Ukrane is soon to die

Since 2016 Ukraine have lost nearly 15% of its 1992 population – a cumulative loss of slightly more than 7mn people (If Crimea is included loss of population would be 10mn).

By 2020 there will likely be less than 40 million left in ukraine. Moreover with ukraine started down the path of EU membership (visa free travels will be implemented soon) experience from slovakia and poland shows that this will likely accelerate the already happening depopulation.

With this is mind i'll ask Sup Forums a few questions

1: How does russians(and other east europeans) feel about the soon to come death of hohols?

2: How do you Hohols feel about ukraine being depopulated?

3: Why is ukraine today just as poor as when the soviet union collapsed even all central asian shitholes have done better

4: What should be done with some of the most furtile and ressource rich lands in europe now that hohols is going to die? Which people deserve it as lebensraum ?

Ukrainian women are hot. I'm all for them coming to Finland as long as they aren't bydlos.

Populations decline in ukraine compared to russia

Aren't you afraid that this will dumbing down Finland?

Finland have the highest IQ in europe while ukrainians have the lowest

>3: Why is ukraine today just as poor as when the soviet union collapsed even all central asian shitholes have done better
>4: What should be done with some of the most furtile and ressource rich lands in europe now that hohols is going to die? Which people deserve it as lebensraum ?

>as long as they aren't bydlos

As long as they don't represent the really sterotypically Slavic section of the population it's not an issue.

Everything you need to know

Also the late post soviet baby boom that all ex soviet states experienced starting in 2005-06 is already over: the natural population figures have gotten worse every year since 2012. Given the country’s age structure (i.e. the very small number of young women about to enter their childbearing years) there’s little chance they’ll meaningfully improve ever again.

Westerners should rather help their brothers of race in Ukraine instead of sending food and medicine to Africans in order to make them growing their population of niggers.

Do you know if ukraine is good for sex tourism?

Like colonizing them?

>less than 1% of the population of Lviv is Polish
How do you justify annexing it?
And if your point is "it used to belong to us" then I guess Russia and Germany also have the right to annex Poland in return.

people are dumb

Well Gdansk used to be mainly german speaking Dreams sometimes come true=DDD

working age population

Smaller populations means their gdp per capita will be higher, maybe they will finally beat Moldova

Big countries are better off with less people. Makes them more comfy.



>1: How does russians(and other east europeans) feel about the soon to come death of hohols?

hi please answer my question

less people - more job

Did you know that China's per capita GDP is only about $6300 in a country of almost 2 billion people.


The ones dying are the ones in the east where Russian and chechen "volunteers" are gleefully murdering their ukrainian brethren just to spite the west and to ensure that Ukraine reminds a broken buffer state.

Also Ukraine is basically what Russia would have been if it didn't have oil to prop itself up.

>Why is ukraine today just as poor as when the soviet union collapsed even all central asian shitholes have done better

Because those asian shitholes have resources. Ukraine really doesn't have anything except for good soil. But producing food is not a way to get rich anymore.

>hohol trash dying
>eu gets fucked even more

all according to keikaku

We are best friends with Putin now.

>Ukraine really doesn't have anything except for good soil
They have coal and iron, but this isn't the 1850s.

t. jeff monson

t. Russian

How do we know he is Russian? He said hohol.

The main problem is a low birth rate not casulties in the donbass..... only 10000 people have died in the conflict that is minuscule compared to the general negative population growth in ukraine

why wouldn't they be? they probably don't know any better

The reason why Russia historically wanted that clay was for farmland, because Russia proper is a poor place for agriculture.

Never trust a Russian.

This will improve along with perspectives.
Just like it could improve elsewhere in Europe if some sort of support for families were forthcoming instead of corporate welfare.

Why Norway is experiencing so about Ukraine? Anyway, you will not live there, there is quite sucks climate.

Ukraine is Russian proper though.

ukraine has one problem and its wh*te problem

It should be split between Russia/Poland/Lithuania/Romania.

Lithuania doesn't even border the Ukraine, bad plan

>It should be split between Russia/Poland/Lithuania/Romania.
Why Lithuania and not Belarus?

But if i don't want live there, user?

Can we get a small port too?

