Paris or London?
Paris or London?
Both, homosexually.
>Algiers 2.0 or Islamabad 2.0
Neither desu mate
uk as a whole is too dystopian, i'd take current france over it any day
france is also nicer country
Have you ever been to Paris? I like France way more than the UK but London is definitely the better city, I've been to both multiple times.
London is such a surveillance state shithole that they even joke about it in my Chinese Cartoons
>oh no people can see me in public
This guy gets it.
London is a great world city, and Paris is a third world shithole. Getting the train at St. Pancras and walking off at Gare du Nord is surreal, those two cities are just not on the same tier.
Would say Paris because the architecture is better conserved.
Sadly both cities have lost their charm tho, thanks to mass tourism and immigration
Polish here, Paris desu
drink a shot everytime in london when you see the text "CCTV"
Antwerp or London
>British flag
>"Polish here"
The city of Paris itself is better than London but the bad banlieues are far worse than anywhere in London. Paris is a better place to visit and London is a better place to live.
t. Londoner
Literally every summer when whole Europe has vacation, German autobahns are full of British cars and trucks going to Poland.
London every time.
Yes and guess what fatty? Not only do we have a much lower murder rate than you we also haven't had a terrorist attack in more than a decade.
If you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear
I just go back from London last week, it was my first visit.
I didn't see much of tourists, London Eye doesn't have any one lining up, museums are nice and again, no lines
transportation is easy and very well organized, clean and on time
people are very polite, they stop walking and move aside when they text their phone, I like that.
literally only whites who work white collar job, and brown skin on any blue collar jobs.
I stayed only in zone 1 though, loved the place.
I've been to both. London was clearly superior.
both better than Abuja 2.0
i believed you until you said there was no lines
London is packed literally all year around, come home mate what you doing in france