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International #683
If the US is going downhill we will surely follow...
Dead Britbongs, will you be safe?
Why are vikings so overrated?
Which country is the chaddiest/normiest country?
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
Official russian propaganda
Do you think there are girls that use int?
Can any Russian on Sup Forums explain for me why that hairstyle is so popular in Russia?
Let's talk about your country's currency, bills and coins
Sverigetråden - Opinion Live upplagan
Have you notice that almost every Latin American country has a typical abnormal practice?
Hilo español latino hispano
Brazillian """"""""cuisine""""""""""
Again Britian? Again!?!
ITT: post your morning breakfast
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance 100% pur porc
How do we stop Turkey from becoming Kurdistan?
Ukrane is soon to die
This girl comes up to you and says she'll give you $5 if you give her a hug
Are you excited for the collapse of the American empire?
Kurva anyátok
Hungary Thread
Why do the Welsh have mostly anglo surnames?Why don't they have Welsh surnames?
What kind of weeb are you
Global mental thread. Are you happy where you are? If so or if not, why. Are people happier in the south
Daily reminder that females sexual appeal peak at 23 while males sexual appeal peak at 36
Christmas Thread
ITT: Guess the name and current occupation of the poster above you
This black woman will now be featured on Canada's $10 bank note
Itt EXTREMELY cute countries
/ita/ - il filo
Japan always apologizes for every mistake and wrong things they do, but they never apologize for war crimes
/cum/ - Canada United States of america Mexico
Uganda is worried about the number of Chinese men marrying their women
Balt + ausnz
Press F to pay respect
Perfect countries don't exi-
You guys don't any idea how lucky you are, non-Russians
Let us face it
Sverigetråden - Ficklampupplagan
Post your balls
Are you enlightened enough to know that it's actually the west that is in decline and Russia that is doing great?
Let's forget their Islamic values. Are Turks whites or shitkins ?
Why do Italians hate butter?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Parents had me in their late 30s
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1770
Casual sex in your country
/poc/: People of Color thread!
1. Your country
Is it true that in Western eyes the countries of Eastern Europe are basically seen as small versions of Russia...
1. Cunt
Tfw you weren't born a Slav
/fr/ Fil Français
TFW 22 years old loser
Romans af
Poo in the loo screwing up his life
Finnish girls >>> White girls
Can you guess which ethnicity is my gf ?
Can some Westerner who lives alone adopt me? No gay sex
What is better for my CV ? Learn chinese or korean ?
When a pole replies to you
This is 1950s America
Why is Europe so violent?
What are your hobbies Sup Forums?
How do I learn Australian? I want to learn how to talk to some hot shee-lahs
Where should I buy a house in this country? Reasons? Anywhere under $500,000 please
You will never be a german soldier marching with your bros to stalingrad to partake in the greatest...
Mfw I'm browsing Sup Forums and I see someone post something racist/sexist/homophobic/Islamophobic/transphobic
Why always small island country create worlds standard culture? (America = England)
Why did yurop import Muslims?
Artistic art
National pride around the world
AYO HOL UP....*barks at literally nothing for several hours*....LEMME GET DIS STRAIT.....*attacks toddler unprovoked*...
I love Finland so much
/vienna/ + /bangkok/ fag general
ITT: Maps that needs to be fixed
Balt + ausnz
Can someone explain the difference between ш and щ?
Tfw no dutch gf to tuck you in at night
What happens here?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Be Italian in America
Why Korean girl is very dramatic and emotional? Very childish brain?
/v4/ + friends
Are you European?
Wtf i hate canada now
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why do Australian, Southern Californian...
Be europoor
Does your county have a problem with retarded street youth?
1. your country
I bring you more OC bigballeds
Why is int infested that much with western posters? I would like to see more Russians, Indians, Chinese here...
Do Australian women shave down under?
In denmark they throw cinnamon on male virgins to shame them
Kurva anyátok
How can an asian have light eyes?
Who would win in an all out war between these countries?
The Japanese army attacked the military base
My mum is locked in the bathroom trying to kill a little mouse
Why are African Americans so racist?
