Would you have impregnate girls from the country of the poster above you?
Would you have impregnate girls from the country of the poster above you?
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I want to be impregnated by the country above me
>reposted sun
We don't have enough of these
only if she is below the age of 25
was that sarcasm?
only if I can name the son Osman Suleiman Marco Polo
I would never reproduce with anyone who belongs to the traitorous race of anglos even for a second
We're not allowed to pick more than two names offically. There is a saying in Turkish as "Tell this to Marko Pasha". It comes after a Greek Pasha of the Empire which served as a chief doctor. He is known for his patience.
So Marco Osman is fine for me.
dad noticed me. here have this cancer I found from lurking in other cancer generals
you have to pay first...i doubt you can though
I only have a couple of those
What's with Argentinian obsession with sun?
Yes I would.
latest /lat/ meme, it was created in hopes of reviving our thread since it's so slow nowadays
Yes, gimme blond norwegian wife.
pls dump the pepe pls
I offer two goats and a couple dozen eggs
I will put my penis inside anybody who will acknowledge me.
No I mean why do they have some fucking childish teletubbies tier sun in their fucking flag
Polish gf please
sold to the man for that and an cup of greek cofee.
i ll take polish qt though
its cute
For some reason our eagle doesn't have a lot of fanart, but we have this badass art piece of propaganda so is all fine
I thought this was Italian propaganda against Nazi Germany at first
Already did.
Allá se aceptan negros de mierda?
Thanks user keep up the work
even though we'd both be girls
i don't even know that shit hole of a country
List of countries where all the local girls deserve being bred by strong black bulls with beautiful big black monster cocks:
Great Britain of United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
United States
List goes on.
I'm putting this at the bottom of the thread because yes, I would impregnate.
>that fucking pic
>Great Britain of United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
and nobody deserves becoming a single mother full of STDs..., well, the girls that agree to fuck nogs do, but still
There is NOTHING more manly than going to foreign lands and impregnating their women.
Only if she's mixed
Faggot, Poles are not white. We are proud of our albino melanin. White girls litteraly beg me to fuck them with my BPC(big polish cock).
I know that feel.
las chicas colombianas tambien merecen ser embarazadas por el BBC
Esas tienen BBCs mas grandes que nadie
No. Polish girls are weird looking.
>no african nation posters
would impregnate anyone that I can avoid paying child support to, to be honest
user I need cum to impregnate girls, then with a hand full of cum I can do the job, can you help me?
and your kids will blame you all their life
Depends. Asian chicks are sorta most of the time but american-asian girls are hot.
if you're seen with a black, hispanics would block you.
I noticed latinos are more racist than any other race, true?
in Chile, yes
because of colombians and hatians, and of course, bolivians?
Chile is probably the least racist country in SA I know honestly
Ironically, the most racist I've seen was Paraguay.
If she's white.
no chance
i don't have any problem with chinks but no
if she is at least little bit white yes
No because children are fucking expensive.
I'll just have this guy pay for it.
Asians including SEA.
Latinos have a shit ton of different colored blacks in their countries all native from slavery times.
Oh common, give me something different than burger!
I'll impregnate you Poland. I'm not white, but I'll always be by your side. That is until you kill me
As long as she's not morbidly obese
If you are black you totally deserve my 100% mayan godly genes :^)
Sure, I love latinas.
Well honestly Leafkun. I'm more into latinas, never got the whole white women meme, even all these years later.
I am black but I never wanna rush to get a girl pregnant
>White women
We have tons of irl anime girls here.
I'm serious, I think it's best we take things slow
That's not an Asian,that's a pajeet.
Just because they have colorful hair, doee not make it anime
>non white
Sorry that's a no
Talking about yourself again?
I dont want fcking ching chongs
Spain is cute.
If she seemed pure, but I'd be cautious.
I'm not into latinos so no
>against nazi germany
and yes, Id like to impregnate a lot of girls
Well it would be easier that way, now bend over...
If she's like this I would
I'd cum with the force of thousand suns inside a br-japanese bunda
kek, 2014 br WC was GOAT
what do Indonesian women look like?