Itt EXTREMELY cute countries

itt EXTREMELY cute countries

I'll start

Farm Jews are cute

Finland gets so much love here on Sup Forums

That's not North Korea.

nauru :D

Australia you say? Oh yes, its right over here.


so tiny, so kawaii

>more like Liechten-klein :^)


those small fucks like luxembourg, lichtenstein or monaco are everything but cute


What about Andorra? Or San Marino?

>mfw nauru :D
Laughing my ass off.

Thank you cyka-chan


I love Estonia :3


How can countries be cute?
You niggas get dumber and dumber every day


>some sandnigger is trying to tell me to go to kc

Top kek lad

So I hear Austria is giving out free citizenship this time of year. Bin ich willkommen? :^)


Liechtenstein is a CUTE


What does it say? I don't speak Eskimo


>Nauru :D

Y-you too...!




What does nauru mean?

So cute you just want to swat them out off the air :3



>Even 300 (people) might, if necessary, die in laughter :DDD

Jordan is pretty cute ngl
over than that I'd say it's a good, well thought out map