ITT: incorrect notions about your country
What's the meme . jpg/.png and meme word Sup Forums in 2016?
Do you like cholos?
How are we viewed?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Germans are INCREDIBLY rude
I have cried for like 4 hours, ask me anything
Fuck >marry >kill
Do Japanese think they're superior to other Asians?
Scientifically, why did China lag behind Europe despite being a more powerful civilization for centuries?
Sick japan
Why do you guys little disposable income? Am I talking to poor people, are you jealous of me?
His population density is higher than 4 people per square kilometer
1. You're cunt
Indonesians Cucked?
ITT: Post the greatest shithole of your country
We tried to warn you
Why are Asian men excluded from North American society and media?
/cp/ - Culture Pals: Rudolph? Edition
Live in US
Do you have a cliché dream Sup Forums?
Not being in America's top 10 favorite countries
Does any other set of countries in the world have such an unbreakable friendship as we do?
/luso/- fio lusófono
Sup Forums 2-3 years ago
What are reasons to learn Chinese that are not money/business related?
I took my ancestry test and got the results and im 26% Ashkenazi I'm wondering how the fuck is that possible when all...
/lat/ - hilo latino
1. You're a fucking cunt
/cum/ Canada Usa Mexico
What happens here
Tfw you live in a multiracial country and you can choose the girl of the race you want
Tell me about Qatar
Do you non-American's call anything "American" in the way we call "eggy bread" french toast...
Would you interbred with a Colombian girl?
Mfw the electoral college ends up voting for Hillary Clinton on the 19th and we end up having a legit civil war
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance barbelé
/deutsch/ /nachtschicht/
TFW 22 years old loser
Guess the name of the poster above you
Americans put butter in their coffees
Why is germany the best country in europe?
You may only post itt if your country has penguins
When you watch straight porn, you are basically watching a woman and a man, you get to see a man's penis and his hairy...
What's so bad about Albanians, Sup Forums ?
In my head I have always thought of the Iberian Penisula as the shitty part of Europe...
/cum/- Canada, United States, Mexico
/ita/ il filo
1. you're cunt
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Nattupplagan
Why are Norwegian women such whores?
Why do people burn it down?
Countries with high welfare have less NEETs
I don't know why I am a retard
Italian flag responds to me
Tfw you have an electric shower
Eww brazilian pizza is disgusting, i heard they put ketchup on it
He has never seen snow
Any other African Americans here?
1.your ethnicity
You may ONLY post in this thread if your country has polar bears
Is bullying common in your country?
Nordics = Atlantean gods
Is it true Mexico is the whitest latinx country?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Sverigetråden - ingen politik-upplagan
Hungary Thread
/Luso/- Fio lusófono
/afr/ - african general
Are brazilians latinos(as)?
Romance speaking countries
Hit em with that /balt/
Was it renamed in your country?
Mama mia whya isa italia soa corrupta?? Putana putana
/fr/ - /fr/acture française
Wtf how was that fair?
/deutsch/ - Volkszornausgabe
Is there a single nation that likes Romanians?
What do have the red states in common?
Are you worried about population growth?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1928
Any other countries rely on private generators?
We are going ... to make this country GREAT AGAIN
Why italians are so loud?
Serbian music
Are french people still butthurt they got btfoed twice by Germans?
Tfw you'll never live in the tropics
What is your country No.1 for?
Walk into you're room
We all know that this should be its own country but what should be its name?
Pisa 2015 results just came out
/fr/ - Le Fil de la Francophonie
How was life here?
Fish Thread
Denmark, NO!
This Brazilian has black grandfathers. Can she pass for white in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Your cunt
Are Slavic girls really are as nice (traditional, pretty, etc) as they are made out to be in Sup Forums?
Britbongs literally use stones to measure a person's' weight
/Just for spanishs thread/
Is this accurate, Sup Forums?
1. you are a country
Kurva anyátok
I'm gonna post some rromanian houses because I'm bored
Hey Russia, you having fun over there buddy?
ITT: We rate each others countries by the cars our police use
When there's a guy with the same Extra Flags as me
What is your favorite beer?
