Everyone one talks about white or black americans
What about native americans?
Are we sexy?
We looked at badly?
What do you think of us?
Just want the nations views
Everyone one talks about white or black americans
What about native americans?
Are we sexy?
We looked at badly?
What do you think of us?
Just want the nations views
yanks did a shite job 2bh
>Are we sexy?
Yes. Back in the twilight days all the girls here were going crazy for Taylor Lautner.
Now fuck off.
Oh yes i remember those times.
Im glad theyre over.
There is only black and white.
All those who choose to oppose the white man are inheritly black.
native american men are handsome as fuck
Inferioir to Mesoamerican Indians and drunks
t. Chicano (not mex tho)
Whenever I think of you guys I think either Dances with Wolves or Sioux on the warpath scalping and Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull. 1/64th heritage fags as well.
Irrelevant even in your own country
drunken casino jews
I find you somewhat mysterious because I only know a few north american native americans, reservations look like hellholes and I wish there was something that could be done to strengthen and improve your communities, I am also very in favor of native language preservation/revival efforts. i don't think its realistic to cling to a past that has been broken and try to fabricate missing pieces, I think it would be good if a stronger and healthier native identity and a more modern image across america began to grow out of what exists now. I saw a native american TV channel once, I didnt know there was such a thing and I thought that was pretty awesome.
t.1/65th iroquois
unironically getting rid of the reservations and special rights would actually help. Than the corrupt tribal governments wouldn't have any power and the federal government could step in and provide some actual law and order and funding.
>native american men are handsome as fuck
Just one model on google kek
>native american men are handsome as fuck
Is there anybody in these communities that you know of who are advocating for that kind of thing?
I don't really know how the politics around all of that works, for example I don't know what role casinos play or anything like that. I just don't want to see fellow americans of any background getting fucked by drugs and poverty.
The worst part is that eventually a poor community gets so fucked with drugs and mental illness and lack of education that they eventually can't even help themselves anymore, anyone born there pretty much just has to gtfo and never look back if they want a normal life, I dont mean to assume things about reservations but this is what I have seen in the places I have lived that are poor.
He isn't Native
His mom is a Senegalese Vietnamese mix and his dad is French
Reservations are strange because everyone who lives there is automatically entitled to just about every form of government assistance there is. Sometimes I wonder if the best thing would be to do away with the reservation system and see if it provides the necessary shock to get them out of stagnation. Seems like a lot of poor communities get trapped in cycles of dependency and people forget how to strive for better lives on their own.
North American Natives are better looking then South American ones, strong jaws and sharp lines.
God you're a dumbass.
Reservations were land of no economic value far from necessary income to provide for Nations. The government has taken land a way providing lots of private ownership and promising time and time again assistance but every time that happens tribes reach even more impoverishment.
It's also ignoring too that most people in the areas are far from rich, including whites. The matter of economics is first and foremost a matter of complete government sanctioned disenfranchisement followed by horrific experiences of Indian boarding schools and local people in power fucking them over every step of the way.
In the old viking sagas you were described as black and ugly guys, with ugly hair on your head, big eyes and broad faces.
Yes u are sexy af
>no homo
>white dude