Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1769

Motivation Edition

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Special Sup Forums FAQ:
>What's the point of this thread?
For learners of Japanese to come and ask questions and shitpost with other learners. Japanese people learning English can come too I guess.
>Why is it here?
The mods moved us here and won't let us go anywhere else.
>Why not use the pre-existing Japanese thread?
The cultures are completely different.
>Go back to Sup Forums
We'd like to. Bitch to the mods.

Previous thread: →

Other urls found in this thread:


you guys need to stop being lazy fucks and actually make the next thread when the previous one is about to archive

i swear to god everytime i wake up and nobody made the new thread and it's been like 3 hours

Was wondering if it was the same burger making all the threads.

The /jp/ DJTs last for 2+ days, so no need for new threads there.

this hasn't been linked

wasn't linked because last thread archived 2 hours ago. i just woke up. one of the overnight anons should have made the new thread


Shut your trap, DJT has always been like this and no one got lost. Bookmark the catalog with "DJT" in the searchfield and click it to see if the new thread has been created, it's not that hard.

>>Why is it here?
>The mods moved us here and won't let us go anywhere else.
>>Why not use the pre-existing Japanese thread?
>The cultures are completely different.
i see
why wouldn't you go to /jp/?

The mods specifically said they want us here. Some intrepid retards are going to keep making threads on /jp/ until they inevitably get banned; that has nothing to do with us.

i'm so fucking confused.

i'm trying to start building my anki deck, what am I doing wrong?

i want the options listed in THIS video

I don't have the "Japanese" type when I click the Type button on the screenshot as you can see. It's just basic. What the fuck am I doing wrong




ctrl + shift + n
manage note types.

does this look good to you?







How do I stop worrying about my JLPT results? I'm an overly sensitive faggot who hates failing and just the thought that I might have made enough stupid mistakes to make me fail makes my stomach churn. I keep questoning whether I coloured the answers properly and if I coloured some answers on the wrong line etc. I can't calm down. I know I didn't have any major problems in any of the sections, but the possibility of failure is still there.

Before anyone asks, it was N1.


hold my hand


My name is not ドットドットドットドットドットドット.

>using Yomichan
>create Japanese (recognition&recall) deck type
>try adding a word from a website to test

>it adds two cards everytime

>doesn't export the audio

i really need the audio readings in this anki deck if this is going to be useful for me.

Realize that JLPT is completely worthless unless you want a job in Japan and that your result actually doesn't matter otherwise and you'll be fine




should've studied harder faggot

should have been spending the entirety of October and November taking practice tests and J-CATs

you know you did good on the test when you're worrying about not what your grade was, but what your next step forward past the certificate is

>worthless unless you want a job in Japan

Not quite. N1 is good EJU prep if you want to study in japan as well. University isn't gonna take your ass if you can't show the receipts.

Studying is for faggots

>Studying is for faggots


Didn't you pay attention to Scar?

man the english version sounds way better

is this movie worth watching? I'm not an avid anime fan but the plot sounds interesting.

Goes to shit after an hour


> ふともも?

Anyone know what it means?

Hint: it's the best part of a female's body

Do you know how to use a dictionary?

fat peaches

if you had to move to Japan, where would you choose to make your home?

i would choose kyoto because i would want to escape westernization.

>Regarding Spanish, Thomas Jefferson told John Quincy Adams that he had learned the language over the course of nineteen days while sailing from the United States to France.
Why didn't you learn Japanese in only 19 days?

Because Spanish is piss easy

Why are you still an EOP?

>tfw stupid gringos come here and learn our language in two weeks

Sometimes I forget that DJT is filled with despair and failure, that one would assume as a successful learner of many years such as I am a mere EOP.

>should have been spending the entirety of October and November taking practice tests and J-CATs
No, he shouldn't.

Preparing for a test just in order to pass it is not really knowing a language, but rather knowing an evaluation system. It's meta-learning.

Once Finland can pass the exam, he will. Artificially inflating your potential brings no profit.

Now write that in every language you know

Somewhere people would give me free money because there's no way I'd move there if I had to become a Japan wageslave

Unfortunately, I haven't the time to dedicate an hour to writing such an lengthy tome.

>Preparing for a test just in order to pass it is not really knowing a language, but rather knowing an evaluation system. It's meta-learning.

Knowing the evaluation system is the key to victory, friend.

The frame of mind you seem to adopt where you only want to test your natural talent versus your dedicated talent is not feasible in the real, working world.

If you're taking the JLPT seriously (If you're not -- why are you taking N1?) you should know exactly what questions are coming at you before they even do.

Preparing your mind only helps when you discover those same exact situations used in the real world later on.


I took TOEFL with no preparation other than knowing English and scored >97%.

Pretending to know a language just to get your foot on the door? Pathetic.

You're gonna be shitting me if you even try pretending the real, working world isn't everybody doing the hardest they can to push metrics


The reason is that If he learned Japanese, he would become weaboo.
He didn't want to do that.

Why is dekinaichan saying such strange things?

Stop taking those drugs

If you fail, who gives a shit? Just take it again.

>australian using american VPN

Work on your reading comprehension, friend.

Is this the best language learning video ever made?


I don't click anything from this useless piece of shit anymore.
Congratulations for forcing it so much. It used to be just an okay dude learning several languages in my eyes.

No, anything with kanadajin3 is, I'm in love with her

we all do son, we all do.


She had an ex-husband

It's kind of a complex issue, but the world didn't change, it was you, so this post reads less of a critique of Steve and more of a cry of "I'm an angry, bitter hothead".

