As I was flying there I thought it would be classy and sophisticated, like in all my pretty books and old movies. "Oh Champs Elysees," and all that shit. What I saw instead was littered streets, niggers, and beggars everywhere. I saw a man being arrested and screamed at on the metro. I didn't feel safe at all. I saw people literally sleeping on the streets on pieces of cardboard.
And there I was, genuinely thinking Poland was a shithole. I thought all those memes about "degenerate West" were false or exaggerated.
Pic related is literally the average major-city street in Poland. We may be relatively poor and, but you you'll be hard-pressed to find a street that isn't clean like that.
Unless some radical change happens, Eastern and Central Europe is literally Europe's last hope.
>the entire west is doomed because Paris is a shithole
Cameron Garcia
>goes to Paris, an India tier city >complains about the west
Josiah Sullivan
White flight is a real thing. Shitskins centralize in the cities, with their housing subsidized by the government (because it would be cruel if they'd have to live in villages with nothing there). And the white population just moves to surrounding villages.
The multicultural dream.
Brody Parker
My own city is pretty much building a second city center in the area where the white people have moved to. While the old center is dying off with bankruptcies.
Wyatt Rodriguez
That's a recipe for disaster. What's gonna happen within the next few decades if this continues?
We're getting quite a lot of immigration in Poland now, but it's mostly Ukrainians, who are only niggers on the inside; like they have no manners, being baffled by Poles saying "good morning" to them at the post office, etc. But they're integrating pretty well, and if they stay, their children will be indistinguishable from Poles.
I seriously thought about emigrating to western Europe, but every year the idea seems less and less attractive. Meanwhile Poland becomes more and more livable, and people are less grumpy than before, with the commie mentality slowly going away
Juan Sanchez
Welke stad?
Nolan Taylor
Which city?
Dylan Adams
Come and visit London my Polish friend. Paris is SO 19th century chic
Luis Peterson
>edgy teens thinking london and the ruhr/berlin doesn't share the same fate.
the only good thing in this whole affair is that tourists like op attract these niggers and increase the overall dirtyness of wherever they set foot (crowd+niggers). it leaves magnificent districts safe from the fate that the Halles or the trocadero suffers from that only locals can enjoy.
Ian Johnson
Could swear you europeens made fun of americans because they moved out of the cities with the excuse that >why would you move out of the cities? that's where white people should live!
kind of ironic now ain't it?
Carter Wood
USA is a massive shithole with 56% whites, if you want to escape that you have only one option - leave the US
Ryder James
Dear Poland 1. Build walls 2. Never offer welfare to rapefugees/invaders even if you can 3. Never offer Jus Soli
I live in a globalist dystopia called Toronto. To undo the mistakes of the 20th century will take a thousand years.
Eli Hughes
Post pictures of your trip. Until then you're bullshitting.
Jace Cook
>t. Polish tourist board employee No one wants to come to your country m8, unless it's to build infrastructure to reach the more important parts of Europe.
James Long
Eastern Europe has a stonger culture.
Slavic people are like the Alpha Males of Europe.
Easton Adams
Have you been to London or NYC out of curiosity? This is just common shit that you see in most major cities.
David Campbell
White native Brits don't want to live in London either.
>As I was flying there I thought it would be classy and sophisticated, like in all my pretty books and old movies. "Oh Champs Elysees," and all that shit. Stopped reading there. Obvious bait. Even normies know that Paris is a shithole, London is a shithole, that every major city in the world is a shithole.
And do you want to hear a fact? All tourist are also shit. Why go to places you can simply see from google images and videos? Why not explore something new and be a traveller instead being a shit tourist just to say you have been there?
Benjamin Smith
>older people moving out of cities to the countryside to have a family Terrifying m8. Could've sworn that a lot of my (white) mates moved to London after getting a degree though.
>it's another episode of poland saying that they are the last hope of europe
Andrew Myers
>average Polish city >random hoejabi on the photo Wew, I've never seen them in Kazan tho
Jason Miller
>Why go to places you can simply see from google images and videos?
I feel you bro.
William Mitchell
I live in Paris, ask me anything.
