Haven't seen one of these in a while,
Let's start a religion Sup Forumsoys and spread it like cancer
First dubs decides name
Second, what we believe
Third, our God
Fourth, his three sons
Fifth, name of our bible
Sixth, first 3 commandments
Seventh, next 3
Eighth, punishment for not following commandments
Ninth, our heaven
And finally tenth, how you get into heaven
Trips or above you can add or change anything you want
Have fun bois
Haven't seen one of these in a while
Michael Cooper
Other urls found in this thread:
Joshua Clark
Nathan Wright
Samuel King
Blake Walker
Check the trips, And name of religion is the CherryButterPops
Aiden Price
Cherrybutterpops it is buddy well done
Brandon Williams
Pop it!
Luis Brooks
The Eternal Church of KebabRemoval
Jace Scott
Op boys, name is cherrybutterpops, now what do we believe cunts
Ayden Cox
We believe in the Serbian God