Pearl Harbor 75th anniversary
/asean/ - pls be win in aff edicion
What is your honest opinion on these fine gentlemen and their fine countries?
Beautiful forests in your country
Go to outside your commieblock apartment
How are fat girls treated in your country?
Well Sup Forums?
Be shithead tourist driving through America
My ancestors :)
/fr/ - Le Fil de la Francophonie
Master Race
/Haemus/ or /Balk/
Do you love Korea?
Who thought this was a good idea?
Add -id or -llah on you PM-President name
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Boy: "Thank you for fighting for a free Poland Mr. Lieutenant"
Why do white women look like men?
Go to shop in germany
This is leafynistan cultural ambassador
Britbongs, will you be safe?
▷your country
What is the British diaspora like in your country?
Add -nov or -vic to the end of your PM or President's family name
He takes less than 10 showers per week
Do you discriminate posters, based on their flags?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1769
Can you post ifs and webms, of blacks attacking white people?
If Sup Forums is Reddit and Sup Forums is Tumblr, what is Sup Forums?
TFW 22 years old loser
That first sip of the day
America nukes your cunt's capital city
Fuck you
ITT we pretend we're Finland
You are only allowed to post in this thread if you are America's greatest ally
Why do cuckolding and having an interracial fetish seem to be linked? I don't get it. I'm a cuckold...
Please introduce an interesting youtube video
Post japan
Name one good and one bad thing about the country of a poster above you
Sino-xenic language party
Some lady at work back from a holiday in the USA today, she was very kind and brought us back some chocolate...
What is the most aesthetically Japanese video you could find?
/lang/ Language Learning
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is your cunt doing to tackle obesity?
Why only Japanese Martial arts playing in the world?
Do you believe USA is in decline Sup Forums?
/cum/ - canada, united states, mexico
What is the international verdict on the PM of Canada?
Why is western Europe more prone to right wing populism and southern Europe is more prone to left wing populism?
Hunger games thread
Ask the Russian Strong Man anything
Every women fetishize white men
Countries with most disgusting "cultures"
Ever since I saw Hacksaw Ridge, I'm interested in the lives of normal everyday modern Japanese people
Korean women want white men
We did it boys
Why are we so superior?
Kurva anyátok
What invention did your country bring to humanity?
Hey aussies
Sup Forums moments
Whites everyone
How come communist live in the shitter but still come out as the most powerful nations?
Do other countries think we're barbaric for executing some criminals?
What's better: common law or civil law?
Be American
What is the most famous landmark or tourist attraction in your city? Here we have Los Angeles'...
Why do Koreans love us?
/Luso/- Fio lusófono
How do we fix the south?
/nachtschicht/ ehem. /deutsch/
"They're bringing drugs
What do you guys want for Christmas?
Why are they so self-hating? It's endearing in a way, but also kinda sad
How does this make you feel?
The Chinese don't exi-
Okay Sup Forums, I'm going to learn a language to absolute fluency, starting from scratch
Sverigetråden - Explosionsupplagan
Without using google, can you name 10 reasons to keep living?
Ancient finns
Wtf? I love Paris now
Do you find Churches are racially segregated i.e white church, black church, mexican church, etc ?
25+ : Downhill from here
Is she considered a national treasure in Turkey?
Canada: 70% white and falling 1% per year
1. Your country
Work at a department store
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance
What is Sup Forums studying/going to study at University?
Interracial Dating
/cp/ - Culture Pals: Back to Normal Editon
Should I kill myself
That really makes me think
I love France and Germany
Why do Italians put leafs on their pizzas?
Is beer considered uncultured man's drink in your country?
Australia is love
Was this the most cowardly attack every committed by any country?
Be britbong
Owning one of these is the ultimate first world test, do you have yours?
/balt/ + /balk/ + /v4/ autism belt
Thanks for this, Uruguay
Would you have impregnate girls from the country of the poster above you?
How is the UK viewed in your country?
Capitalism vs Communism
What does Sup Forums think of Google Translate?
How does your county deal with separatist movements?