Every part of Ukraine has a negative natural growth rate.

trying to recreate the Polish and lithuanian empire isn't gonna happen bydlo

check the flag

We should split it with our polish friends and make a buffer zone.


Better than the current situation

Belarus gets a piece then. I just count it as Russia anyways

You live in Donetsk, so you already do

Yes. You can get Odessa port

I think Russia will keep Crimea and the rebellion in Donbass will be shudown as part of the deal for Ukraine to accept the loss of Crimea.
It will probably happen with the support of the new French president (that right wing guy they call neoThatcher) and Trump .
Merkel will say she doesn't like it but will fold in exchange for French support on other issues.

Poland please get back Lwów! Why is the birthplace of the great Stanisław Lem got some unwashed cockholes?

I wish Ukraine was an overcrowded country like Asia and Africa because Ukrainian women are goddesses and the more Ukrainian women there are the better is the world.

Really interesting thing is that Ukraine is worse than some African countries yet they have no kids at all, usually 3rd worlders have 15 kids

Because Stalislav Lem born in city founded by Kievan Knyaz' Daniil Galitsky, you dumb latent faggot :)

I believe we should send its young female population to the United States, to save them from Russian occupation

its the only way

shit borders

once they are in US, they have no reason to go with virgin neckbeards

fortunately only half of that applies to me

Eastern Europe is a post-commie shitpile and the climate isn't so inviting compared to Africa.

Protip: Human beings like warmth, not living in a winter hellscape like Russia.

wow they're qt

here you are


When you create a similar thread, Ukrainians unpleasant. Please be tolerant.

>polish friends
not this time russkiy, first ukraine and after that you against us, right?

Climate in most of Ukraine is perfectly fine rofl

Why would you compare decent countries like slovakia and chech republic to ukraine?

>Since 2016 Ukraine have lost nearly 15% of its 1992 population
No they did not. You probably meant by 2016? An big part of this are breakaway Crimea (2 mil) and Donbass (7 mil) regions

Also why the hell is Sevastopol marked yellow on your map?

I don't give a shit what our stupid gov't will doing next thing, rly.
But my own thoughts is about split this shithole between Russia/Poland etc.

my anti-russia shield is gonna die

but now seriously, no joke, i feel sorry for people from there
ukraine doesnt deserve the situation they are right now
no contry deserve that if you think a contry deserve that you are brainless


Are hohols better or worse than balkanites?

Say shithole one more time and I will do this.

they are still all slavs so they are both worse

they have no turkish addmixture

Yes, but they have more of slavic one.

>almost 2 billion
it's like you can't count

I meant by and donbass and crimea is not included! read the fucking post

mind posting which is which at least?

>make a buffer zone.
That's not how a buffer zone works.

I prefer hohols even now

You finns too. Everyone assumes I'm local when I'm there lol. Russian clay


Daily reminder Ukraine will NEVER join the EU

This happens to all white countries currently. Low birth rates

Why the Poles hate Ukrainians?

>Daily reminder Ukraine will NEVER join the EU

My sister move from Kiev to krym and shes Ukraina not russian she said best day of her live she happy now

My brothers still fucking beliving this fat fucking zion jew parasenko :( how can i convinced my older brothers and sisters to move to russia or to poland ?? Halp guys ??

All Ukrinian here support you russia make russia Great

Because of the brutal massacres I suppose.

ConAgra corporate employee here.

We're planning on buying land worth into the hundreds of millions in Ukraine next year. American corporate capitalism knows no bounds.

Russia is sort of blocking it with the whole contested territory stuff.

Soon they will anderstend it i anderstend it long time ego our pepole need to biled Ukraina by our hands and power and our only pepole not fucking amerikans And german and jews

>supports GMOs

brave new world, here we come

mutual and not on polish territory

did you know that china tends to make up its statistics to look good?

I'd rather split Russia with Ukraine

There has not been any research to date showing harm from GMOs

How can you support this fucking jew ?? Parasenko ?? I am Your diaspara i Ask this Becoz fucking Kiev control by jews and not simpele jews zion jews the worst of all :( i feel sorry for you bro

daily reminder to kill yourself, galician scum

Good. It should look like this anyways



I am ukrinian and i wont to split poland with germania and russia it will be the best just like us we did in the old time :) germania lets split poland ??

Looks perfect tbf