
are Cherlie edition

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Verpisst dich Alter, Scheisse Ausgabe..

Yeah, so I saw. I used to eat it in relative moderation, but since I came to France I'm eating a quarter loaf on average every day. Feeling bloated quite often as a result.

Bread or baguette? After switching you wont notice a difference anymore

>you will never lead a charge of Jacobite IRA radtrad weebs to defeat a horde of dog-stealing knackers, west Brits, and O'Neills in order to rescue Sersh from her prison in the tower of an underage nightclub-castle in Carlow

>fuck you old age

>tfw no average irish gf

>Bread or baguette?
Mainly bread. Only eat a baguette once a week.

Alter is slang for "man" or "lad".

had forgotten to post the latest haul

small one this time I was only out to get some grapes

ur pipes just need a good plunging bby ;)

lucky for you im a plumber

anyone know the figures for ireland's gdp after the 26% meme growth? and what our current gdp per capita is? can't really find up to date figures

>I was only out to get some grapes
I suppose you steal those too?

Plutarch is decent, give the Lives a read. Timoleon probably one of the most under rated virtuous men of antiquity.

why dont you just download e books

Eating brown bread gives you a feeling of fullness so you don`t have to eat as much and i`ve noticed that eating brown baguette helps regulate how much you eat more than normal brown bread , because you can see exactly how much you have eaten

$310bn GDP, like $70,000 per head.

GDP was estimated at about 7.8% last year realistically, so fuck knows really.

Cén fath?

I do, only from tesco though since it's a sasanach shop

read his Lives on the auld kindle a while ago

converted from ebooks to real books recently

Used to eat my grandmother's home-made soda bread when I was younger. Godly stuff with proper butter, but no good for sandwiches (which is what I mainly use bread for).

MISS good cheddar cheese.

my mother made brioche today that was quite nice , I've never eaten soda bread before

Cheddar is literally the worst cheese.
Edam is better.

got a spot of cheese on me knob if you want a nibble hun ;3


Never really been a fan of Brioche, but I strongly recommend trying home made brown/soda bread whenever you get the chance.

Anyone played XCOM 2? Any good? How's the performance?

I reckon you retain more from real books than ebooks, though I haven't tested this with much time yet, it's only been a few months
feels better reading physical as well

>dubliners literally throw bricks at the luas

I bet they're all weebs as well


Terrific edition.


>Dublin "people"



find it hard to think of one prominent person who'd make a good King on this island

>Mechagamezilla is making a new Christmas special

am hoping his next video will be less homosexual than the last one

The Halloween special one about the Daddy book?


that one

I liked the bit at the end about the other books in the series.

not liking this season of AMC's The Walking Dead™ lads

pfft nothing personal kid

>tfw he will never upload the full Jingle All the Way skit with Matthewmatosis

Despite his low subscriber count, Mecha is weirdly popular. A number of more popular non-Irish Youtubers I follow count themselves among his fans.

Nisekoi was awful but damn was it wankable.

Season 1 was okay, but then again I watched it at the tail end of a string of other, even shittier harem anime, so I'm inclined to second guess my judgement in that regard.

Season 2 was utter trash though.

(The OVAs are where the real lewd material is, just in case you're wondering).

>Ace Combat 7 is VR supported
>PS4 only


I thought it was decent.

Hate it when the girl I'm cyberstalking doesn't update her accounts at night. It means there's a chance she's out there enjoying herself. I prefer it when she shows activity after midnight, it means she's alone in her room about to have a terrible nights sleep.

is that just looking at her social media constantly then or do you actually go about anything

cyberstalking via what? Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Do you have their snapchat?

That's pretty much it. Stalking does sound a bit much for what this is.

Facebook and Tumblr. Thought I had her Twitter for a bit but it was someone else with the same name. Fairly sure she doesn't have a snapchat.

post it

Not that stupid.

are you friends and know each other in real life? or is she a dumb bitch and everything is public on her profile?

you're no fun don't mention your gay obsession with this girl again

>not owning a bloodborne machine

Don't really know her but we've met a few times.
Unfortunately she's fairly good at not posting everything about herself. Despite this, from her username alone I was able to find her full name which led to her Facebook which gave me more information.
People should really be wary of how easy it is to be tracked on the internet. Make sure to Google some of your old usernames to make sure the same can't happen to you.

how could she not have an instagram

the fact that she has a tumblr means she's probably a whale then? what shite does she post on there?

I think there's a mod like that for mount&blade

Not fat, I guess the best way to describe her is a female autist.
She still posts the usual lefty tumblr shite, it was great watching her break down when Trump won.

Fuvking knackered.

Is it kosher to put Sour Cream on your spuds?

oíche mhaith

those who hate ireland are more irish than those who dont

I don't hate Ireland, i just hate everywhere in Ireland that isn't the town where I was born and bred

This is the mark of a true Irishman

page noine save

>trying to download the newest ep of the flash
>no seeders
fuck me this is true pain it's 100kb/s, I usually get 2-4mb/s (7mb/s if it's a good connection).

page 8 save

thats my good deeds done for the night

page 9 haha


No idea how this thread is still alive.

Didn't get over run by knackers in the night lads

Morning lads

Bit of a miserable morning tbqh

>No idea
Bit rude to these two lads

Hugo Ricciardi O'Neill.

Well he appeals very much to Sup Forums's style of humor, so he's popular here in general.

wtf i hate germany now!!


There was a fat lad a minute ago wearing an American flag bandanna. Couldn't screenshot it in time.

maidin mhaith

Looking at a flat chested qt. Feel sad now.


This was WWI.

>tfw they didn't
>tfw England didn't get strafed by gott
>tfw orangemen weren't put in camps
>tfw no Irish regiment of Wehrmacht
>tfw in the end it doesn't even matter

the lads

Really dislike those with a darker complexion.

Never forget:


Disgusting nigress sitting near me. Keeps pouring water from a bottle on her hands and chewing loudly.

tell her to get out of your house ye spoon

At the uni.

tell her to get out of your country ye spoon

I don't think he's coming back.

Tried, she didn't understand. How do I say it in French?

vous le vous cu cé avec moi

Alri, she's gone now. Off to cleanse the rest of the country.

"Poutain negre vous avec Afrique"

tfw no SS Connacht, Leinster, Munster or Ulster divisions cleansing England of the English.

الحصول على اللعنة خارج

>Sup Forums's style of humor
I'd be wary of making claims like that.

>cleansing England of the English.
Germans bore no ill-will towards the ethnic English

It's a nice looking script.

Yeah in fact Hitler loved the English because they were Germanic. He really wanted them to be Axis.

>Implying we wouldn't do it on the sly