Korean women want white men

Any Koreans can tell me about megalia?

I heard it's like a Korean tumblr but except if sjw hating white men, it's Korean feminists mocking small Korean penises and celebrating white cock

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good spain, good

tell us more about this

Yea what you say are true. They are pretty much like mothers who make fucked up hapas like Elliot Rodgers

My Korean friend told me about this

Here's the website


Ran it through google translate and the little I can make out talks about how pathetic Korean penis is.

Even the logo mocks it!


It's true though

>the website is real
I knew Asian girls liked white guys but I didn't know they had their own porn websites dedicated to it. Makes sense though

you fucking wish, kek

these cunts are the equivalent of niggerworshipping tumblr deviants

hardly representative of normal women


>tfw my brother is actually dating a Korean girl


Asian have white fever worse than any other race has a fetish for another race though


From what I gather, it's not a porn site.

It's like a bizarro /r9k/ where Asian men (instead of white women) are hated and white men (instead of Asian women) are fetishized.

Apparently they really take it to the extreme though, and Korean men consider it the evilest website and are trying to get it censored

X-americans are not reprentative of normal asians t.b.h.

Now, I'm assuming you are a Korean-Canadian male and this site really bothers you

Can you tell me more about megalia?

They sound like horrible women, I don't care if I'm white I wouldn't go near such vindictive people

9/10 a white american man made this

post some of the translations about what they say?


This is a white man's website. What do you expect?

A deeper look yeah... these are miles ahead even against SJWs in being bat shit crazy!

Here's the top comment in a English language article about the website (I kind of like number 9)

>Here are some of the most infamous deeds of Megalia:
>1. They tried to ruin reputations of several men and women with false accusations, including rape allegations. >All proven false in the court of law. The infamous T-shirt sale goes to legal costs and restitution from these suit.
>2. Police is investigating a post on how to kill Korean male customers at café without getting caught. A member suggested anti-freeze, which were upvoted by many members.
>3. A kindergarten teacher was fired after posting her fantasy about raping kids under her care.
>4. This post was followed by a post by another member fantasizing of raping kids playing in the playground in front of her place: "their thing hasn't been used!", she said
>5. They tracked down a gay and forced "outing" because being gay is repulsive to them. His social reputation is ruined.
>6. A member posted pictures from her hidden camera from male public washroom. The pictures were used to demean some of male genital size on display.
>7. Another member posted a picture of her brother's genital without his consent. After making fun of his genital size, she put him up for a rape. There were many volunteers.
>8. All Korean men deserve to die; therefore, whenever there is a reported death of Korean male, there is a celebration in the group.
>9. The only male population deserves to live is Caucasian. They have large genitals and are good in the bed, unlike Koreans.

>Sup Forums

Found this


I am a white male.

How do I make myself known on this website?

what the fuck is wrong with korean women

well, that crosses Korean women off my list of potential wives

> He wants actual feminazies

I assume you should go there, learn their memes, integrate with them and then expose yourself

You'll be like Lauren Southern is to white women hating western manchildren

This is satire right?

You would think feminists would understand that generalisations are pretty dumb.


have a fun with our Sup Forums®

I mean these are probably a loud minority amongst Korean women... or not

Any Korean male can comment on this?

You mean the guy who is ruining Sup Forums?

Are you fucking serious

Fucking based, the sooner this shithole dies, the sooner I'll be free

It is another internet sub culture. Never being a mainstream.

What does that say?

Promise I won't make fun of Korean men

I've been here since 2004, user. There is no escape.

I want to meme the shit out of them.

I do not know who Lauren Southern is.

you would know what it means instantly

Question for the whites with yellow fever here: don't you feel bad for your potential sons?

I just learned of this hapa's blog from another thread and I never realized how big a deal it was.

It's all fun and games to cuck asian guys, until they become your direct descendants.

And if there is anybody here with half asian kids, how are you handling it?


+1 for that boy

>Believing miserable hapa meme as serious real


i keep wondering how she would look like with longer hair

Who are the best cucks Chink,Gook or Jap men?

I want him to pray to me while I pound his woman.

It's not hard to believe that ESL teachers who go to asia for easy pussy would be sub-optimal dads.


>>when converting that into inches

Fucking lol

korean women are best women

I know 2 guys married to asians - a chink and a jap. Both live in respective states and both said no one gives as shit about them.

>Tfw my half Korean son was bullied by the people in school for not being full Korean

Kind of wanted to beat the shit out of those kids

Not rly. They're mostly ugly my dude. They are some of the best with makeup illusions

No one cares about western Asians

well her eyes could be closer but in general she looks very nice. Everyone goes crazy abot Tzuyu but shes very good looking female

>Whites letting their women be pounded by arabs and niggas already
>Whites wanting asian men to be same as white.
What's the fucking next? Asian men pounding niggas women? we rather would choose to fucking ascend to sky and report this degenerate cuck fetish to jesus.

