Boy: "Thank you for fighting for a free Poland Mr. Lieutenant"

>Boy: "Thank you for fighting for a free Poland Mr. Lieutenant"
>Old man: "I fought for it for you!"

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That's pretty heart-warming

All so you could bring us the witcher series

Sometimes i wish Hitler would end the job faster


Why are polish and ukrainian so similar?

Hmm Ukraine was a Polish province for 800 years guess why

They're both offshoots from Russians.

Yeah but so was Lithuania and their language is relatively unchanged

fucking cattle
all militaries should burn in hell

Belarussians are Lithuanians Lithuania just stole their heritage

t. was raped as a recruit

Was a a guard at one of those famous Polish death camps?


the kid isn't POC

so racist, I have literally flashbacks from the "Fatherland" movie about SA

But they didn't do shit? They had to be rescued

Poland failed as a country and relied on outsiders to bring it back to life

It was mistake

4th largest army by the end of ww2 kid.

Ah yes, thank the old cunt for surrendering to both the Soviets and Nazis, then be liberated by the Soviets and get RAPED by communism for the next half a century, whereas if those cowards just helped the Nazis at least the Western part of Poland would be first world.

they're both russia

really makes you feel

That's so gay



>le bombed by everyone casualy cunt


What a moment of glory for the serbian kekpire.

>Thank you for fighting for a free Poland
But he failed


We're the only true communists fuck off with empire bullshit

I'd be more scared to fight a army of little girls than a army of german xxi century males. Lol.

Man, everyone is so brave online.

I am sorry we didnet halp you thet time we fight kavkaz muslims thet americans send to russia to break her aport thets why we dident halp you we had our on problems with terrorists from kavkaz but you still hed some russian pepole in Kosovo from armennia and russia


But in the next sige of Kosovo and bosnia we Will be there to halp you just us we did in the post

>Thank you for fighting for a free Poland

A great story (o´∀`o)

Historically wrong

Another bait

t. retards
>thank the old cunt for surrendering
Did a lot more than the Brits ever did. And Poland was 1st world fucktard.

Kosovo bice serbija skoro kako krym stal snovo ruskim kosovo bice snovo serbskim
Pak Oprosti mene majko jugoslavijo ja tvoj ratnik zauvjek ne zaboravimo tebe ja nikada zuza na mojim licama ja sam placu i prokilinaju Nato kada s remove kabab??

What the fuck is with Israel ?

Not that we don't appreciate the support guys, but never thought Israel would be defending us on Sup Forums.

Better than Servia

you're russia tier

Kako si ti tovarisch?? Mojo imie i porodica rataslav ratamiroviћ rataratnikov junakoviћ Kada remova kabab brat moj Kazi mi ??



>Boy: "Thank you for fighting for a free Poland Mr. Lieutenant"
>Poland was communist country for literally 50 years
Huh really made me think

why russia didnt helped serbia during nato attack?

>ukraine was historically not a real nation
still isn't


we chrg tunks on hors polska stronk kurwaaa niemci to hcuj

Is this supposed to be edgy? I thought it was very nice

Poland didn't do shit we saved their asses. If it weren't for us you'd all be speaking German

That's a shit bait.

>If it weren't for us you'd all be speaking German

Germans are shit at lingual assimilation.
They tried for centuries and failed to do to the slavlands what the french succeeded in doing in less than 100 years to all the french lands outside of Paris or the Soviets to everything east of Kiev in about the same time.

you mean
if it wasn't for USA nothing would have been there to stop the red army from marching west and the entirety of europe would be speaking russian

Young Polacy can fight for Polska?

Poland belongs to Finland!

And now you're in EU, being ruled by Germany. Ironic, isn't it?


And the British were and are in the pockets of the kikes. Zionist scum that lot of you. Same with my shithole.

t. Mikolaj Wójcik

Present day is a picture of a German city.

Made me feel ;_;

They are both Slavic languages. Ukrainian is more related to White Russian and Russian than to Poland, since it is an East Slavic language and Polish is West Slavic. Pic related shows mutual intelligibilities.

>Poland and WW2 mentioned in the thread
>butthurt anglos appear immediately
of course
Look up the German losses during the invasion of Poland instead of spewing dumb memes.
>surrendering to both the Soviets and Nazis
It literally never happened, retard. No one ever signed any surrender declaration here, and the government operated abroad or underground instead of creating a collaborant puppet state like Vichy.
>what is the biggest resistance movement in Europe
>what is the most efficient division in the Battle of Britain

I don't understand. Was he part of the warsaw uprisings or something?