruptcy.

Reminds me of the people who bring up "Yeah well DRUMPF and his wife are immigrants! CHECKMATE NAZIS"


>they're rapists


>BTW. Most of the armaments are held near the coasts. Fuck you.

I legitimately want an answer as to why people voted for Hillary outside of the "She's not Trump" argument.
Also don't use the "Continuation of Obama" argument either.

She was condescending at best, and a total lying bitch at worst.

Because the current system was set up to quiet down the assholes in the south after the Civil War. But you empty fucking asshole redneck states stil claim that you have more power over the the rest of us.

Seriously: Just answer me this: why should a vote in North Dakota count 30% more than a vote in Ohio? We all grow corn and wheat. Why is your vote worth more?

REPUBLIC? Ok. But then let's quit with the who "democracy" bullshit.

So explain to me how a popular vote would be any better?
You still have half of the nation pissed off at the end because nobody wants to work together anymore.

I thought someone would bring that one up

1. Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality. Hating mexicans (Which Trump still doesn't) doesn't make you a racist
2. You clearly didn't listen to that entire quote and obviously heard/saw an edited version which was multiplied to make it sound like Trump was saying all mexicans are rapists. The media manipulated and brought out of context SO MANY of Trump's quotes to make him look bad it's fucking disgusting

>Let's just keep insulting people, i'm sure they'll come around to seeing our way

>popular among the ignorant and high income
didn't most educated whites vote for him though?

Because your state's opinion doesn't matter more just because it's full of spics shitting out 20 kids in a two room apartment.

The US is a federal republic of constituent states.

>tfw a Canadian white nationalists defends donald trump near me

Well of course he can't blatantly come out and say he hates a certain race or nationality, that would have ruined his campaign right there and then. But that doesn't mean he isn't genuinely a racist, sexist, or bigot in general.

>fucking asshole redneck states

lmao this is why Trump won. People are sick of being insulted and belittled by raging, ironically intolerant liberals

Yes. As well as the majority of white women. He also did better with black people and latinos than "inclusive candidates" like John McCain or Mitt Romney.

Seriously this.
I'm a liberal, but the reason we fucking lost is because we didn't call out our hypocrites.
It's time to end all the ideological fluff, and return to classical liberalism.

>why should a vote in North Dakota count 30% more than a vote in Ohio?
It doesnt.

can't tell what emotion that face is

calling somebody a racist, sexist, or bigot isn't an argument.

>He didn't say it but I know he is one!

lmao okay. Even in the face of cold hard facts Leftists still try to push these false narratives.

He isn't racist. He isn't sexist. He doesn't hate immigrants. All that shit is made up


>they still havent accepted defeat yet

The entire establishment on your side, the whole world against 1 man, and you still fucking lost. Top fucking kek.

>Well of course he isn't actually racist or sexist, but i CAN JUST *FEEEEEEEL* he's racist and sexist! I just know it! I got a hunch! And my hunch never lies!

Okay what if I said you were racist, sexist and a bigot?

Now the burden of proof is on you to prove you're not.

Go back to Sup Forums, leaves

What the fuck do they put in your drinking water in the US to make people so fucking retarded?

Good argument fella, really makin me think about what you say about Trump supporters only saying memes


A Canadian, and a brit are the only other rational people in this thread.
Of course my fellow liberals wont see that because we've apperently lost all rationality.
Apparently the psychological trauma of having to support a conservative blue dog candidate with outdated values, and a long record of lying has broken their minds.

>Go back to Sup Forums because we are presenting logical arguments about why calling someone a racist, sexist, whatever is fucking stupid especially when there is no factual evidence to support those claims

No different from when a girl accuses a guy of rape just because she wants to fuck him over. That is EXACTLY what the left tried doing to Trump

Lead, duh

Estrogen. Drinking bottled/filtered water is the only way to not become a raging vagina like some of the liberals in this thread.

>whites males

the extremists from both sides are the problem

>Drink water every day as my only source of hydration
>Still ended up voting for Trump
Is my testosterone just too high or something?

Both of these are correct