Walk into you're room

>walk into you're room
>see this
What do?

Checking for gender

Call police

We had this exact thread yesterday.


call the police


Hope its a boy and breed the boywomb thoroughly

I'll shoot her.


We have this thread everyday

This. I don't see any other option.

Wonder why there is a black woman in Mexico...

>take a pic
>post on Sup Forums
>lay down on my couch waiting for replies
>repost it everytime thread gets pruned

Penis goes in vagina. If no vagina is available, punch until it dies.

Turn 360° and walk away.

Fuck but don't impregnate. We don't need more non-whites in this country.

*throw her off bed*
"Yay, king size bed!"

get aids


Call animal surveillance service.

Hand her a bowl of eggs

Benis in bagina :DDDD

I ask who the hell changed my bed sheet for this ugly yellow one.

you'd rather have her impregnated by a black guy to produce a pure black baby?

I won't ask you any questions but you need to eat these eggs

steal her welfare check

Fuck her because I'm extremely desperate