Jesus fucking christ.


ok what the fuck

Why wouldnt you want a female who worships you? Those seem like the best kinds of female

>why did hitler kill innocent jews instead of korean men

inevitably since people are people, you will fall short of her idealised worship image of you. and since the relationship is built on an ideal, not on a genuine desire to spend time with the person for who they are, it will fail

Look how butthurt Zhang got

I want a mentally balanced female who is kind to everyone, not some nutcase who hates men from her own country because they have a small dick

i don't think they really worship white men, they just think they're better at fucking

I suspect they hate Korean men above all.

I think they just mention white cock just to trigger them

No doubt

Poor Koreans

>female dyke prez about to be impeached
>Samsung doing horribly
>Whole country about to collapse and become Philippines tier again
>Gook girls will be traded for a can of spam
>Norks will invade and annex them

where did all these asian feminists come from

we've had brainwashing in the west for ages so thats our excuse

they sound worse than western feminists actually


Feminism is a natural reaction to the oppression of patriarchy. The more extreme the patriarchy, the more extreme feminists are. East Asia is very patriarchal at the moment.

get outta here reddit

Dunno what is your ethnic is, But that's just your wish, not reality
Fucking kek miserable sea chink. Go back to your shit munching country

Why are Koreans so cucked? This is even worse than Sweden.

to be honest korean culture (and maybe asian in general) is not very favourable towards women

>become phillipines tier again
Won't happen because the infrastructure is already in place.

Reddit is home to a shit ton of men's rights activist types. I think Tumblr is the website you're thinking of.

Most of my Korean friends married white girls. I get the feeling sjw are lonely and angry with unrealistic expectations across the globe.


yeah but niggers are niggers. you must admit that gooks are hard working.

And where's korea gonna get all those niggers from, huh?

Interracial breeding

good one


If feminist this caliber of insanity were anywhere near famous in the west as they apparently are in Korea, I think the western internet would have a complete meltdown

He's actually right though.

>Be Korean
>Family idolizes all the boys
>"Oh, you'll be a fine soldier one day!"
>"Oh, you'll grow up to be a great doctor or lawyer!"
>Act very shitty towards the girls
>"You dress like a slut."
>"Marry a rich man so you can give me lots of grand-babies."

Typical stuff like that. As you can imagine, many of my female relatives flew out to a different state or otherwise ran away from our family. Asian culture is shit. I don't care if it makes me sound like a cucked model minority. Asian culture is literally subhuman garbage. I'm so fucking glad I was born in the US, where merit is based on competence and personality, not gender and seniority. Fuck that. I'd rather die free than live a slave.

>korean culture is all asian culture

nah koreans just have a weird fucked up values system. they are chronically insecure people imo.


Nah, mate. ALL Asian cultures share this backwards sensibility. It's honestly one of the few things they have in common besides obvious physical features and geographic region.

>Seniority is everything
>Japan, Korea, China, it doesn't matter
>If you're older, people HAVE to listen to you, even if you're a useless piece of shit
>Elders revel in their social power, abusing it on a corporate, political, and domestic level
>Women are practically second-class citizens
>Not tumblr-tier bullshit either, but REAL second-class struggles that would make you furious if it happened to your mother or sister
>Gaining a foothold in a company as anything OTHER than a secretary or cubicle junkie is next to impossible
>Schools for engineering and the sciences are absolutely devoid of women, but NOT because women are usually more hesitant to enter these fields of study, but because they are figuratively, and literally, chased out by their male peers through harassment, sabotage, or other demeaning tactics
>Corporate Culture in Japan, Korea, and China maintains the position that the boss may keep you for extended periods of time in the workplace for arbitrary reasons or limiters that would be strictly taboo in a Western workforce, often without compensatory pay or financial bonus.
>They may fire you for for any and all reasons they see fit to provide
>Contracts are just words on paper
>If you're contracted to work in a law firm as a representative of legal recourse, the boss may suddenly demote you to a secretarial role for no real reason or purpose
>Last one is actually happening to my cousin right now, as we speak
>Is suing company, but hundreds of cases like these happen in Korea and Japan all year, but nothing ever really comes of them

THIS is Asian culture. Absolutely fucking disgusting. No wonder Korea just got riddled up the ass on corruption charges and embezzlement. Their entire culture is based on inherent abuse.

Wow, sounds like South Korea needs the Juche Ideology to save them.

