Do Australian women shave down under?
Do Australian women shave down under?
Hair armpits are gross, but bush is hot
The brown one and the one on the left are the hottest desu. I would prefer it if she shaved he pits though.
Kek, i had a pretty good laugh
I wouldn't know
Yes, it's very funny. Very funny....
>the brown one
Literally all of those women have pale skin. I'm just going to assume you mean the one in the most shade, because you're a fucking retard
third girl from the left is illegal in australia
Hair removal with a sharp blade?
You can tell she's a southeastern gook by her nipples and skin tone. Sorry you got triggered Kim.
pubic area is pretty hot 2bh
They all have more hair than me. Am I doing something wrong?
The one on the right looks like Lena Dunham.
Low testo if you're a man. Pussy faggot
Whoa, they have Lena Dunham in Mexico?
>being disgustingly hairy.
lena dunham has posed nude, she looks way, way, way worse than that
lump of clay
her body looks fucked beyond repair, she doesn't even have tits just like, lumps, despite being a fat fuck
Most do, but only when they sluting around.
disgusting as fuck
2 > 3 >>>>>> 1 >>>>>> 4
> women with hairy pubes
They look healthy and sexy.
look at the armpits
hairy armpits are god tier in women faggot
runway - 2
full shaved - 5
trimmed - 4
full bush - 1
Hair on armpits and bush aren't going to make a girl ugly.
Left is fappable tier for the body.
Hair is just a deduction in attractiveness.
effing reported.
You gon get b& OP.
>his gf need to shave to have a smooth pussy
my sister doesn't, also post more hairy
Is that your sister?
No , just a random
Is that an ass with breasts or a headless women ?
Ah, Alright
Can't you see her neck?
The pics super weird.
The neck blends with her arm.
you can see her hair just below her arm.. a.k.a. her head is bend downwards.
I agree with this.
wouldn't know honestly