Even better

Are all leafs cucks?

Keep Sup Forums out of DJT pls

I'm just trying to drive 3DPD loving faggots out of this thread.

impossible when there's a flag above a post

Except your shitty marketing is changing the world - one user at a time.

He has never said anything useful, but neither has done anything to deserve hatred. Nevertheless, making DJT his personal revering shrine makes people who would otherwise not mind get involved.

If I'm bitter, you're the retard squeezing lemons in everyone's eyes. Go cuddle with your old man's dakimakura already or start posting actual advice.

>1492 total unique kanji
Halfway to fluency

>tfw I only know half that number and it's been two years and a half since I decided to start this journey
sometimes I feel like giving up and others I feel like it's too late for that

>it's been two years and a half since I decided to start this journey
I don't think you ever even began.

what about the memes about autists who become near fluent after little more than a year or pretty much fluent after two years?

>near fluent after little more than a year or pretty much fluent after two years?
Was that just reading stuff or could they listen/speak as well?

I don't think it makes sense to force yourself to love 2D over 3D. If you only love a character as a reaction to 3D then I feel it cheapens the relationship somewhat, similar to someone who immediately goes out with a friend after suffering a breakup out of spite. It's perfectly normal to fall in love with 3D (biology and psychology are powerful things, after all).

I don't look down on people who love 3D or anything per se, but if they shove it in my face or enact the shallow performance of mainstream "romance" then I'll (quietly) judge. Love and intimacy are such personal, subjective/individual things. I even think creating this contrast between "2D" vs "3D" is problematic. You love who you love and I think 2D/3D is an ultimately trivial dimension of affection (no pun intended). What's more meaningful than dimensionality, much like in a "real" relationship, is /why/ you love this person. What about them makes them so beautiful and unique and lovely? It's the consideration and elaboration on these aspects that make me feel like my love for this girl is powerful, real, and legitimate.

Core2k teaches 1000 kanji in 3 months, stop wasting your time with whatever method you're employing and download this motherfucker.

Literally indistinguishable

actually not

Yeah I misread 溌刺 every time

Hello Sup Forumsdjt. I'm from /jp/. Very sorry for intruding.
I'm sure you've seen this coming. The newly created /djt/ on /jp/, which also claims to be part of the /djt/ lineage, is currently the centre of attention and catching a lot of flak.
What I don't understand is, there's two of you. The /djt/ over there claims you suck. Some of them say you suck less than /jp/djt. There also have been anecdotes regarding some kind of schism between you two. There's an upheaval and lots of people are swept away by the meido.
Please do not misunderstand. I'm not here to cause trouble; I just want to understand the reason for these things happening.
There's a chance I'm making a fool out of myself trying to resolve this, and given the environment, I'd say that chance is quite high. So I'd like to ask you explicitly to answer me in earnest.
It's rude to pry, but I hope you can help me with my request. Migrations have happened in the past, and it tends the bring the worst out of /jp/ (whatever that means).
Thank you kindly in advance.

>Is a Makoto Shinkai movie worth watching?
. . .

At present, obviously, /jp/ DJT is worse than here, due to all the metaposting. Personally, I hope once things calm down and the metaposting dies out, /jp/ DJT becomes our new home. Sup Forums has some issues, namely flags, normalfags, no spoiler tags, and a lack of support or love of VNs and anime.
But the /jp/ thread is clearly unusable right now, so I'm hanging out here until the spam of metaposting stops.

I know right? The answer's obviously yes.

Can you not simply ignore the posts you dislike on here? For the flags, nobody is posting about them on here, so why do you care? Grow up.

/jp/djt: I am learning Japanese to consume untranslated Japanese media. I think DJT should be a place to discuss the Japanese language in the context of Japanese media. I believe other language-related topics of discussion such as JET and online conversation partners etc don't belong in DJT.

Sup Forumsdjt: My reasons for learning Japanese don't matter, because I believe DJT should be a general language learning thread and that all discussion pertaining to the Japanese language belongs in DJT.

JET is not DJT related, it's more japaneseスレ related. DJT should be for language learning no matter the means or the reasons. Stop trying to create a safespace for what the raw threads on Sup Forums already exist for.

Cus Thomas Jefferson was taking the piss.

Maybe we should always have two DJTs at the same time then, one that allows blogging and another specifically about learning Japanese from VNs and other weeb stuff.

DJT has been on /jp/ for about three days now. The American OP just really likes making threads here.

The cross board shitposters on /jp/ DJT will die out after a while, so all will be good.

That's insane.

>no spoiler tags
You faggots never use those correctly anyway, and /jp/ hates surprise boxes even more than greentexting.

All of that is tolerated here, the people doing it through comics simply have to stop sperging out at people trying to learn differently or for different reasons. They get respect for their posts, yet they can't offer the same in return, going so far as to create a safespace on /jp/. They need to griw the fuck up and simply collaborate with other so that we can all strive towards the same goal of learning japanese.

>The cross board shitposters on /jp/ DJT
You're the crossboarders, lad.
/jp/ has hated being a dumpster for generals since ever.

If you have a rare flag, you're not really anonymous. We do a decent job about not flagposting, but it's still like a bunch of people in the thread suddenly getting trips they didn't opt into.

You don't need anonymity to learn a fucking language. Nobody cares where you come from, and the only flagshitposting that happened since the move was because or the rare flagers pointing out their flag like stupid blogging attention whores. Grow up and learn to disregard what doesn't matter.