Hey Sup Forums i'm about to have my first mushroom trip tomorrow

Dubs don't lie

what about the train?
i'll be there with a bunch of friends i've known since forever so that isn't an issue

1g? Nigga what the fuck? Why are you even concerned, you're barely going to feel anything. Just eat an eighth like everyone who's not a huge pussy.

yep this. Mine was good at first but I had WAY too much and eventually the visuals died down and I was just left sitting comatose in a corner living inside of my head questioning the universe. I'll tell you I understood life for a minute though. It wasn't horror but it was emotionally overwhelming and I was a little traumatized. 1g should be good.

The way shrooms work is 2 parts.
1) feelings
2) visuals

1. so your body will get intense feelings which feel good kinda and they come in waves. again I took A LOT and every wave hit I was giggling crazily.

2. yes things look trippy. The ffirst visual to hit was out of no where everything took on a green filter. I saw patterns moving in the floors. The room i was in became the only place in the universe. I literally forgot anything existed outside of the walls. colors will flash. Don't be alarmed. Also my friends friend put on Mr. Bean and I'm laughing now as I remember not understanding anything going on but all the faces were mushy and stuff like those old school webcam filters that swirl your face.

The best way to appreciate it is to be with people you trust. REALLY WANT TO DO IT. if you have negative feelings and thoughts or youre in a stressful place in life dont do this now. the thoughts will become enhanced. And just relax. Listen to calm music and look out the window as you trip. conversation is really hard to maintain

enjoy, that's my story and advice

thanks :)

(i'm the guy who just posted his story) nah 1g is good to start. honestly you should work your way up.

ALSO one more pro tip to OP... shrooms are an experience. they give you insights into yourself. this isn't like an everyweekend thing. or i pesonally dont think it should be. it's not like weed you want to do this only once in a while. If you do shrooms everyday i've had friends temporarily lose a slight grip on reality. i took a lot and for 2 weeks i was different

Dude 1g is way too little. You'll probably be disappointed.

Also in my experience, it's WAY easier to hide being on shrooms than being high. But I'm well aware my experiences are atypical

1g is such a low dose the only thing you will feel is stupid that you didn't take more

let me re-emphasize. shrooms lasts a WHILE. 6 hours really is what you need and they wear off veryyyyyy slowly over a while. i remember getting an hour into it and being like damn that was crazy, and my friend just laughed and said "bro it's just started"

i'll edit this. dont do 1g... go for an eigth... god knows how much i ate lol