Nolan Wilson
I was in Paris in 2010 and it was just like that. The only thing that's different now is that it's culturally acceptable to behead kuffar, but that's really just a natural progression
Lincoln Taylor
Have you ever visited a Gypsy camp?
Mason Thomas
Lot of angry assumptions there m8. Having a bad day are we?
Liam Barnes
Why does everyone look at me when I'm in a chink mall in the chink part of Paris(it's like what, 3 streets)?
I really like their silly canned soups, can't help it, so I always buy some before leaving.
Jonathan Rivera
See, that's where you fucked up. You go anywhere but the big cities (Lyon, Marseille etc.) if you're looking for some good France.
Kevin Allen
No but I see gypsies when I'm on the Boulevard Périphérique with my car. At the Signal lights, they beg money
Isaiah Gutierrez
Have whites started emigrating from Paris yet? It's at that point you know the city is doomed.
Lucas Reed
Jack Cruz
>chink mall Belleville or 13 arr ?
Because chinese people like white handsome males.
Jordan Russell
>You go anywhere but the big cities That's tragic. The same thing goes for the US. I've been to both Chicago and Detroit...
Owen Jackson
>Marseille >some good France
hi abdullah
Levi Morales
Better than letting them freeze to death in the streets tbqh.
Nolan Thompson
>you >reading comprehension
Justin Fisher
he's a pole tho
poles are uglier than shit
Ryan Mitchell
That's not what he meant, read again
Lincoln Long
obviously faux and a typical pasta-tier shitpost but that makes you look cuter :3
Evan Walker
The one close to the city center. I didn't stray far from it and just went there because a friend of mine said it's funny and I felt like exploring and shpping. Since then I visited the place like 3 times.
blabla memes, suck on a morrocan dick you fooking moor dyke
Lucas White
That's objectively incorrect.
Nathan White
poles are of subhuman blood, you are always ugly, receding hairline before you hit puberty, manlets, and dumb.
Charles Stewart
>And do you want to hear a fact? All tourist are also shit. Why go to places you can simply see from google images and videos? Why not explore something new and be a traveller instead being a shit tourist just to say you have been there?
I never understood tourism, never. You go to places to what? You can't do anything with the leaning tower of Pisa, or the Notre Dame, or the Mona Lisa, or the Seated Scribe.
You just LOOK at them. Well fuck me, you can look at them on the internet or in a book.
I never understood why people are so obsessed to go to other countries and act like cattle herded around in cities to look at things, they could just look up any time on the internet in two seconds.
Really really dumb.
Ian Taylor
>t. self-hating diaspora
Christian Cook
Ah yes, so you just want suffering. My mistake, I didn't know I was talking to a rage addict. Enjoy your day, if you're capable of that.
Matthew Cruz
Do you saw chinese whores in the streets ? They are dressed normaly and waiting standing
Brody Johnson
shitty bait
Camden Allen
Couldn't care less. I literally piss on you and your fellow morrocanshits.
Jason Rodriguez
>muh meme maps that show eastern europeans in better light than they really are
why do you live in canada then, you polish rat? go back to poland then if you love it so much.
pro-tip: you're not gonna like it, it's a slavic shithole
Nathaniel Hill
No I didn't. Last time I was in Paris it was like 3 years ago, before that it was 5 years ago and like 7 or 8.
I'm not OP btw.
Robert Ortiz
oops. please forgive my misreading. carry on..
Adrian Allen
>At the Signal lights, they beg money
Why the fuck gypsies all over Europe do same things ffs? They are almost like robots, copypasting themselves everywhere, doing exact same things
William Wood
>white people should live in cities
Angel Lopez
India tier? Wtf is that. ?
Jaxson Brooks
I've been to Prague recently and it's beautiful. I am planning to buy property in central europe. You really got me there, Andrzej.
Nicholas Miller
He means Paris has space program
Jacob Stewart
sure you're gonna, rat
enjoy your trips to nationwide brothels
James Hill
looks shit huh
Eli Barnes
>a polite australian wtf is this shit
Colton Allen
>enjoy your trips to nationwide brothels you shouldn't advertise your mum on Sup Forums ahmed al rotterdami
Wyatt Kelly
>you just want suffering. No I want Europeans to cure themselves from self-defeating pathological altruism.