That sounds fantastic, I hate when women act like men, or when boys (20~30yo) act like they are the smartest in the world, or demand trash like "workers rights" that destroys the economy.

wait till they find out blacks and arabs exist. game over

>Corporate Culture in Japan, Korea, and China maintains the position that the boss may keep you for extended periods of time in the workplace for arbitrary reasons
In Japan its completely legal and even mentioned in ads like "we pay for 8h - unlimited and unpayed overtime"
Also add to this
-culture of sticking to one post for a decade or two just to prove your loyality ( and destroying anyone who doesnt do that)
-junior vs seniors culture even if it doesnt come from age
-honour as a factor in a workplace

Japan is in historically a part of Korean civilization
Or we can say Japan is new-Korea
Just like America and England
Korean elite(yayoi) go to Japan and killed barbaric jomon native monkey Japanese and made Japan of nowadays.
So it's part of Korean civilization
If you think this is lie you don't know history and fact at all
This is really a truth.

Japanese Judo and jiujitsu is came from Korea to Japan.
Real name of judo is yudo.
Archaeologists have shown that cultural and technical advancement came to Korea through China. In turn, these advancements were later taken to Japan from Korea. Such advancements included unarmed combat techniques.
It is no surprise then that Korea has a rich martial arts history that includes all types of fighting skills. Though many people are familiar with Korean-style kicking and punching, most are not aware of Korean strangling, joint lock, or throwing techniques. They may not even know that the Koreans have complete unarmed fighting systems. Yudo is one such system.
During Korea's Three Kingdom Period, the Silla Kingdom (57 B.C. to 937 A.D.), developed specific throwing techniques for their Hwa Rang Do Warriors. Throwing techniques were also found in Taik Kyon, which could be considered Tae Kwon Do's predecessor. A primary throwing system, Kagju, was practiced in the Koryo Kingdom (918 A.D. to 1392 A.D.).
Many of the specifics of these techniques (but not all) would end up being lost to martial art historians. Many of them would later surface, however, in the various styles of Jujutsu in Japan.
Ironically, a complete unarmed fighting art would be reintroduced to Korea from Japan, by Jigaro Kano, after the Japanese occupation of Korea, shortly before the First World War. Jigaro Kano called his art Kodokan Judo, and it was a martial art based upon the application of scientific principles. A system specifically designed for self-defense.
True origins of judo is from Korea.
Real name of judo is YUDO.

Why japs copys Korean martial arts culture so much?
>teakwondo is original style of Japanese modern karate
>Haidong Gumdo is original style of ken jitsu
>Yudo is original style of judo.
>Guhapdo is original style of iaido
>geomdo is original style of ken do
>Hapkido is original style of aikido
>Tang Soo Do is original style of Japanese karate (not a ryukyu karate)

Gongkwon Yusul is Korean jiujitsu.

> Tae Kwon Do is the originated from ancient Korean martial arts like Taekkyeon which has a 2000years of history. And modern Japanese ”karate”is actually originated and copied from Korean tea kwon do and Taekkyeon traditions during the jap occupation of Korea at ww2.

People would say Those things are original style of jap martial arts
Yes it's true

But actually Not so. it's just Korea and japan is almost exactly the same culture . . Or very similar culture. Thats not a original style but both Korea and Japanese culture is exactly the same things which copied from great china. That is why they are look similar.
Korean culture and jap culture is almost the same things at all.

The Original Korean Martial Art - Taekkyeon is one of the most oldest and hardest martial arts.
Do you know Taekkyeon?

>You're a grill
>You want to be a lawyer or a doctor
>Your boss is only boss because he's been around since 1965, but technically speaking, there are FAR more intelligent and talented individuals under his employ who he mismanages because being boss means getting lots of money and being really powerful, even if he's not cut out for the job
>Finish med school, even though only two other women graduated with you, and one of them committed suicide because she was raped repeatedly by her professor (actually raped, not tumblr raped) and shunned after trying, and failing, to come out with it to the proper authorities
>Your male peers would literally steal your work and submit it as their own, touch you inappropriately, and threaten you with physical harm if you attempted to show any level of competence that might undermine their ability or make them appear incompetent in the eyes of the school board
>Finally graduate anyway, because you really want to be a doctor
>Sign into a very prestigious hospital in the hopes of being somebody
>Immediately, fat, disgusting boss guy relegates you to a secretary role and gives all your high priority clients to his friends and family
>Cuts your pay in half
>Asks you to stay 4 hours past your schedule with no promise of overtime or even of pay, for that matter
>You have enough
>Threaten to sue him, because it's "technically" illegal to do that
>He fires you
>You take it up to court
>He pays the judge a nice sum of money
>You're fined several thousand dollars for attempting to "frame" an honest old man who's just trying to run a nice hospital
>You commit suicide

Nah, fuck that. I don't believe in fake entitlement either, but I DO believe in "fair work for fair pay", and working 5-6 hours past your shift for no real reason other than to "make your boss happy" is legitimate bullshit. If that happened in Finland, that company would get sued PRONTO, and that company would have to pay out the ass just to be able to function.

I'm not a girl, but if I was, I'd marry a guy and be a good housewife

What's wrong with that? Women are naturally more fit to take care of the house, or interpersonal positions like secretary.

Is this the fabled psycho spammer-san?