Perfect countries don't exi-
Post little known facts of your country ITT
Is it possible to find good job without scum activity with good sallary in short time in your country?
/Luso/- Fio lusófono
Wasn't born in america
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Nattupplagan
Do you love Sup Forums?
Wtf why short guys are so sexy
Come to England and have a pint with the lads
George Papadopoulos(33) from Athens was punched in the face after being mistaken for a Middle Eastern immigrant in the...
Leave this website
Hands of Sup Forums
Why haven't you moved to another country to start a new life?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
1. Country
White "men"
Without using Google, can you name 10 famous german people?
Eyes of Sup Forums thread
ITT: Sup Forums in 1998
What a fucking shitshow
Sunset at 15:30
Guess the country
How can we save Greece?
Andrew Anglin, publisher of the Daily Stormer and boyfriend of Sinead of Firestarter Media...
/fr/ Fil Francophone
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - MO-upplagan
George Papadopoulos(33) from Athens was punched in the face after being mistook from a Middle Eastern immigrant in the...
Why are Mexicans so subhuman?
Say something nice about West Virginia
Why don't australians drink egg nog?
Postan best plug
Which country made the best martial arts and what is it?
/balt + ausnz/
What's the best way I can learn the history of every country in the world?
Paris or London?
/balt/ + /balk/ + /v4/ = /intermarium/
/deutsch/ - Bärenausgabe
/Afr/ican general
I missed those moments, could Sup Forums post their collection?
Hungary Thread
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Why are Americans in favor of European immigration, but against African and Asian immigration?
Refugees rape Swedish boy
Greeks invented modern society
What countries should a brown man avoid from vising on tours?
Anyone have any more sinaloa / marypaz
Is your country a free country for women? Can they do anything they want? Are you in favor of freedom?
Poland is white country
So what's the best type of Anarchy Sup Forums?
1. you're a cunt
Hilo latino zavalista panista calderonista
Russia is a white christian country
What do you want for christmas user?
Why are Icelandic women whores?
My calculus final is in 2 hours, how can i fake a stroke?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
Walk into you're room
/ita/ - il filo
1. Your country
Why are Greeks so antisemitic?
Without using Google, can you name 10 famous Italian people?
Would you die for your country?
What nationality was this guy again?
We post the most well known piece of media to come out of our respective countries
Hate speech
Today I saw a French girl in a store. She did my billing. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen
This is my country. Say something nice about her
Do you prefer the USA or UK?
Post Decisive Victories made by your cunt
Today im gonna tell you about my roundtrip in Turkey...
Tell me the image of Japanese that you are thinking of
Any farsi speaker can translate?
Being a kid is liking the left more. Being an adult is realizing the right makes more sense
Why do slowvakians and reeks hate cats tbqh?
1. Your cunt
TFW 22 years old loser
Lol Greece
Italian 4th most studied language
/fr/ - Le Fil de la Francophonie
Reminder that Western Animation>>Anime Degeneracy
Ok fuckers
Canacuck leader cries about rapefugees
Is Russia the most evil nation in history?
Why are Iranians such subhumans?
Good evening Sup Forums
Mfw my grandkids will probably have to grow up around shitskins, niggers, chinks and dunecoons
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post the most common traditions done in your country
Poland proved today that we stopped being the USA's bitch once and for all
Any Finnish anons here?
My gf is so ugly bros
PISA 2015 /sci/ Edition
Is Japanese English funny & strange in Sup Forums ?
I've found this strange shape while studying the map of Europe, what's that
Boobs or Ass
/deutsch/ - /bunt/
/balt/ + /balk/ + /v4/ = butthurt belt
How long till we get an anglo union?
What is this called in your nation?
Without using Google, can name 10 Russian famous pre-Soviet era people?
Mfw tens if not hundreds of comfy villages and small towns around my city
Motherfucker you have 10 (ten) seconds to justify Poland's existence
What is the greatest swedish achievement?
Is it normal for italians to just throw around flirty emoticons like without meaning anything?
This girl comes up to you and says she'll give you $5 if you give her a hug
JAPAN, more like CRAPan
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
How come you losers don't support Communism?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...