Zachary Brown
Elijah Robinson
Poland is a nationwide brothel, every woman there will EAT YOUR SHIT for 50 euros
Daniel Thomas
The architecture is pretty disgusting.
Xavier Martin
>robots they are primitive animals, or even worse, virus-tier organism that feeds on human decency.
The west has AIDS. They have all the normal moral responses to help their suffering fellow people, but they don't have the immune system to tell them who is a friend and who is a foe. So the parasitic organisms devour them.
I'm afraid that we might catch it too, we should get rid of the tzigans or at least drive them out to the west.
Isaac Green
>hungary sticking up for poland always best ally
Hudson Wright
Lel, literally you loosers eat shit here seeing as every town a brown ape like you spregs out it gets put down and needs to apologize for being a brown ape on his knees.
When are you planing to blow yourself up ahmed? I mean being a muslim virgo loooser neet is pretty much a double loss at life.
Dominic James
it's the lack of diversity
Justin Anderson
Are you that much of a pleb?
Easton Harris
*every time
Anthony Torres
we america now
Jace Green
polish "people" come here to EAT SHIT for a minimum wage
they literally come here to look for dog turds on the streets and they eat them so our streets can become cleaner
we pay them minimum wage to do that
Alexander Hall
The best part of this "conversation" between us is you're memeing like a typical muzzie ape, jumping around, running your mouth, while I'm stating the obvious truth each time.
where the fuck are these camps located at? when i was in paris i saw nigs (banged a pretty hot, tall half-nig) but i didn't see anything like the videos and pictures people are posting on here.
also what do you think of bordeaux? i thought bordeaux and the surrounding countryside was pretty GOAT, except for the Garonne shit river
Michael Allen
>Be me >Go to Paris >No wifi '4 star hotel' >Louvre >2 gypsy kids pickpocket a guy literally behind a black policeman on a horse,too far away to stop them >Effiel Tower >Blacks selling 5 souveniors for 1 euro >Toliet Queue is the longest part of the tower >Woman brings her downs kid to the loo >Italian rushes in(diarrhea I guess) and destroys half the queue >Go to the Hill with Artists(Forgot name) >Gypsy scammers trying to pickpocket >Go down from hill >Illegal gambling in the middle of the street >Go to Arc of Triumph >Guy bumps into me >Check pockets later at a restaurant,wallet missing
Jesus christ its worse than Berlin
Even muslims don't pickpocket you,they just glare you down.
Asher Foster
>it succeeds in making the buildings round the underappreciated canal look like pathetic refugees lmao
Jackson Collins
See, it's because of people like you that everyone hates tourists. Dont come again fat lard.
Nathan Cooper
London hass more shitskins though.Pretty comfy though
Colton Phillips
Michael Perez
>its worse than berlin nothing is worse than berlin.
t. berliner
Landon Cooper
>Pretty comfy though For a short while if you're a tourist. After decades surrounded, the duhversity begins to grind on your psyche. There is something deeply psychological about white flight. I live in a white enclave but it feels like you're under siege.
Daniel Cook
>I come from a shithole with 3 people and i cant look around please take care of me. It's the big town here retard.
John Parker
jesus, yuropoors are even copying this now from America
Gabriel Green
the "1 euro 1 euro 1 euro" meme got me. i had a 5 minute exchange with a black dude who was like "oh, you from england? you like david beckham?" who told me that everything was 1 euro and i tried to get him to sell me a big ass eiffel tower thing for 1 euro. poor idiot i was just fucking with him.
for pickpocketing though, i just read over and over again that brown people were going to try and steal your shit so my hands spent most of their time in my pockets on top of my wallet, passport, and phone because why the fuck do you need them out of your pockets anyway. rookie mistake
Leo Butler
Well that's only if you're racist.
Carson Sullivan
My country is richer than yours jacque,I don't care that I got pickpocketed,its just that its in the fucking daylight
William Barnes
Why do you even talk to these people?
Ryder Wood
>Well that's only if you're racist.
After decades of this you *become* racist. Note the *grind* part. I'm old. There is a reason why old people are racist.
Angel Bell
>getting pickpocketed are you an overweight, middle-aged woman?