
neet edition

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>Applicants with formal tertiary qualifications need not apply.
ah yes


wish i was dead

MASSIVE crack of thunder
shit my pants

where do you find such jobs, feel like I've fucked it by not going to uni. Everytime I go looking, even for what seems like the most basic of jobs, they expect some meme degree

you in brisbane?


>aussie depression hours

Mental that someday I might see poleaboo living on the streets in the centre of Manchester on my way to work.


>Plants can learn despite absence of brain, UWA study suggests
>Plants have memory and can learn to associate separate events based on their association with past occurrences, a West Australian researcher says.

Reminder that being vegetarian/vegan is akin to slaughtering a calf with a bread knife and eating its still-beating heart as its warm blood spews out across the room

my bicep is so small i can almost wrap my entire hand around it, yet i could still clobber the fuck out of the lot of yous

>see poleaboo
better get a wiggle on

>tfw you wake up and are still alive

why has no one murdered me in my sleep yet?


didn't hear anything


i love veal

he'll never have the bottle to kill himself

i only eat rocks and minerals

only oldfags will get this meme


this was on the MCA website

fuck off murderer

am northside

business idea: deliver-to-door service for killing people peacefully in their sleep

good taste


looks like you've run out of options kiddo, you just have to admit that you were lying

Considering hiring a hitman to kill me

more like fuckinghamshite

why did I do a fucking meme degree

>tfw Saudi Arabia are really keen on destroying Muslim historical sites and even want to demolish Mohammed's tomb

worst thing about storms is when i can hear all the poor doggos who get locked outside at night

>not doing a traditional field of engineering

good. fuck islam.

fucking hell this one's a loud one

ah yes

>not doing physics

engineering is physics with application

>Go to Centra
>Pick apple juice for 50p
>Go to checkout
>Want to pay with card
>"Sorry, there will be 50p surcharge for transaction"
>Turn 720 degrees, put it back on shelf, leave
>Go across the road and buy it from Tesco

I completely forgot why I don't visit small shops any more, but thankfully Centra was happy to remind me.
Seriously I can't even remember how cash looks like any more. It's all digital to me.

this graph is wrong
t. on the left


would rather top myself iah

is it illegal to sell prescription only medicine?

>not studying the science of economics

lads, im doing some reading and i cant understand

gordon brown, was he pro european and euro, or an eurosceptic lad?

>"We don't like pseudo-scientific fringe thinkers"
ah yes


>Kwame Appiah
could a name BE more ghanaian?

he was a sceptic europhile m8

Voted out of the EU so the toffs get it worse desu.




reminder to those who haven't already voted to vote

best /brit/ gimmick of 2016

The Jews have won

Some notable 'micks missing here

have not read a single post in this thread

why do people blame the jews for this?

could do with a "mbu" or two

started half of these


sexual inferiority complex

fuck it all
I'm sitting on a goldmine and nowhere to offload it without becoming an outlaw

Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies [sic] that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive ”
—Barbara Lerner Spectre, IBA-News, 2010.[3]

so he was like fuck the euro but ill fucks with the eu?

what have you got lad?

>muh multiculturalism

countries have never had one single homogeneous culture

>there are 100s of 1000s of young poo in loo women on this island
>not dating one

Pic related
Explain yourselves cucks

my semen smells strongly of mushrooms


proper choon
(fuck scots tho)

he was both, and neither

(to stop trolling you I consider him pro eu)

>Thailand floods: Severe flooding due to heavy rains kills 14 people, officials say
Hopefully the nonce got his number punched

I want my kids to have blue eyes

>100s of 1000s
jesus that typing

this patrician right here knows what's good

fuck off racists

>no virgin walk/stare
delete it and try again lad

I'd go out with a white, paki or asian.

I want my kids to be the same race as me



I knew you were not honest with me. I rather was expecting a fellow to jump in not understanding your sarcasm, saying "Hurr durr the fuck ur talking about, gordon is derp herp"

Thank you for your honesty.

its not my test and its been out for a few days, wanker
besides, virgin walk/stare has only been around for a few weeks, not notable enough, try again next year

>paki or asian
There is no difference hun

Indians, Pakis and Arabs are Caucasian.

>woman with moustaches

late entries have always been accepted you newrunt

UK: Conditional monarchy, representative democracy
EU: Multinational bloc, technocratic political-econonic union
USA: Federalised Republic

are there any direct democracies in the West at all?

>not notable enough

Um yes there is sweetie? xx

switzerland you bellend

they're all shite

made the mistake of going near an open window. the lighting crack almost made me deaf

t. Abdul Mohammed Mohammed

me in response to normies

*constitutional not conditional haha


direct democracy is a meme

Poo in loo women are best, user

I've gotten sweet with my local paki shopkeepers daughter

they only have a few referendums each year, it's not fully direct

The AI's will soon rise and we will live under the Machine God.

The EU is the biggest democracy on Earth

>Up until 1933, Papua New Guinea used seashells as their national currency
