rare farrons edition
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What does /brit/ think of Josip Broz Tito?
Hi lads
It's been a few threads
How ya been?
good thread so far
fuck everyone below this line
the five same numbers....
put on too many clothes to step outside for a smoke now i'm hot but really cba to go back inside and take anything off
hang them for high treason
balkan castro
Check em
making a post
doing a reply
VERY close, but there's no participation awards in the GET competitions.
Balls of steel to stand up to the man of steel himself, Stalin
Odd how Stalin didn't just kill him like he did anyone else who tried to retain a modicum of power
all me
>hang them for high treason
corporations are literally arms of government power
they are no more traitors than the Barons and Counts were in medieval Europe.
HATE new zealand posters
they called it la terreur for a reason mon ami
or I'll end you
pic related: its me
when were you when a fan remake is the best metroid game in 22 years
Have an exam tomorrow and still haven't studied the hardest part
Tito was a much stronger ruler than Castro
Tito had to hold together a bunch of groups that wanted to genocide one another
Castro got a backwater that only had importance because of its close proximity to the US
Nothing went through Cuba
Plenty of shit went through the Balkans
I might actually fail 4/6 courses
tim and mummy circa 1992
are you me?
tim and mummy circa 1992 haha what am i like
>tfw to intelligent to do poorly in any of my courses even though i do almost no coursework
LindyBeige; thoughts?
Are you in your 4th year?
you will be spared
when was this?
I fucking hate school and should have dropped out in my 1st year
when am2r came out
2nd out of 3
It only gets worse
this image was made by a uk news outlet
Beige power?
>i attended cegep
lads what's the website where you can wait for gets
>canadian humour
it's very good if a bit anticlimactic
getting my daily dose of Neistat and Atwood lads
I wish I would have just gone to college instead of doing a 4 year degree
I never liked school and the only year i ever did well was grade 12
What a fucking mistake getting myself into this shit
And if i drop out, ive spent 40k+ on loans and money paid by my uncle for rent
And all my family excited for me to graduate in april
Fuck my life
downloading an arcade emulator so i can play racing games on it
*blocks your path*
*pantses you*
mate that is A E S
DAE outrun??
Do the normdoms still believe that ending apartheid was a good idea? SA seems kinda shit rn if im honest with you.
the leaf's was over 65 minutes
maximum tune 2 and initial arcade stage
gas the upper class
literally me except I already graduated and only have 1000$ in debt left
no don't
uh ohhh
potato crisps
someone pls reply to this
is it autistic to come out in favor of apartheid?
*blocks your path*
bet you thought i was gonna say zuu
Don't know how to tell my family I'm not going to graduate on time
I feel so defeated
u fukin wot m8
*slaughters the kulaks*
you're not having my phone cunt
fucking love Outrun
have you played the PC remastering called Cannonball, identical game but with a track creator, custom music and better resolution.
Just tell them straight up next time you speak with them in fact place a call in the morning to your parents and tell them
The longer you put it off the worse it will be
give us your FUCKING phone alri?!
fuck the 4 year undergraduate degree
i already fucked it by changing my mind a bunch and nobody cares
that was ironic mate
*crosses a name off the goodboy list*
thank you user
fuck you then shithead
I love arcades
practically grew up in an arcade
>Islamic leaders in Australia have backed a campaign to produce an alternative to Peppa Pig set in a "predominantly Muslim town".
i like how big this tim is
bigger tims are more important
post exemplary canadians
i'll start: youtube.com
going in uni is retarded unless you plan on studying math or engineering and not EE or CE because those jobs will all be outsourced or work visa'd to pajeets
business is another acceptable option so long as you realize that networking there is far more important than anything you'll learn in the lecture hall
"Come here often?"
i really can't think of anything good to post so i'll just settle with this
what do you imagine he meant by this?
Hate mallards
r alex
apparently off camera he just kept downing the milk between shots so they had to buy loads
wife's new chebs
extraordinarily attractive for a british woman
my Katana is nicer than his
its marbled Damascus steel and a much more solid, engraved handle
that's a lot of milk
Welsh supremacy
What was your happiest moment so far this week?