Beautiful forests in your country
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Woah (^ν^) thats so beautiful
I love forests ~ I feel one with nature when I'm walking in a forest.
Our forests aren't really pretty as japan's or germany's forests but pic related is a typical forest in the netherlands u_u
I'm surprised that Netherlands has single forest
On the topic of forests can you drop some info on aokigahara forest? Internet doesn't tell much.
i live in the greenest rainiest place of my country
we dont value our forests much
over 60% of the land is covered with this and some spruces thrown in here and there
Good thread.
>tfw studying woodland ecology
>tfw get to spend the day in the woodlands nearly everyday
when i was small i thought i want to be a forest guardian, tending to the trees, making sure the mushrooms are ok, putting sand around roots where there was some missing and helping the ants and such
Serra do Mar, tropical forest in São Paulo state.
Cubatão's river.
>he doesn't even post the redwoods
Despite the desert wasteland memes, we have many forests, with wide variety too. This one is a rain forest called Daintree.
Here is a video of a guy making a house in a rain forest in Far North Queensland, Australia as well:
I can't eat some foods.
What do you eat ordinary in your jungle?
why do japs kill themselves here??? why?
This forests seduce people to heaven
No such thing in here I'm afraid.
We have a few but mostly jungles in the South.
We actually have more than a few, large parts of both the Western and Eastern Sierra Madre were originally forests and thorn forests did once covered most of the altiplano, the inhabited regions of Mexico were overwhelmingly not semi-arid originally
no forest at all. sorry.
>OP pic looks like the suicide forest
We don't have many because we need room for houses for brown people, but our woodlands are pretty
>tfw I wanted to do this
>i chose to study Geology instead
fuck my life
All the best local woods are ones that have grown after the industry
This one is rather lovely, it's in a valley that used to be an explosives works iirc
Muir Woods a best.
nice thread lads
How tall is that thing?
I'm think that's General Sherman. It's over 2000 years old, and about 84 meters tall. It's the largest tree by volume, though it's not the tallest or thickest tree in the world.
In Gran Canaria
t. florida
america can never win this thread because we're obsessed with building ugly roads through our best forests so more people can see them
brazil's jungles have terrible farming soil
he eats canned beans and dried ramen
the black forest
the forest in the Harz